提交 662adf3b 编写于 作者: L LinJiawei

Dispatch: fix flush bug

上级 b2e6921e
......@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ class BrqPtr extends XSBundle {
def needBrFlush(redirectTag: BrqPtr): Bool = this < redirectTag
def needFlush(redirect: Valid[Redirect]): Bool = {
redirect.valid && (redirect.bits.isException || needBrFlush(redirect.bits.brTag))
override def toPrintable: Printable = p"f:$flag v:$value"
......@@ -73,7 +79,6 @@ class Brq extends XSModule {
class BrqEntry extends Bundle {
val ptrFlag = Bool()
val npc = UInt(VAddrBits.W)
val misPred = Bool()
val exuOut = new ExuOutput
......@@ -99,16 +104,16 @@ class Brq extends XSModule {
// dequeue
val headIdx = headPtr.value
var commitIdx = WireInit(headIdx)
val misPredVec = VecInit(brQueue.map(_.exuOut.redirect.isMisPred))
def needCheckNext(idx: UInt): Bool = {
(stateQueue(idx).isWb && !brQueue(idx).misPred) || stateQueue(idx).isCommit
(stateQueue(idx).isWb && !misPredVec(idx)) || stateQueue(idx).isCommit
var checkNext = WireInit(needCheckNext(headIdx))
for(i <- 1 until redirctWindowSize){
val idx = commitIdx + i.U
val commitThis = checkNext && stateQueue(idx).isWb && brQueue(idx).misPred
val commitThis = checkNext && stateQueue(idx).isWb && misPredVec(idx)
commitIdx = Mux(commitThis,
......@@ -120,6 +125,7 @@ class Brq extends XSModule {
val deqValid = !stateQueue(headIdx).isIdle && commitIsHead && brCommitCnt=/=0.U
val commitValid = stateQueue(commitIdx).isWb
val commitEntry = brQueue(commitIdx)
val commitIsMisPred = commitEntry.exuOut.redirect.isMisPred
brCommitCnt := brCommitCnt + io.bcommit - deqValid
......@@ -127,7 +133,6 @@ class Brq extends XSModule {
assert(brCommitCnt+io.bcommit >= deqValid)
io.inOrderBrInfo.valid := deqValid
io.inOrderBrInfo.bits := commitEntry.exuOut.brUpdate
io.inOrderBrInfo.bits.isMisPred := commitEntry.misPred
XSDebug(p"headIdx:$headIdx commitIdx:$commitIdx\n")
XSDebug(p"headPtr:$headPtr tailPtr:$tailPtr\n")
......@@ -149,13 +154,12 @@ class Brq extends XSModule {
headPtr := headPtrNext
io.redirect.valid := commitValid && commitEntry.misPred && !io.roqRedirect.valid
io.redirect.valid := commitValid && commitIsMisPred && !io.roqRedirect.valid
io.redirect.bits := commitEntry.exuOut.redirect
io.out.valid := commitValid
io.out.bits := commitEntry.exuOut
io.outOfOrderBrInfo.valid := commitValid
io.outOfOrderBrInfo.bits := commitEntry.exuOut.brUpdate
io.outOfOrderBrInfo.bits.isMisPred := commitEntry.misPred
p"commit branch to roq, mispred:${io.redirect.valid} pc=${Hexadecimal(io.out.bits.uop.cf.pc)}\n"
......@@ -185,8 +189,11 @@ class Brq extends XSModule {
p" pc=${Hexadecimal(exuWb.bits.uop.cf.pc)} pnpc=${Hexadecimal(brQueue(wbIdx).npc)} target=${Hexadecimal(exuWb.bits.redirect.target)}\n"
stateQueue(wbIdx) := s_wb
brQueue(wbIdx).exuOut := exuWb.bits
brQueue(wbIdx).misPred := brQueue(wbIdx).npc =/= exuWb.bits.redirect.target
val exuOut = WireInit(exuWb.bits)
val isMisPred = brQueue(wbIdx).npc =/= exuWb.bits.redirect.target
exuOut.redirect.isMisPred := isMisPred
exuOut.brUpdate.isMisPred := isMisPred
brQueue(wbIdx).exuOut := exuOut
......@@ -228,8 +235,8 @@ class Brq extends XSModule {
XSInfo(debug_brq_redirect, p"brq redirect, target:${Hexadecimal(io.redirect.bits.target)}\n")
val fire = io.out.fire()
val predRight = fire && !commitEntry.misPred
val predWrong = fire && commitEntry.misPred
val predRight = fire && !commitIsMisPred
val predWrong = fire && commitIsMisPred
val isBType = commitEntry.exuOut.brUpdate.btbType===BTBtype.B
val isJType = commitEntry.exuOut.brUpdate.btbType===BTBtype.J
val isIType = commitEntry.exuOut.brUpdate.btbType===BTBtype.I
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Dispatch1 extends XSModule{
// check whether valid uops are canceled
val cancelled = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, Bool()))
for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
cancelled(i) := io.redirect.valid
cancelled(i) := io.fromRename(i).bits.brTag.needFlush(io.redirect)
XSDebug(io.redirect.valid, p"pc=${Hexadecimal(io.fromRename(i).bits.cf.pc)} brTag:${io.redirect.bits.brTag}\n")
......@@ -100,7 +100,10 @@ class FreeList extends XSModule with HasFreeListConsts {
headPtr := Mux(io.redirect.valid, // mispredict or exception happen
FreeListPtr(!tailPtr.flag, tailPtr.value),
headPtrNext // replay
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