未验证 提交 5d6ad649 编写于 作者: W William Wang 提交者: GitHub

chore: remove sc too many fail assertion (#1514)

* chore: remove sc too many fail assertion

* chore: use XSWarn()
上级 23aecacf
......@@ -488,11 +488,11 @@ class MainPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends DCacheModule with HasPerfEvents {
when (s3_sc_fail) {
debug_sc_fail_addr := s3_req.addr
debug_sc_fail_cnt := 1.U
XSWarn(s3_sc_fail === 100.U, p"L1DCache failed too many SCs in a row 0x${Hexadecimal(debug_sc_fail_addr)}, check if sth went wrong\n")
assert(debug_sc_fail_cnt < 100.U, "L1DCache failed too many SCs in a row")
// assert(debug_sc_fail_cnt < 100.U, "L1DCache failed too many SCs in a row")
val banked_amo_wmask = UIntToOH(s3_req.word_idx)
// val banked_wmask = s3_banked_store_wmask
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