提交 570ceca1 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into opt-redirect

......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import scala.math.max
class FetchPacket extends XSBundle {
val instrs = Vec(PredictWidth, UInt(32.W))
val mask = UInt(PredictWidth.W)
val pdmask = UInt(PredictWidth.W)
// val pc = UInt(VAddrBits.W)
val pc = Vec(PredictWidth, UInt(VAddrBits.W))
val pnpc = Vec(PredictWidth, UInt(VAddrBits.W))
......@@ -82,15 +83,12 @@ class BranchPrediction extends XSBundle with HasIFUConst {
val firstBankHasHalfRVI = Bool()
val lastBankHasHalfRVI = Bool()
def lastHalfRVIMask = Mux(firstBankHasHalfRVI, UIntToOH((bankWidth-1).U),
Mux(lastBankHasHalfRVI, UIntToOH((PredictWidth-1).U),
// assumes that only one of the two conditions could be true
def lastHalfRVIMask = Cat(lastBankHasHalfRVI.asUInt, 0.U(7.W), firstBankHasHalfRVI.asUInt, 0.U(7.W))
def lastHalfRVIClearMask = ~lastHalfRVIMask
// is taken from half RVI
def lastHalfRVITaken = ParallelORR(takens & lastHalfRVIMask)
def lastHalfRVITaken = (takens(bankWidth-1) && firstBankHasHalfRVI) || (takens(PredictWidth-1) && lastBankHasHalfRVI)
def lastHalfRVIIdx = Mux(firstBankHasHalfRVI, (bankWidth-1).U, (PredictWidth-1).U)
// should not be used if not lastHalfRVITaken
......@@ -100,13 +98,14 @@ class BranchPrediction extends XSBundle with HasIFUConst {
def realBrMask = brMask & lastHalfRVIClearMask
def realJalMask = jalMask & lastHalfRVIClearMask
def brNotTakens = ~realTakens & realBrMask
def brNotTakens = ~takens & realBrMask
def sawNotTakenBr = VecInit((0 until PredictWidth).map(i =>
(if (i == 0) false.B else ParallelORR(brNotTakens(i-1,0)))))
// def hasNotTakenBrs = (brNotTakens & LowerMaskFromLowest(realTakens)).orR
def unmaskedJmpIdx = ParallelPriorityEncoder(takens)
def saveHalfRVI = (firstBankHasHalfRVI && (unmaskedJmpIdx === (bankWidth-1).U || !(ParallelORR(takens)))) ||
(lastBankHasHalfRVI && unmaskedJmpIdx === (PredictWidth-1).U)
// if not taken before the half RVI inst
def saveHalfRVI = (firstBankHasHalfRVI && !(ParallelORR(takens(bankWidth-2,0)))) ||
(lastBankHasHalfRVI && !(ParallelORR(takens(PredictWidth-2,0))))
// could get PredictWidth-1 when only the first bank is valid
def jmpIdx = ParallelPriorityEncoder(realTakens)
// only used when taken
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class BPUStage3 extends BPUStage {
val predecode = Input(new Predecode)
val realMask = Input(UInt(PredictWidth.W))
val prevHalf = Input(new PrevHalfInstr)
val prevHalf = Flipped(ValidIO(new PrevHalfInstr))
val recover = Flipped(ValidIO(new CfiUpdateInfo))
val s3IO = IO(new S3IO)
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class BPUStage3 extends BPUStage {
val brPred = (if(EnableBPD) tageTakens else bimTakens).asUInt
val loopRes = (if (EnableLoop) loopResp else VecInit(Fill(PredictWidth, 0.U(1.W)))).asUInt
val prevHalfTaken = s3IO.prevHalf.valid && s3IO.prevHalf.taken
val prevHalfTaken = s3IO.prevHalf.valid && s3IO.prevHalf.bits.taken
val prevHalfTakenMask = prevHalfTaken.asUInt
val brTakens = ((brs & brPred | prevHalfTakenMask) & ~loopRes)
// VecInit((0 until PredictWidth).map(i => brs(i) && (brPred(i) || (if (i == 0) prevHalfTaken else false.B)) && !loopRes(i)))
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ class BPUStage3 extends BPUStage {
// targets would be lost as well, since it is from btb
// unless it is a ret, which target is from ras
when (prevHalfTaken && !rets(0)) {
targets(0) := s3IO.prevHalf.target
targets(0) := s3IO.prevHalf.bits.target
// Wrap tage resp and tage meta in
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ abstract class BaseBPU extends XSModule with BranchPredictorComponents with HasB
// from if4
val predecode = Input(new Predecode)
val realMask = Input(UInt(PredictWidth.W))
val prevHalf = Input(new PrevHalfInstr)
val prevHalf = Flipped(ValidIO(new PrevHalfInstr))
// to if4, some bpu info used for updating
val bpuMeta = Output(Vec(PredictWidth, new BpuMeta))
......@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ class IFUIO extends XSBundle
class PrevHalfInstr extends XSBundle {
val valid = Bool()
val taken = Bool()
val ghInfo = new GlobalHistory()
val fetchpc = UInt(VAddrBits.W) // only for debug
val idx = UInt(VAddrBits.W) // only for debug
val pc = UInt(VAddrBits.W)
val npc = UInt(VAddrBits.W)
val target = UInt(VAddrBits.W)
val instr = UInt(16.W)
val ipf = Bool()
......@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
val if1_valid = !reset.asBool && GTimer() > 500.U
val if1_npc = WireInit(0.U(VAddrBits.W))
val if2_ready = WireInit(false.B)
val if1_fire = if1_valid && (if2_ready || if1_flush) && (inLoop || io.icacheReq.ready)
val if2_allReady = WireInit(if2_ready && (inLoop || io.icacheReq.ready))
val if1_fire = if1_valid && (if2_allReady || if1_flush)
// val if2_newPtr, if3_newPtr, if4_newPtr = Wire(UInt(log2Up(ExtHistoryLength).W))
......@@ -131,12 +132,12 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
//********************** IF2 ****************************//
val if2_valid = RegInit(init = false.B)
val if3_ready = WireInit(false.B)
val if2_fire = if2_valid && if3_ready && !if2_flush
val if2_fire = if2_valid && if3_ready
val if2_pc = RegEnable(next = if1_npc, init = resetVector.U, enable = if1_fire)
val if2_snpc = snpc(if2_pc, inLoop)
val if2_predHist = RegEnable(if1_gh.predHist, enable=if1_fire)
if2_ready := if2_fire || !if2_valid || if2_flush
when (if1_fire) { if2_valid := if1_valid }
if2_ready := if3_ready || !if2_valid
when (if1_fire) { if2_valid := true.B }
.elsewhen (if2_flush) { if2_valid := false.B }
.elsewhen (if2_fire) { if2_valid := false.B }
......@@ -147,31 +148,37 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
// if taken, bp_redirect should be true
// when taken on half RVI, we suppress this redirect signal
if2_redirect := if2_fire && if2_bp.taken
if2_redirect := if2_valid && if2_bp.taken
npcGen.register(if2_redirect, if2_bp.target)
if2_predicted_gh := if2_gh.update(if2_bp.hasNotTakenBrs, if2_bp.takenOnBr)
//********************** IF3 ****************************//
// if3 should wait for instructions resp to arrive
val if3_valid = RegInit(init = false.B)
val if4_ready = WireInit(false.B)
val if3_fire = if3_valid && if4_ready && (inLoop || io.icacheResp.valid) && !if3_flush
val if3_allValid = if3_valid && (inLoop || io.icacheResp.valid)
val if3_fire = if3_allValid && if4_ready
val if3_pc = RegEnable(if2_pc, if2_fire)
val if3_predHist = RegEnable(if2_predHist, enable=if2_fire)
if3_ready := if3_fire || !if3_valid || if3_flush
when (if3_flush) { if3_valid := false.B }
.elsewhen (if2_fire) { if3_valid := true.B }
.elsewhen (if3_fire) { if3_valid := false.B }
if3_ready := if4_ready && (inLoop || io.icacheResp.valid) || !if3_valid
when (if3_flush) {
if3_valid := false.B
}.elsewhen (if2_fire && !if2_flush) {
if3_valid := true.B
}.elsewhen (if3_fire) {
if3_valid := false.B
val if3_bp = bpu.io.out(1)
if3_predicted_gh := if3_gh.update(if3_bp.hasNotTakenBrs, if3_bp.takenOnBr)
val prevHalfInstrReq = Wire(new PrevHalfInstr)
val prevHalfInstrReq = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(ValidUndirectioned(new PrevHalfInstr)))
// only valid when if4_fire
val hasPrevHalfInstrReq = prevHalfInstrReq.valid
val if3_prevHalfInstr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new PrevHalfInstr))
val if3_prevHalfInstr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(ValidUndirectioned(new PrevHalfInstr)))
// 32-bit instr crosses 2 pages, and the higher 16-bit triggers page fault
val crossPageIPF = WireInit(false.B)
......@@ -179,28 +186,30 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
val if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr = if3_prevHalfInstr.valid
// the previous half of RVI instruction waits until it meets its last half
val if3_prevHalfInstrMet = if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && (if3_prevHalfInstr.pc + 2.U) === if3_pc && if3_valid && (inLoop || io.icacheResp.valid)
val if3_prevHalfInstrMet = if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.npc === if3_pc && if3_valid
// set to invalid once consumed or redirect from backend
val if3_prevHalfConsumed = if3_prevHalfInstrMet && if3_fire
val if3_prevHalfFlush = if4_flush
when (hasPrevHalfInstrReq) {
if3_prevHalfInstr := prevHalfInstrReq
when (hasPrevHalfInstrReq && !if3_prevHalfFlush) {
if3_prevHalfInstr.valid := true.B
}.elsewhen (if3_prevHalfConsumed || if3_prevHalfFlush) {
if3_prevHalfInstr.valid := false.B
when (hasPrevHalfInstrReq) {
if3_prevHalfInstr.bits := prevHalfInstrReq.bits
// when bp signal a redirect, we distinguish between taken and not taken
// if taken and saveHalfRVI is true, we do not redirect to the target
def if3_nextValidPCNotEquals(pc: UInt) = !if2_valid || if2_valid && if2_pc =/= pc
val if3_prevHalfMetRedirect = if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && if3_prevHalfInstrMet && if3_prevHalfInstr.taken && if3_nextValidPCNotEquals(if3_prevHalfInstr.target)
val if3_prevHalfNotMetRedirect = if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && !if3_prevHalfInstrMet && if3_nextValidPCNotEquals(if3_prevHalfInstr.pc + 2.U)
val if3_prevHalfMetRedirect = if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && if3_prevHalfInstrMet && if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.taken && if3_nextValidPCNotEquals(if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.target)
val if3_prevHalfNotMetRedirect = if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && !if3_prevHalfInstrMet && if3_nextValidPCNotEquals(if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.npc)
val if3_predTakenRedirect = !if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && if3_bp.taken && if3_nextValidPCNotEquals(if3_bp.target)
val if3_predNotTakenRedirect = !if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && !if3_bp.taken && if3_nextValidPCNotEquals(snpc(if3_pc, inLoop))
// when pendingPrevHalfInstr, if3_GHInfo is set to the info of last prev half instr
// val if3_ghInfoNotIdenticalRedirect = !if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr && if3_GHInfo =/= if3_lastGHInfo && enableGhistRepair.B
if3_redirect := if3_fire && (
if3_redirect := if3_valid && (
// prevHalf is consumed but the next packet is not where it meant to be
// we do not handle this condition because of the burden of building a correct GHInfo
// prevHalfMetRedirect ||
......@@ -220,7 +229,7 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
if1_npc := if3_prevHalfInstr.target
}.else */
when (if3_prevHalfNotMetRedirect) {
if3_target := if3_prevHalfInstr.pc + 2.U
if3_target := if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.npc
}.elsewhen (if3_predTakenRedirect) {
if3_target := if3_bp.target
}.elsewhen (if3_predNotTakenRedirect) {
......@@ -237,7 +246,7 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
//********************** IF4 ****************************//
val if4_pd = RegEnable(pd.io.out, if3_fire)
val if4_ipf = RegEnable(icacheResp.ipf || if3_prevHalfInstrMet && if3_prevHalfInstr.ipf, if3_fire)
val if4_ipf = RegEnable(icacheResp.ipf || if3_prevHalfInstrMet && if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.ipf, if3_fire)
val if4_acf = RegEnable(icacheResp.acf, if3_fire)
val if4_crossPageIPF = RegEnable(crossPageIPF, if3_fire)
val if4_valid = RegInit(false.B)
......@@ -250,10 +259,14 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
val if4_predHist = RegEnable(if3_predHist, enable=if3_fire)
// wait until prevHalfInstr written into reg
if4_ready := (if4_fire && !hasPrevHalfInstrReq || !if4_valid || if4_flush) && GTimer() > 500.U
when (if4_flush) { if4_valid := false.B }
.elsewhen (if3_fire) { if4_valid := true.B }
.elsewhen (if4_fire) { if4_valid := false.B }
if4_ready := (io.fetchPacket.ready && !hasPrevHalfInstrReq || !if4_valid) && GTimer() > 500.U
when (if4_flush) {
if4_valid := false.B
}.elsewhen (if3_fire && !if3_flush) {
if4_valid := Mux(if3_pendingPrevHalfInstr, if3_prevHalfInstrMet, true.B)
}.elsewhen (if4_fire) {
if4_valid := false.B
val if4_bp = Wire(new BranchPrediction)
if4_bp := bpu.io.out(2)
......@@ -281,47 +294,50 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
// we need this to tell BPU the prediction of prev half
// because the prediction is with the start of each inst
val if4_prevHalfInstr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new PrevHalfInstr))
val if4_prevHalfInstr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(ValidUndirectioned(new PrevHalfInstr)))
val if4_pendingPrevHalfInstr = if4_prevHalfInstr.valid
val if4_prevHalfInstrMet = if4_pendingPrevHalfInstr && (if4_prevHalfInstr.pc + 2.U) === if4_pc && if4_valid
val if4_prevHalfInstrMet = if4_pendingPrevHalfInstr && if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.npc === if4_pc && if4_valid
val if4_prevHalfConsumed = if4_prevHalfInstrMet && if4_fire
val if4_prevHalfFlush = if4_flush
val if4_takenPrevHalf = WireInit(if4_prevHalfInstrMet && if4_prevHalfInstr.taken)
val if4_takenPrevHalf = WireInit(if4_prevHalfInstrMet && if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.taken)
when (if3_prevHalfConsumed) {
if4_prevHalfInstr := if3_prevHalfInstr
if4_prevHalfInstr.valid := if3_prevHalfInstr.valid
}.elsewhen (if4_prevHalfConsumed || if4_prevHalfFlush) {
if4_prevHalfInstr.valid := false.B
prevHalfInstrReq := 0.U.asTypeOf(new PrevHalfInstr)
when (if4_fire && if4_bp.saveHalfRVI) {
val idx = if4_bp.lastHalfRVIIdx
prevHalfInstrReq.valid := true.B
// this is result of the last half RVI
prevHalfInstrReq.taken := if4_bp.lastHalfRVITaken
prevHalfInstrReq.ghInfo := if4_gh
prevHalfInstrReq.newPtr := DontCare
prevHalfInstrReq.fetchpc := if4_pc
prevHalfInstrReq.idx := idx
prevHalfInstrReq.pc := if4_pd.pc(idx)
prevHalfInstrReq.target := if4_bp.lastHalfRVITarget
prevHalfInstrReq.instr := if4_pd.instrs(idx)(15, 0)
prevHalfInstrReq.ipf := if4_ipf
when (if3_prevHalfConsumed) {
if4_prevHalfInstr.bits := if3_prevHalfInstr.bits
prevHalfInstrReq.valid := if4_fire && if4_bp.saveHalfRVI
val idx = if4_bp.lastHalfRVIIdx
// this is result of the last half RVI
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.taken := if4_bp.lastHalfRVITaken
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.ghInfo := if4_gh
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.newPtr := DontCare
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.fetchpc := if4_pc
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.idx := idx
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.pc := if4_pd.pc(idx)
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.npc := if4_pd.pc(idx) + 2.U
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.target := if4_bp.lastHalfRVITarget
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.instr := if4_pd.instrs(idx)(15, 0)
prevHalfInstrReq.bits.ipf := if4_ipf
def if4_nextValidPCNotEquals(pc: UInt) = if3_valid && if3_pc =/= pc ||
!if3_valid && (if2_valid && if2_pc =/= pc) ||
!if3_valid && !if2_valid
val if4_prevHalfNextNotMet = hasPrevHalfInstrReq && if4_nextValidPCNotEquals(prevHalfInstrReq.pc+2.U)
val if4_prevHalfNextNotMet = hasPrevHalfInstrReq && if4_nextValidPCNotEquals(prevHalfInstrReq.bits.pc+2.U)
val if4_predTakenRedirect = !hasPrevHalfInstrReq && if4_bp.taken && if4_nextValidPCNotEquals(if4_bp.target)
val if4_predNotTakenRedirect = !hasPrevHalfInstrReq && !if4_bp.taken && if4_nextValidPCNotEquals(if4_snpc)
// val if4_ghInfoNotIdenticalRedirect = if4_GHInfo =/= if4_lastGHInfo && enableGhistRepair.B
if4_redirect := if4_fire && (
if4_redirect := if4_valid && (
// when if4 has a lastHalfRVI, but the next fetch packet is not snpc
if4_prevHalfNextNotMet ||
// if4_prevHalfNextNotMet ||
// when if4 preds taken, but the pc of next fetch packet is not the target
if4_predTakenRedirect ||
// when if4 preds not taken, but the pc of next fetch packet is not snpc
......@@ -332,9 +348,10 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
val if4_target = WireInit(if4_snpc)
when (if4_prevHalfNextNotMet) {
if4_target := prevHalfInstrReq.pc+2.U
}.elsewhen (if4_predTakenRedirect) {
// when (if4_prevHalfNextNotMet) {
// if4_target := prevHalfInstrReq.pc+2.U
// }.else
when (if4_predTakenRedirect) {
if4_target := if4_bp.target
}.elsewhen (if4_predNotTakenRedirect) {
if4_target := if4_snpc
......@@ -377,7 +394,7 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
when(inLoop) {
io.icacheReq.valid := if4_flush
}.otherwise {
io.icacheReq.valid := if1_valid && if2_ready
io.icacheReq.valid := if1_valid && (if2_ready || if1_flush)
io.icacheResp.ready := if4_ready
io.icacheReq.bits.addr := if1_npc
......@@ -427,19 +444,19 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
pd.io.prev.valid := if3_prevHalfInstrMet
pd.io.prev.bits := if3_prevHalfInstr.instr
pd.io.prev.bits := if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.instr
// if a fetch packet triggers page fault, set the pf instruction to nop
when (!if3_prevHalfInstrMet && icacheResp.ipf) {
val instrs = Wire(Vec(FetchWidth, UInt(32.W)))
(0 until FetchWidth).foreach(i => instrs(i) := ZeroExt("b0010011".U, 32)) // nop
pd.io.in.data := instrs.asUInt
}.elsewhen (if3_prevHalfInstrMet && (if3_prevHalfInstr.ipf || icacheResp.ipf)) {
}.elsewhen (if3_prevHalfInstrMet && (if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.ipf || icacheResp.ipf)) {
pd.io.prev.bits := ZeroExt("b0010011".U, 16)
val instrs = Wire(Vec(FetchWidth, UInt(32.W)))
(0 until FetchWidth).foreach(i => instrs(i) := Cat(ZeroExt("b0010011".U, 16), Fill(16, 0.U(1.W))))
pd.io.in.data := instrs.asUInt
when (icacheResp.ipf && !if3_prevHalfInstr.ipf) { crossPageIPF := true.B } // higher 16 bits page fault
when (icacheResp.ipf && !if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.ipf) { crossPageIPF := true.B } // higher 16 bits page fault
//Performance Counter
......@@ -454,6 +471,7 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
// io.fetchPacket.valid := if4_valid && !io.redirect.valid
fetchPacketWire.instrs := if4_pd.instrs
fetchPacketWire.mask := if4_pd.mask & (Fill(PredictWidth, !if4_bp.taken) | (Fill(PredictWidth, 1.U(1.W)) >> (~if4_bp.jmpIdx)))
fetchPacketWire.pdmask := if4_pd.mask
loopBufPar.noTakenMask := if4_pd.mask
fetchPacketWire.pc := if4_pd.pc
......@@ -504,19 +522,19 @@ class IFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst
XSDebug("[IF3][redirect]: v=%d, prevMet=%d, prevNMet=%d, predT=%d, predNT=%d\n", if3_redirect, if3_prevHalfMetRedirect, if3_prevHalfNotMetRedirect, if3_predTakenRedirect, if3_predNotTakenRedirect)
// XSDebug("[IF3][prevHalfInstr] v=%d redirect=%d fetchpc=%x idx=%d tgt=%x taken=%d instr=%x\n\n",
// prev_half_valid, prev_half_redirect, prev_half_fetchpc, prev_half_idx, prev_half_tgt, prev_half_taken, prev_half_instr)
XSDebug("[IF3][ prevHalfInstr] v=%d taken=%d fetchpc=%x idx=%d pc=%x tgt=%x instr=%x ipf=%d\n",
if3_prevHalfInstr.valid, if3_prevHalfInstr.taken, if3_prevHalfInstr.fetchpc, if3_prevHalfInstr.idx, if3_prevHalfInstr.pc, if3_prevHalfInstr.target, if3_prevHalfInstr.instr, if3_prevHalfInstr.ipf)
XSDebug("[IF3][if3_prevHalfInstr] v=%d taken=%d fetchpc=%x idx=%d pc=%x tgt=%x instr=%x ipf=%d\n\n",
if3_prevHalfInstr.valid, if3_prevHalfInstr.taken, if3_prevHalfInstr.fetchpc, if3_prevHalfInstr.idx, if3_prevHalfInstr.pc, if3_prevHalfInstr.target, if3_prevHalfInstr.instr, if3_prevHalfInstr.ipf)
XSDebug("[IF3][if3_prevHalfInstr] v=%d taken=%d fetchpc=%x idx=%d pc=%x npc=%x tgt=%x instr=%x ipf=%d\n\n",
if3_prevHalfInstr.valid, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.taken, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.fetchpc, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.idx, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.pc, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.npc, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.target, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.instr, if3_prevHalfInstr.bits.ipf)
XSDebug("[IF4][predecode] mask=%b\n", if4_pd.mask)
XSDebug("[IF4][snpc]: %x, realMask=%b\n", if4_snpc, if4_mask)
XSDebug("[IF4][bp] taken=%d jmpIdx=%d hasNTBrs=%d target=%x saveHalfRVI=%d\n", if4_bp.taken, if4_bp.jmpIdx, if4_bp.hasNotTakenBrs, if4_bp.target, if4_bp.saveHalfRVI)
XSDebug("[IF4][redirect]: v=%d, prevNotMet=%d, predT=%d, predNT=%d\n", if4_redirect, if4_prevHalfNextNotMet, if4_predTakenRedirect, if4_predNotTakenRedirect)
XSDebug(if4_pd.pd(if4_bp.jmpIdx).isJal && if4_bp.taken, "[IF4] cfi is jal! instr=%x target=%x\n", if4_instrs(if4_bp.jmpIdx), if4_jal_tgts(if4_bp.jmpIdx))
XSDebug("[IF4][if4_prevHalfInstr] v=%d taken=%d fetchpc=%x idx=%d pc=%x tgt=%x instr=%x ipf=%d\n",
if4_prevHalfInstr.valid, if4_prevHalfInstr.taken, if4_prevHalfInstr.fetchpc, if4_prevHalfInstr.idx, if4_prevHalfInstr.pc, if4_prevHalfInstr.target, if4_prevHalfInstr.instr, if4_prevHalfInstr.ipf)
XSDebug("[IF4][ prevHalfInstrReq] v=%d taken=%d fetchpc=%x idx=%d pc=%x npc=%x tgt=%x instr=%x ipf=%d\n",
prevHalfInstrReq.valid, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.taken, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.fetchpc, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.idx, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.pc, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.npc, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.target, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.instr, prevHalfInstrReq.bits.ipf)
XSDebug("[IF4][if4_prevHalfInstr] v=%d taken=%d fetchpc=%x idx=%d pc=%x npc=%x tgt=%x instr=%x ipf=%d\n",
if4_prevHalfInstr.valid, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.taken, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.fetchpc, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.idx, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.pc, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.npc, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.target, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.instr, if4_prevHalfInstr.bits.ipf)
XSDebug(io.fetchPacket.fire(), "[IF4][fetchPacket] v=%d r=%d mask=%b ipf=%d acf=%d crossPageIPF=%d\n",
io.fetchPacket.valid, io.fetchPacket.ready, io.fetchPacket.bits.mask, io.fetchPacket.bits.ipf, io.fetchPacket.bits.acf, io.fetchPacket.bits.crossPageIPFFix)
......@@ -7,13 +7,25 @@ import xiangshan._
import utils._
import xiangshan.backend.fu.HasExceptionNO
class IbufPtr extends CircularQueuePtr(IbufPtr.IBufSize) { }
object IbufPtr extends HasXSParameter {
def apply(f: Bool, v: UInt): IbufPtr = {
val ptr = Wire(new IbufPtr)
ptr.flag := f
ptr.value := v
class IBufferIO extends XSBundle {
val flush = Input(Bool())
val in = Flipped(DecoupledIO(new FetchPacket))
val out = Vec(DecodeWidth, DecoupledIO(new CtrlFlow))
class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
class Ibuffer extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
val io = IO(new IBufferIO)
class IBufEntry extends XSBundle {
......@@ -41,52 +53,56 @@ class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
// Ibuffer define
val ibuf = Mem(IBufSize, new IBufEntry)
val ibuf_valid = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(IBufSize)(false.B)))
val head_ptr = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(IBufSize).W))
val tail_ptr = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(IBufSize).W))
val head_ptr = RegInit(IbufPtr(false.B, 0.U))
val tail_ptr = RegInit(IbufPtr(false.B, 0.U))
val enqValid = !io.flush && !ibuf_valid(tail_ptr + PredictWidth.U - 1.U)
val deqValid = !io.flush && ibuf_valid(head_ptr)
val validEntries = distanceBetween(tail_ptr, head_ptr) // valid entries
val enqValid = IBufSize.U - PredictWidth.U >= validEntries
val deqValid = validEntries > 0.U
// Enque
io.in.ready := enqValid
when(io.in.fire) {
var enq_idx = WireInit(tail_ptr)
val enq_vec = Wire(Vec(PredictWidth, UInt(log2Up(IBufSize).W)))
for(i <- 0 until PredictWidth) {
if (i == 0) {
enq_vec(i) := tail_ptr.value
} else {
enq_vec(i) := tail_ptr.value + PopCount(io.in.bits.pdmask(i-1, 0))
when(io.in.fire && !io.flush) {
for(i <- 0 until PredictWidth) {
var inWire = Wire(new IBufEntry)
val inWire = Wire(new IBufEntry)
inWire := DontCare
ibuf_valid(enq_idx) := io.in.bits.mask(i)
inWire.inst := io.in.bits.instrs(i)
inWire.pc := io.in.bits.pc(i)
inWire.pnpc := io.in.bits.pnpc(i)
inWire.brInfo := io.in.bits.bpuMeta(i)
inWire.pd := io.in.bits.pd(i)
inWire.ipf := io.in.bits.ipf
inWire.acf := io.in.bits.acf
inWire.crossPageIPFFix := io.in.bits.crossPageIPFFix
ibuf(enq_idx) := inWire
enq_idx = enq_idx + io.in.bits.mask(i)
when(io.in.bits.mask(i)) {
inWire.inst := io.in.bits.instrs(i)
inWire.pc := io.in.bits.pc(i)
inWire.pnpc := io.in.bits.pnpc(i)
inWire.brInfo := io.in.bits.bpuMeta(i)
inWire.pd := io.in.bits.pd(i)
inWire.ipf := io.in.bits.ipf
inWire.acf := io.in.bits.acf
inWire.crossPageIPFFix := io.in.bits.crossPageIPFFix
ibuf(enq_vec(i)) := inWire
tail_ptr := enq_idx
tail_ptr := tail_ptr + PopCount(io.in.bits.mask)
// Deque
when(deqValid) {
val validVec = UIntToMask(validEntries, DecodeWidth)
io.out.zipWithIndex.foreach{case (e, i) => e.valid := validVec(i)}
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
val head_wire = head_ptr + i.U
val head_wire = head_ptr.value + i.U
val outWire = WireInit(ibuf(head_wire))
io.out(i).valid := ibuf_valid(head_wire)
when(ibuf_valid(head_wire) && io.out(i).ready) {
ibuf_valid(head_wire) := false.B
io.out(i).bits.instr := outWire.inst
io.out(i).bits.pc := outWire.pc
// io.out(i).bits.exceptionVec := Mux(outWire.ipf, UIntToOH(instrPageFault.U), 0.U)
......@@ -101,7 +117,7 @@ class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
io.out(i).bits.brUpdate.bpuMeta := outWire.brInfo
io.out(i).bits.crossPageIPFFix := outWire.crossPageIPFFix
head_ptr := head_ptr + io.out.map(_.fire).fold(0.U(log2Up(DecodeWidth).W))(_+_)
head_ptr := head_ptr + PopCount(io.out.map(_.fire))
}.otherwise {
io.out.foreach(_.valid := false.B)
io.out.foreach(_.bits <> DontCare)
......@@ -109,10 +125,10 @@ class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
// Flush
when(io.flush) {
ibuf_valid.foreach(_ := false.B)
head_ptr := 0.U
tail_ptr := 0.U
io.out.foreach(_.valid := false.B)
head_ptr.value := 0.U
head_ptr.flag := false.B
tail_ptr.value := 0.U
tail_ptr.flag := false.B
// Debug info
......@@ -134,17 +150,31 @@ class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
// XSDebug(p"last_head_ptr=$head_ptr last_tail_ptr=$tail_ptr\n")
// for(i <- 0 until IBufSize/8) {
// XSDebug("%x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b\n",
// ibuf(i*8+0).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+0),
// ibuf(i*8+1).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+1),
// ibuf(i*8+2).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+2),
// ibuf(i*8+3).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+3),
// ibuf(i*8+4).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+4),
// ibuf(i*8+5).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+5),
// ibuf(i*8+6).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+6),
// ibuf(i*8+7).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+7)
// )
// }
XSDebug(p"last_head_ptr=$head_ptr last_tail_ptr=$tail_ptr\n")
for(i <- 0 until IBufSize/8) {
XSDebug("%x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b | %x v:%b\n",
ibuf(i*8+0).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+0),
ibuf(i*8+1).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+1),
ibuf(i*8+2).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+2),
ibuf(i*8+3).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+3),
ibuf(i*8+4).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+4),
ibuf(i*8+5).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+5),
ibuf(i*8+6).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+6),
ibuf(i*8+7).inst, ibuf_valid(i*8+7)
XSDebug("%x | %x | %x | %x | %x | %x | %x | %x\n",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class Tage extends BaseTage {
val tables = TableInfo.map {
case (nRows, histLen, tagLen) => {
val t = if(EnableBPD) Module(new TageTable(nRows, histLen, tagLen, UBitPeriod)) else Module(new FakeTageTable)
t.io.req.valid := io.pc.valid && !io.flush
t.io.req.valid := io.pc.valid
t.io.req.bits.pc := io.pc.bits
t.io.req.bits.hist := io.hist
t.io.req.bits.mask := io.inMask
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class Tage extends BaseTage {
case (nRows, ctrBits, histLen) => {
val t = if (EnableSC) Module(new SCTable(nRows/TageBanks, ctrBits, histLen)) else Module(new FakeSCTable)
val req = t.io.req
req.valid := io.pc.valid && !io.flush
req.valid := io.pc.valid
req.bits.pc := io.pc.bits
req.bits.hist := io.hist
req.bits.mask := io.inMask
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class MicroBTB extends BasePredictor
val do_reset = RegInit(true.B)
val reset_way = RegInit(0.U(log2Ceil(nWays).W))
when (do_reset) { reset_way := reset_way + 1.U }
when (reset_way === nWays.U) { do_reset := false.B }
when (reset_way === (nWays-1).U) { do_reset := false.B }
//uBTB read
//tag is bank align
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