提交 5704b623 编写于 作者: Z zhanglinjuan

add l2 cache. TODO: handle readBurst req

上级 4a489455
......@@ -89,4 +89,6 @@ class SimpleBusUC(val userBits: Int = 0) extends SimpleBusBundle {
class SimpleBusC(val userBits: Int = 0) extends SimpleBusBundle {
val mem = new SimpleBusUC(userBits)
val coh = Flipped(new SimpleBusUC(userBits))
def memtoAXI4() = this.mem.toAXI4
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ case class CacheConfig (
ro: Boolean = false,
name: String = "cache",
userBits: Int = 0,
cacheLevel: Int = 1,
totalSize: Int = 32, // Kbytes
ways: Int = 4
......@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ sealed trait HasCacheConst {
val cacheName = cacheConfig.name
val userBits = cacheConfig.userBits
val cacheLevel = cacheConfig.cacheLevel
val TotalSize = cacheConfig.totalSize
val Ways = cacheConfig.ways
val LineSize = XLEN // byte
......@@ -198,8 +200,13 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheMod
val readBeatCnt = Counter(LineBeats)
val writeBeatCnt = Counter(LineBeats)
// L2Cache needs to respond the whole cache line when receiving a readBurst req
val dataRespToL1ReadBus = Wire(CacheDataArrayReadBus()).apply(
valid = (state === s_idle) && hit, setIdx = )
val s2_idle :: s2_dataReadWait :: s2_memWriteReq :: Nil = Enum(3)
val state2 = RegInit(s2_idle)
val state2 = RegInit(s2_idle)
// no dataWrite now, and it is always ready if no probe requests
val dataWriteBackReadBus = Wire(CacheDataArrayReadBus()).apply(
......@@ -295,10 +302,21 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheMod
metaWriteArb.io.in(1) <> metaRefillWriteBus.req
io.metaWriteBus.req <> metaWriteArb.io.out
io.out.bits.rdata := Mux(hit, dataRead, inRdataRegDemand)
io.out.bits.cmd := DontCare
io.out.bits.user.zip(io.in.bits.req.user).map { case (o,i) => o := i }
io.out.valid := io.in.valid && Mux(hit, true.B, Mux(req.isWrite() || mmio, state === s_wait_resp, afterFirstRead && !alreadyOutFire))
if(cacheLevel == 2) {
when((state === s_memReadResp) && io.mem.resp.fire() && req.cmd === SimpleBusCmd.readBurst) {
io.out.bits.rdata := dataRefill
io.out.bits.cmd := Mux(io.mem.resp.bits.isReadLast(), SimpleBusCmd.readLast, SimpleBusCmd.readBurst)
}.elsewhen (req.bits.isWriteLast) {
io.out.bits.rdata := Mux(hit, dataRead, inRdataRegDemand)
io.out.bits.cmd := DontCare
io.out.valid := io.in.valid && Mux(hit && req.cmd === SimpleBusCmd.writeLast || !hit && req.isWrite() && state === s_wait_resp, true.B, (state === s_memReadResp && io.mem.resp.fire()))
} else {
io.out.bits.rdata := Mux(hit, dataRead, inRdataRegDemand)
io.out.bits.cmd := DontCare
io.out.valid := io.in.valid && Mux(hit, true.B, Mux(req.isWrite() || mmio, state === s_wait_resp, afterFirstRead && !alreadyOutFire))
io.out.bits.user.zip(io.in.bits.req.user).map { case (o,i) => o := i }
// With critical-word first, the pipeline registers between
// s2 and s3 can not be overwritten before a missing request
// is totally handled. We use io.isFinish to indicate when the
......@@ -370,6 +388,87 @@ sealed class CacheProbeStage(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends Cach
Mux(hit, SimpleBusCmd.probeHit, SimpleBusCmd.probeMiss))
class L2Cache(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheModule {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = Flipped(new SimpleBusUC(userBits = userBits))
val flush = Input(UInt(2.W))
val out = new SimpleBusUC
val mmio = new SimpleBusUC
// cpu pipeline
val s1 = Module(new CacheStage1)
val s2 = Module(new CacheStage2)
val s3 = Module(new CacheStage3)
val metaArray = Module(new SRAMTemplate(new MetaBundle, set = Sets, way = Ways, shouldReset = true, singlePort = true))
val dataArray = Module(new SRAMTemplate(new DataBundle, set = Sets * LineBeats, way = Ways, singlePort = true))
if (cacheName == "icache") {
// flush icache when executing fence.i
val flushICache = WireInit(false.B)
BoringUtils.addSink(flushICache, "MOUFlushICache")
metaArray.reset := reset.asBool || flushICache
s1.io.in <> io.in.req
PipelineConnect(s1.io.out, s2.io.in, s2.io.out.fire(), io.flush(0))
PipelineConnect(s2.io.out, s3.io.in, s3.io.isFinish, io.flush(1))
io.in.resp <> s3.io.out
s3.io.flush := io.flush(1)
io.out <> s3.io.mem
io.mmio <> s3.io.mmio
// stalling
s1.io.s2Req.valid := s2.io.in.valid
s1.io.s2Req.bits := s2.io.in.bits.req
s1.io.s3Req.valid := s3.io.in.valid
s1.io.s3Req.bits := s3.io.in.bits.req
s1.io.s2s3Miss := s3.io.in.valid && !s3.io.in.bits.hit
// coherence state machine
val coh = Module(new CacheProbeStage)
coh.io.in <> io.out.coh.req
io.out.coh.resp <> coh.io.out
// Since SRAMTemplate are synchronous bus, read data will be returned
// one cycle later read request is accepted. Therefore we do not need
// to use ID bit to distribute the read data to the correct master.
val metaReadArb = Module(new Arbiter(chiselTypeOf(metaArray.io.r.req.bits), 2))
metaReadArb.io.in(0) <> coh.io.metaReadBus.req
metaReadArb.io.in(1) <> s1.io.metaReadBus.req
metaArray.io.r.req <> metaReadArb.io.out
coh.io.metaReadBus.resp := metaArray.io.r.resp
metaArray.io.r.req <> s1.io.metaReadBus.req
s1.io.metaReadBus.resp := metaArray.io.r.resp
metaArray.io.w <> s3.io.metaWriteBus
val dataReadArb = Module(new Arbiter(chiselTypeOf(dataArray.io.r.req.bits), 2))
dataReadArb.io.in(0) <> s1.io.dataReadBus.req
dataReadArb.io.in(1) <> s3.io.dataReadBus.req
dataArray.io.r.req <> dataReadArb.io.out
// coh.io.dataReadBus.resp := dataArray.io.r.resp
s1.io.dataReadBus.resp := dataArray.io.r.resp
s3.io.dataReadBus.resp := dataArray.io.r.resp
dataArray.io.w <> s3.io.dataWriteBus
s2.io.metaReadResp := metaArray.io.r.resp.data
s2.io.dataReadResp := dataArray.io.r.resp.data
Debug(debug) {
io.in.dump(cacheName + ".in")
printf("%d: s1:(%d,%d), s2:(%d,%d), s3:(%d,%d)\n",
GTimer(), s1.io.in.valid, s1.io.in.ready, s2.io.in.valid, s2.io.in.ready, s3.io.in.valid, s3.io.in.ready)
when (s1.io.in.valid) { printf(p"[${cacheName}.S1]: ${s1.io.in.bits}\n") }
when (s2.io.in.valid) { printf(p"[${cacheName}.S2]: ${s2.io.in.bits.req}\n") }
when (s3.io.in.valid) { printf(p"[${cacheName}.S3]: ${s3.io.in.bits.req}\n") }
s3.io.mem.dump(cacheName + ".mem")
class Cache(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheModule {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = Flipped(new SimpleBusUC(userBits = userBits))
......@@ -452,11 +551,19 @@ class Cache(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheModule {
object Cache {
def apply(in: SimpleBusUC, mmio: SimpleBusUC, flush: UInt, enable: Boolean = true)(implicit cacheConfig: CacheConfig) = {
if (enable) {
val cache = Module(new Cache)
cache.io.flush := flush
cache.io.in <> in
mmio <> cache.io.mmio
if(cacheConfig.cacheLevel == 1) {
val cache = Module(new Cache)
cache.io.flush := flush
cache.io.in <> in
mmio <> cache.io.mmio
} else {
val cache = Module(new L2Cache)
cache.io.flush := flush
cache.io.in <> in
mmio <> cache.io.mmio
} else {
val addrspace = List(AddressSpace.dram) ++ AddressSpace.mmio
val xbar = Module(new SimpleBusCrossbar1toN(addrspace))
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import bus.simplebus._
import noop.HasNOOPParameter
trait HasCoherenceParameter extends HasNOOPParameter {
val supportCoh = HasDcache
val supportCoh = false // HasDcache
class CoherenceInterconnect extends Module with HasCoherenceParameter {
package system
import noop.{NOOP, NOOPConfig}
import noop.{NOOP, NOOPConfig, Cache, L2Cache, CacheConfig}
import bus.axi4.{AXI4, AXI4Lite}
import bus.simplebus._
......@@ -19,11 +19,27 @@ class NOOPSoC(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module {
val cohMg = Module(new CoherenceInterconnect)
cohMg.io.in(0) <> noop.io.imem
cohMg.io.in(1) <> noop.io.dmem
io.mem <> cohMg.io.out.toAXI4()
// io.mem <> cohMg.io.out.toAXI4()
val mmioXbar = Module(new SimpleBusCrossbarNto1(2))
val l2cacheOut = Wire(new SimpleBusUC)
l2cacheOut <> Cache(in = cohMg.io.out, mmio = mmioXbar.io.in(0), flush = "b00".U, enable = true)(CacheConfig(ro = false, name = "l2cache", cacheLevel = 2))
io.mem <> l2cacheOut.toAXI4()
val l2cache = Module(new L2Cache)
l2cache.io.in <> cohMg.io.out
mmioXbar.io.in(0) <> l2cache.io.mmio
l2cache.io.flush := "b00".U
io.mem <> l2cache.io.out.toAXI4()
mmioXbar.io.in(1) <> noop.io.mmio
if (p.FPGAPlatform) io.mmio <> mmioXbar.io.out.toAXI4Lite()
else io.mmio <> mmioXbar.io.out
if (p.FPGAPlatform) io.mmio <> noop.io.mmio.toAXI4Lite()
else io.mmio <> noop.io.mmio
val mtipSync = RegNext(RegNext(io.mtip))
val meipSync = RegNext(RegNext(io.meip))
BoringUtils.addSource(mtipSync, "mtip")
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