提交 52bd42c2 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu

lsroq: optimize lsroqViolation logic

上级 5c18a2d3
......@@ -434,8 +434,9 @@ class Lsroq extends XSModule {
def getFirstOne(mask: Vec[Bool], start: UInt) = {
val length = mask.length
val lowMask = (1.U((length + 1).W) << start).asUInt() - 1.U
val highBits = (0 until length).map(i => mask(i) & lowMask(i))
Mux(Cat(highBits).orR(), PriorityEncoder(highBits), PriorityEncoder(mask))
val highBits = (0 until length).map(i => mask(i) & ~lowMask(i))
val highBitsUint = Cat(highBits.reverse)
PriorityEncoder(Mux(highBitsUint.orR(), highBitsUint, mask.asUInt))
def getOldestInTwo(valid: Seq[Bool], uop: Seq[MicroOp]) = {
......@@ -458,33 +459,33 @@ class Lsroq extends XSModule {
def rangeMask(start: UInt, end: UInt): UInt = {
val startMask = (1.U((LsroqSize + 1).W) << start(InnerLsroqIdxWidth - 1, 0)).asUInt - 1.U
val endMask = (1.U((LsroqSize + 1).W) << end(InnerLsroqIdxWidth - 1, 0)).asUInt - 1.U
val xorMask = startMask(LsroqSize - 1, 0) ^ endMask(LsroqSize - 1, 0)
Mux(start(InnerLsroqIdxWidth) === end(InnerLsroqIdxWidth), xorMask, ~xorMask)
// store backward query and rollback
// val needCheck = Seq.fill(8)(WireInit(true.B))
(0 until StorePipelineWidth).foreach(i => {
rollback(i) := DontCare
when(io.storeIn(i).valid) {
val needCheck = Seq.fill(LsroqSize + 1)(Seq.fill(8)(WireInit(true.B))) // TODO: refactor
val startIndex = io.storeIn(i).bits.uop.lsroqIdx(InnerLsroqIdxWidth - 1, 0)
val toEnqPtrMask = rangeMask(io.storeIn(i).bits.uop.lsroqIdx, ringBufferHeadExtended)
val lsroqViolationVec = VecInit((0 until LsroqSize).map(j => {
val ptr = io.storeIn(i).bits.uop.lsroqIdx + j.U
val reachHead = (ptr+1.U) === ringBufferHeadExtended
val addrMatch = allocated(ptr) &&
io.storeIn(i).bits.paddr(PAddrBits - 1, 3) === data(ptr).paddr(PAddrBits - 1, 3)
val mask = data(ptr).mask
val s = store(ptr)
val w = writebacked(ptr)
val v = valid(ptr)
val violationVec = (0 until 8) map (k => {
needCheck(j+1)(k) := needCheck(j)(k) && !(addrMatch && s && mask(k)) && !reachHead
needCheck(j)(k) && addrMatch && mask(k) && io.storeIn(i).bits.mask(k) && !s && v // TODO: update refilled data
val addrMatch = allocated(j) &&
io.storeIn(i).bits.paddr(PAddrBits - 1, 3) === data(j).paddr(PAddrBits - 1, 3)
val entryNeedCheck = toEnqPtrMask(j) && addrMatch && !store(j) && valid(j)
// TODO: update refilled data
val violationVec = (0 until 8).map(k => data(j).mask(k) && io.storeIn(i).bits.mask(k))
Cat(violationVec).orR() && entryNeedCheck
val lsroqViolation = lsroqViolationVec.asUInt().orR()
val lsroqViolationIndex = io.storeIn(i).bits.uop.lsroqIdx + PriorityEncoder(lsroqViolationVec)
val lsroqViolationIndex = getFirstOne(lsroqViolationVec, startIndex)
val lsroqViolationUop = uop(lsroqViolationIndex)
XSDebug(lsroqViolation, p"${Binary(Cat(lsroqViolationVec))}, $lsroqViolationIndex")
XSDebug(lsroqViolation, p"${Binary(Cat(lsroqViolationVec))}, $startIndex, $lsroqViolationIndex\n")
// when l/s writeback to roq together, check if rollback is needed
val wbViolationVec = VecInit((0 until LoadPipelineWidth).map(j => {
......@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@ class Lsroq extends XSModule {
val wbViolation = wbViolationVec.asUInt().orR()
val wbViolationUop = getOldestInTwo(wbViolationVec, io.loadIn.map(_.bits.uop))
XSDebug(wbViolation, p"${Binary(Cat(wbViolationVec))}, $wbViolationUop")
XSDebug(wbViolation, p"${Binary(Cat(wbViolationVec))}, $wbViolationUop\n")
// check if rollback is needed for load in l4
val l4ViolationVec = VecInit((0 until LoadPipelineWidth).map(j => {
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