提交 52724c3f 编写于 作者: Z Zihao Yu

noop,EXU: merge original BRU to ALU

上级 1e4b526d
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class BPUUpdateReq extends Bundle {
val isMissPredict = Output(Bool())
val actualTarget = Output(UInt(32.W))
val actualTaken = Output(Bool()) // for branch
val fuOpType = Output(UInt(4.W))
val fuOpType = Output(UInt(5.W))
val btbType = Output(BTBtype())
......@@ -37,17 +37,13 @@ trait HasFuType
with HasLSUOpType
with HasMDUOpType
with HasCSROpType {
val FuTypeNum = 5
def FuAlu = "b000".U
def FuBru = "b001".U
def FuLsu = "b010".U
def FuMdu = "b011".U
def FuCsr = "b100".U
val FuTypeNum = 4
def FuAlu = "b00".U
def FuLsu = "b01".U
def FuMdu = "b10".U
def FuCsr = "b11".U
val FuTypeWidth = log2Up(FuTypeNum).W
private val FuOpTypeMaxNum = List(AluOpTypeNum, BruOpTypeNum,
LsuOpTypeNum, MduOpTypeNum, CsrOpTypeNum).reduce(math.max)
val FuOpTypeWidth = log2Up(FuOpTypeMaxNum).W
val FuOpTypeWidth = 5.W
trait HasDecodeConst extends HasInstrType with HasSrcType with HasFuType
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ class EXU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasFuType {
val mmio = new SimpleBus
val forward = new ForwardIO
val wbData = Input(UInt(32.W))
val bpu1Update = Output(new BRUIO)
val src1 = io.in.bits.data.src1
......@@ -29,16 +28,11 @@ class EXU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasFuType {
val alu = Module(new ALU)
val aluOut = alu.access(valid = fuValids(FuAlu), src1 = src1, src2 = src2, func = fuOpType)
alu.io.pc := io.in.bits.pc
alu.io.npc := io.in.bits.npc
alu.io.offset := io.in.bits.data.imm
alu.io.out.ready := true.B
val bru = Module(new BRU)
val bruOut = bru.access(valid = fuValids(FuBru), src1 = src1, src2 = src2, func = fuOpType)
bru.io.pc := io.in.bits.pc
bru.io.offset := io.in.bits.data.imm
bru.io.npc := io.in.bits.npc
bru.io.out.ready := true.B
io.bpu1Update := bru.io
val lsu = Module(new LSU)
val lsuOut = lsu.access(valid = fuValids(FuLsu), src1 = src1, src2 = io.in.bits.data.imm, func = fuOpType)
lsu.io.wdata := src2
......@@ -57,7 +51,7 @@ class EXU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasFuType {
csr.io.isInvOpcode := io.in.bits.ctrl.isInvOpcode
csr.io.out.ready := true.B
io.out.bits.br <> Mux(csr.io.csrjmp.isTaken, csr.io.csrjmp, bru.io.branch)
io.out.bits.br <> Mux(csr.io.csrjmp.isTaken, csr.io.csrjmp, alu.io.branch)
io.out.bits.ctrl := DontCare
(io.out.bits.ctrl, io.in.bits.ctrl) match { case (o, i) =>
......@@ -74,7 +68,6 @@ class EXU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasFuType {
io.out.bits.commits := DontCare
io.out.bits.commits(FuAlu).rfWdata := aluOut
io.out.bits.commits(FuBru).rfWdata := bruOut
io.out.bits.commits(FuLsu).rfWdata := lsuOut
io.out.bits.commits(FuCsr).rfWdata := csrOut
io.out.bits.commits(FuMdu).rfWdata := mduOut
......@@ -87,8 +80,8 @@ class EXU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasFuType {
io.forward.fuType := io.in.bits.ctrl.fuType
io.forward.rfData := Mux(alu.io.out.fire(), aluOut, lsuOut)
BoringUtils.addSource(alu.io.out.fire(), "perfCntCondMaluInstr")
BoringUtils.addSource(bru.io.out.fire(), "perfCntCondMbruInstr")
BoringUtils.addSource(alu.io.out.fire() && !isBru(fuOpType), "perfCntCondMaluInstr")
BoringUtils.addSource(alu.io.out.fire() && isBru(fuOpType), "perfCntCondMbruInstr")
BoringUtils.addSource(lsu.io.out.fire(), "perfCntCondMlsuInstr")
BoringUtils.addSource(mdu.io.out.fire(), "perfCntCondMmduInstr")
BoringUtils.addSource(csr.io.out.fire(), "perfCntCondMcsrInstr")
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class IDU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasDecodeConst {
InstrJ -> Cat(Fill(12, instr(31)), instr(19, 12), instr(20), instr(30, 21), 0.U(1.W))
when (fuType === FuBru) {
when (fuType === FuAlu) {
when (rd === 1.U && fuOpType === BruJal) { io.out.bits.ctrl.fuOpType := BruCall }
when (rs === 1.U && fuOpType === BruJalr) { io.out.bits.ctrl.fuOpType := BruRet }
......@@ -2,23 +2,24 @@ package noop
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.util.experimental.BoringUtils
import utils._
trait HasALUOpType {
val AluOpTypeNum = 11
def AluAdd = "b0000".U
def AluSll = "b0001".U
def AluSlt = "b0010".U
def AluSltu = "b0011".U
def AluXor = "b0100".U
def AluSrl = "b0101".U
def AluOr = "b0110".U
def AluAnd = "b0111".U
def AluSub = "b1000".U
def AluSra = "b1101".U
def AluLui = "b1111".U
def AluAdd = "b00000".U
def AluSll = "b00001".U
def AluSlt = "b00010".U
def AluSltu = "b00011".U
def AluXor = "b00100".U
def AluSrl = "b00101".U
def AluOr = "b00110".U
def AluAnd = "b00111".U
def AluSub = "b01000".U
def AluSra = "b01101".U
def AluLui = "b01111".U
object ALUInstr extends HasDecodeConst {
......@@ -73,8 +74,15 @@ object ALUInstr extends HasDecodeConst {
class ALU extends Module with HasALUOpType {
val io = IO(new FunctionUnitIO)
class ALUIO extends FunctionUnitIO {
val pc = Input(UInt(32.W))
val npc = Input(UInt(32.W))
val offset = Input(UInt(32.W))
val branch = new BranchIO
class ALU extends Module with HasALUOpType with HasBRUOpType {
val io = IO(new ALUIO)
val (valid, src1, src2, func) = (io.in.valid, io.in.bits.src1, io.in.bits.src2, io.in.bits.func)
def access(valid: Bool, src1: UInt, src2: UInt, func: UInt): UInt = {
......@@ -85,14 +93,16 @@ class ALU extends Module with HasALUOpType {
val isAdderSub = (func =/= AluAdd)
val isAdderSub = (func =/= AluAdd) && !isJump(func)
val adderRes = (src1 +& (src2 ^ Fill(32, isAdderSub))) + isAdderSub
val xorRes = src1 ^ src2
val sltu = !adderRes(32)
val slt = xorRes(31) ^ sltu
val shamt = src2(4, 0)
io.out.bits := LookupTree(func, 0.U, List(
val aluRes = LookupTree(func, 0.U, List(
BruJal -> adderRes,
BruJalr -> adderRes,
AluAdd -> adderRes,
AluSll -> ((src1 << shamt)(31, 0)),
AluSlt -> Cat(0.U(31.W), slt),
......@@ -106,6 +116,42 @@ class ALU extends Module with HasALUOpType {
AluSra -> ((src1.asSInt >> shamt).asUInt)
val branchOpTable = List(
getBranchType(BruBeq) -> (src1 === src2),
getBranchType(BruBlt) -> (src1.asSInt < src2.asSInt),
getBranchType(BruBltu) -> (src1 < src2)
val taken = LookupTree(getBranchType(func), false.B, branchOpTable) ^ isBranchInvert(func)
val target = Mux(isBranch(func), io.pc + io.offset, adderRes)
io.branch.target := Mux(!taken && isBranch(func), io.pc + 4.U, target)
// with branch predictor, this is actually to fix the wrong prediction
io.branch.isTaken := valid && isBru(func) && (io.branch.target =/= io.npc)
// may be can move to ISU to calculate pc + 4
io.out.bits := Mux(isBru(func), io.pc + 4.U, aluRes)
io.in.ready := true.B
io.out.valid := valid
val bpuUpdateReq = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new BPUUpdateReq))
bpuUpdateReq.valid := valid && isBru(func)
bpuUpdateReq.pc := io.pc
bpuUpdateReq.isMissPredict := io.branch.target =/= io.npc
bpuUpdateReq.actualTarget := target
bpuUpdateReq.actualTaken := taken
bpuUpdateReq.fuOpType := func
bpuUpdateReq.btbType := LookupTree(func, BRUInstr.bruFuncTobtbTypeTable)
BoringUtils.addSource(RegNext(bpuUpdateReq), "bpuUpdateReq")
val right = valid && isBru(func) && (io.npc === io.branch.target)
val wrong = valid && isBru(func) && (io.npc =/= io.branch.target)
BoringUtils.addSource(right && isBranch(func), "MbpBRight")
BoringUtils.addSource(wrong && isBranch(func), "MbpBWrong")
BoringUtils.addSource(right && (func === BruJal || func === BruCall), "MbpJRight")
BoringUtils.addSource(wrong && (func === BruJal || func === BruCall), "MbpJWrong")
BoringUtils.addSource(right && func === BruJalr, "MbpIRight")
BoringUtils.addSource(wrong && func === BruJalr, "MbpIWrong")
BoringUtils.addSource(right && func === BruRet, "MbpRRight")
BoringUtils.addSource(wrong && func === BruRet, "MbpRWrong")
......@@ -9,20 +9,22 @@ import utils._
trait HasBRUOpType {
val BruOpTypeNum = 10
def BruJal = "b1000".U
def BruJalr = "b1010".U
def BruBeq = "b0000".U
def BruBne = "b0001".U
def BruBlt = "b0100".U
def BruBge = "b0101".U
def BruBltu = "b0110".U
def BruBgeu = "b0111".U
def BruJal = "b11000".U
def BruJalr = "b11010".U
def BruBeq = "b10000".U
def BruBne = "b10001".U
def BruBlt = "b10100".U
def BruBge = "b10101".U
def BruBltu = "b10110".U
def BruBgeu = "b10111".U
// for RAS
def BruCall = "b1100".U
def BruRet = "b1110".U
def BruCall = "b11100".U
def BruRet = "b11110".U
def isBru(func: UInt) = func(4)
def isBranch(func: UInt) = !func(3)
def isJump(func: UInt) = isBru(func) && !isBranch(func)
def getBranchType(func: UInt) = func(2, 1)
def isBranchInvert(func: UInt) = func(0)
......@@ -39,15 +41,15 @@ object BRUInstr extends HasDecodeConst {
def BGEU = BitPat("b???????_?????_?????_111_?????_1100011")
val table = Array(
JAL -> List(InstrJ, FuBru, BruJal),
JALR -> List(InstrI, FuBru, BruJalr),
BEQ -> List(InstrB, FuBru, BruBeq),
BNE -> List(InstrB, FuBru, BruBne),
BLT -> List(InstrB, FuBru, BruBlt),
BGE -> List(InstrB, FuBru, BruBge),
BLTU -> List(InstrB, FuBru, BruBltu),
BGEU -> List(InstrB, FuBru, BruBgeu)
JAL -> List(InstrJ, FuAlu, BruJal),
JALR -> List(InstrI, FuAlu, BruJalr),
BEQ -> List(InstrB, FuAlu, BruBeq),
BNE -> List(InstrB, FuAlu, BruBne),
BLT -> List(InstrB, FuAlu, BruBlt),
BGE -> List(InstrB, FuAlu, BruBge),
BLTU -> List(InstrB, FuAlu, BruBltu),
BGEU -> List(InstrB, FuAlu, BruBgeu)
val bruFuncTobtbTypeTable = List(
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