未验证 提交 64056bed 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu 提交者: GitHub

backend,rs: move select logic to stage 0 (#1023)

This commit moves issue select logic in reservation stations to stage 0
from stage 1. It helps timing of stage 1, which load-to-load requires.

Now, reservation stations have the following stages:

* S0: enqueue and wakeup, select. Selection results are RegNext-ed.
* S1: data/uop read and data bypass. Bypassed results are RegNext-ed.
* S2: issue instructions to function units.
上级 a792bcf1
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class DataArray(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
val waddr = io.write.map(_.addr) ++ io.multiWrite.map(_.addr(i)) ++ delayedWaddr
val wdata = io.write.map(_.data(i)) ++ io.multiWrite.map(_.data) ++ delayedWdata
val dataModule = Module(new AsyncRawDataModuleTemplate(UInt(params.dataBits.W), params.numEntries, io.read.length, wen.length))
val dataModule = Module(new SyncRawDataModuleTemplate(UInt(params.dataBits.W), params.numEntries, io.read.length, wen.length))
dataModule.io.rvec := VecInit(io.read.map(_.addr))
io.read.map(_.data(i)).zip(dataModule.io.rdata).foreach{ case (d, r) => d := r }
dataModule.io.wen := wen
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class PayloadArray[T <: Data](gen: T, params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters)
// read ports
io.read.map(_.data).zip(io.read.map(_.addr)).map {
case (data, addr) => data := Mux1H(addr, payload)
case (data, addr) => data := Mux1H(RegNext(addr), payload)
XSError(PopCount(addr) > 1.U, p"raddr ${Binary(addr)} is not one-hot\n")
......@@ -97,50 +97,28 @@ class ReservationStationWrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with
params.numEnq += 1
def addEarlyWakeup(num: Int) = {
params.numFastWakeup += num
def addWakeup(num: Int) = {
params.numWakeup += num
def canAccept(fuType: UInt): Bool = {
def intSrcCnt = {
def fpSrcCnt = {
def numOutFastWakeupPort = {
if (params.fixedLatency >= 0) params.numDeq else 0
def numExtFastWakeupPort = {
if (params.exuCfg.get == LdExeUnitCfg) params.numDeq else 0
def numAllFastWakeupPort = numOutFastWakeupPort + numExtFastWakeupPort
def numIntWbPort = {
def canAccept(fuType: UInt): Bool = params.exuCfg.get.canAccept(fuType)
def intSrcCnt = params.exuCfg.get.intSrcCnt
def fpSrcCnt = params.exuCfg.get.fpSrcCnt
def numOutFastWakeupPort: Int = if (params.fixedLatency >= 0) params.numDeq else 0
def numExtFastWakeupPort: Int = if (params.exuCfg.get == LdExeUnitCfg) params.numDeq else 0
def numAllFastWakeupPort: Int = numOutFastWakeupPort + numExtFastWakeupPort
def numIntWbPort: Int = {
val privatePort = params.exuCfg.get.writeIntRf && params.exuCfg.get.wbIntPriority <= 1
if (privatePort) params.numDeq else 0
def numFpWbPort = {
def numFpWbPort: Int = {
val privatePort = params.exuCfg.get.writeFpRf && params.exuCfg.get.wbFpPriority <= 1
if (privatePort) params.numDeq else 0
def wbIntPriority = params.exuCfg.get.wbIntPriority
def wbFpPriority = params.exuCfg.get.wbFpPriority
def wbIntPriority: Int = params.exuCfg.get.wbIntPriority
def wbFpPriority: Int = params.exuCfg.get.wbFpPriority
override def toString: String = params.toString
......@@ -271,7 +249,7 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
statusArray.io.flush := io.flush
* S0: Update status (from dispatch and wakeup)
* S0: Update status (from dispatch and wakeup) and schedule possible instructions to issue.
// enqueue from dispatch
select.io.validVec := statusArray.io.isValid
......@@ -286,9 +264,9 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
statusArray.io.update(i).enable := io.fromDispatch(i).fire()
statusArray.io.update(i).addr := select.io.allocate(i).bits
statusArray.io.update(i).data.valid := true.B
statusArray.io.update(i).data.scheduled := (if (params.delayedRf) needFpSource(i) else false.B)
statusArray.io.update(i).data.blocked := (if (params.checkWaitBit) io.fromDispatch(i).bits.cf.loadWaitBit else false.B)
statusArray.io.update(i).data.credit := (if (params.delayedRf) Mux(needFpSource(i), 2.U, 0.U) else 0.U)
statusArray.io.update(i).data.scheduled := params.delayedRf.B && needFpSource(i)
statusArray.io.update(i).data.blocked := params.checkWaitBit.B && io.fromDispatch(i).bits.cf.loadWaitBit
statusArray.io.update(i).data.credit := Mux(params.delayedRf.B && needFpSource(i), 2.U, 0.U)
statusArray.io.update(i).data.srcState := VecInit(io.fromDispatch(i).bits.srcIsReady.take(params.numSrc))
statusArray.io.update(i).data.psrc := VecInit(io.fromDispatch(i).bits.psrc.take(params.numSrc))
statusArray.io.update(i).data.srcType := VecInit(io.fromDispatch(i).bits.ctrl.srcType.take(params.numSrc))
......@@ -313,12 +291,6 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
statusArray.io.wakeup(i).bits := wakeupDest(i)
* S1: scheduler (and regfile read)
// pipeline registers for stage one
val s1_out = Wire(Vec(params.numDeq, Decoupled(new ExuInput)))
// select the issue instructions
// Option 1: normal selection (do not care about the age)
select.io.request := statusArray.io.canIssue
......@@ -326,14 +298,25 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
val enqVec = VecInit(doEnqueue.zip(select.io.allocate.map(_.bits)).map{ case (d, b) => Mux(d, b, 0.U) })
val oldestSel = AgeDetector(params.numEntries, enqVec, statusArray.io.flushed, statusArray.io.canIssue)
// send address to read uop and data
// For better timing, we read the payload array before we determine which instruction to issue.
// In this way, selection and payload read happen simultaneously.
for (i <- 0 until params.numDeq) {
payloadArray.io.read(i).addr := select.io.grant(i).bits
payloadArray.io.read(params.numDeq).addr := oldestSel.bits
* S1: read uop and data
val issueVec = Wire(Vec(params.numDeq, Valid(UInt(params.numEntries.W))))
// When the reservation station has oldestFirst, we need to issue the oldest instruction if possible.
// However, in this case, the select policy always selects at maximum numDeq instructions to issue.
// Thus, we need an arbitration between the numDeq + 1 possibilities.
// For better performance, we always let the last issue port be the victim.
def doIssueArbitration(oldest: Valid[UInt], in: Seq[ValidIO[UInt]], out: Seq[ValidIO[UInt]]): Bool = {
def doIssueArbitration(oldest: Valid[UInt], in: Vec[ValidIO[UInt]], out: Vec[ValidIO[UInt]]): Bool = {
require(in.length == out.length)
in.zip(out).foreach{ case (i, o) => i <> o }
out := in
// When the oldest is not matched in in.dropRight(1), we always select the oldest.
// We don't need to compare the last selection here, because we will select the oldest when
// either the last matches the oldest or the last does not match the oldest.
......@@ -348,14 +331,10 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
// returns whether the oldest is selected
val oldestOverride = doIssueArbitration(oldestSel, select.io.grant, issueVec)
val oldestOverride = doIssueArbitration(RegNext(oldestSel), RegNext(select.io.grant), issueVec)
// For better timing, we read the payload array before we determine which instruction to issue.
// In this way, selection and payload read happen simultaneously.
for (i <- 0 until params.numDeq) {
payloadArray.io.read(i).addr := select.io.grant(i).bits
payloadArray.io.read(params.numDeq).addr := oldestSel.bits
// pipeline registers for stage one
val s1_out = Wire(Vec(params.numDeq, Decoupled(new ExuInput)))
// Do the read data arbitration
s1_out.zip(payloadArray.io.read.dropRight(1)).foreach{ case (o, r) => o.bits.uop := r.data }
when (oldestOverride) {
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class SelectPolicy(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
class AgeDetector(numEntries: Int, numEnq: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
class AgeDetector(numEntries: Int, numEnq: Int, regOut: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val enq = Vec(numEnq, Input(UInt(numEntries.W)))
val deq = Input(UInt(numEntries.W))
......@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ class AgeDetector(numEntries: Int, numEnq: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends
VecInit((0 until numEntries).map(j => get_next_age(i, j))).asUInt.andR
io.out := RegNext(nextBest)
XSError(VecInit(age.map(v => VecInit(v).asUInt.andR)).asUInt =/= io.out, "age error\n")
io.out := (if (regOut) RegNext(nextBest) else nextBest)
XSError(VecInit(age.map(v => VecInit(v).asUInt.andR)).asUInt =/= RegNext(nextBest), "age error\n")
object AgeDetector {
def apply(numEntries: Int, enq: Vec[UInt], deq: UInt, canIssue: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters): Valid[UInt] = {
val age = Module(new AgeDetector(numEntries, enq.length))
val age = Module(new AgeDetector(numEntries, enq.length, regOut = false))
age.io.enq := enq
age.io.deq := deq
val out = Wire(Valid(UInt(deq.getWidth.W)))
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class StatusArray(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
io.isValid := VecInit(statusArray.map(_.valid)).asUInt
io.canIssue := VecInit(statusArray.map(_.valid).zip(readyVec).map{ case (v, r) => v && r}).asUInt
io.canIssue := VecInit(statusArrayNext.map(_.valid).zip(readyVecNext).map{ case (v, r) => v && r}).asUInt
io.isFirstIssue := VecInit(io.issueGranted.map(iss => Mux1H(iss.bits, statusArray.map(_.isFirstIssue))))
io.flushed := flushedVec.asUInt
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