未验证 提交 51981c77 编写于 作者: B bugGenerator 提交者: GitHub

test: add example of chiseltest's unit-test and generating verilog for xs' module (#1890)

* test: add example to genenrate verilog for a small module

Just use Parameters from DefaultConfig(& Argparser) like XSTop/SimTop

* test: add DecodeUnitTest as an example for xs' chiseltest

* ctrlblock: <> usage has changed, unidirection should use :=

* bump huancun

* makefile: mv new makefile cmd into Makefile.test
上级 e32bafba
......@@ -150,4 +150,6 @@ emu-run:
include Makefile.test
.PHONY: verilog sim-verilog emu clean help init bump bsp $(REF_SO)
# only generate a small module: example
mill -i XiangShan.test.runMain xiangshan.DecodeMain -td build --output-file DecodeUnit.v
# chiseltest
# autorun all the chiselTest case
mill -i XiangShan.test.test
# only run DecodeUnitTest
mill -i XiangShan.test.testOnly xiangshan.DecodeUnitTest
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ object ivys {
val sv = "2.12.13"
val chisel3 = ivy"edu.berkeley.cs::chisel3:3.5.0"
val chisel3Plugin = ivy"edu.berkeley.cs:::chisel3-plugin:3.5.0"
val chiseltest = ivy"edu.berkeley.cs::chiseltest:0.3.2"
val chiseltest = ivy"edu.berkeley.cs::chiseltest:0.5.2"
val chiselCirct = ivy"com.sifive::chisel-circt:0.6.0"
val scalatest = ivy"org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.2"
val macroParadise = ivy"org.scalamacros:::paradise:2.1.1"
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ object rocketchip extends `rocket-chip`.common.CommonRocketChip {
def chisel3IvyDeps = if(chisel3Module.isEmpty) Agg(
) else Agg.empty[Dep]
def chisel3PluginIvyDeps = Agg(common.getVersion("chisel3-plugin", cross=true))
Subproject commit 2f788976682d341eec7d55e7aa063f9894d9108d
Subproject commit 719ec0904f56f6a71fc63b1fd0f6994965e52505
......@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ class CtrlBlockImp(outer: CtrlBlock)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleI
rename.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect
rename.io.redirect := stage2Redirect
rename.io.robCommits <> rob.io.commits
rename.io.ssit <> ssit.io.rdata
rename.io.debug_int_rat <> rat.io.debug_int_rat
......@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ class CtrlBlockImp(outer: CtrlBlock)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleI
dispatch.io.hartId := io.hartId
dispatch.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect
dispatch.io.redirect := stage2Redirect
dispatch.io.enqRob <> rob.io.enq
dispatch.io.toIntDq <> intDq.io.enq
dispatch.io.toFpDq <> fpDq.io.enq
......@@ -550,10 +550,10 @@ class CtrlBlockImp(outer: CtrlBlock)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleI
rob.io.hartId := io.hartId
io.cpu_halt := DelayN(rob.io.cpu_halt, 5)
rob.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect
rob.io.redirect := stage2Redirect
outer.rob.generateWritebackIO(Some(outer), Some(this))
io.redirect <> stage2Redirect
io.redirect := stage2Redirect
// rob to int block
io.robio.toCSR <> rob.io.csr
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
// **************************** to bpu ****************************
// ****************************************************************
io.toBpu.redirect <> Mux(fromBackendRedirect.valid, fromBackendRedirect, ifuRedirectToBpu)
io.toBpu.redirect := Mux(fromBackendRedirect.valid, fromBackendRedirect, ifuRedirectToBpu)
val may_have_stall_from_bpu = Wire(Bool())
val bpu_ftb_update_stall = RegInit(0.U(2.W)) // 2-cycle stall, so we need 3 states
......@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ package futest
import chisel3._
import chiseltest._
import chiseltest.ChiselScalatestTester
import chiseltest.experimental.TestOptionBuilder._
import chiseltest.internal.{LineCoverageAnnotation, ToggleCoverageAnnotation, VerilatorBackendAnnotation}
import chiseltest.legacy.backends.verilator.VerilatorFlags
import chiseltest.VerilatorBackendAnnotation
import chiseltest.simulator.VerilatorFlags
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers
import firrtl.stage.RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation
......@@ -68,10 +67,12 @@ class IntDividerTest extends AnyFlatSpec with ChiselScalatestTester with Matcher
it should "run" in {
val rand = new Random(0x14226)
val testNum = 1000
test(new SRT4DividerWrapper).withAnnotations(Seq(VerilatorBackendAnnotation,
VerilatorFlags(Seq("--output-split 5000", "--output-split-cfuncs 5000",
// LineCoverageAnnotation,
// ToggleCoverageAnnotation,
// "--output-split 20", "--output-split-cfuncs 20",
"+define+RANDOMIZE_REG_INIT", "+define+RANDOMIZE_MEM_INIT", "--trace")),
RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(new PrintModuleName))){ m =>
println("Test started!")
package xiangshan
import chisel3._
import chisel3.stage._
import chiseltest._
import chiseltest.ChiselScalatestTester
import chiseltest.VerilatorBackendAnnotation
import chiseltest.simulator.{VerilatorFlags, VerilatorCFlags}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ElaborationArtefacts, HasRocketChipStageUtils}
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers
import firrtl.stage.RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation
import xstransforms.PrintModuleName
import firrtl.options.TargetDirAnnotation
import top.ArgParser
import xiangshan.backend.decode.DecodeUnit
object DecodeMain extends App with HasRocketChipStageUtils {
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val (config, firrtlOpts, firrtlComplier) = ArgParser.parse(args)
// //val soc = DisableMonitors(p => LazyModule(new XSTop()(p)))(config)
// If Complex Params are needed, wrap it with a Top Module to do dirty works,
// and use "chisel3.aop.Select.collectDeep[ModuleWanted](WrapperModule){case a: ModuleWanted => a}.head.Params"
val defaultConfig = config.alterPartial({
// Get XSCoreParams and pass it to the "small module"
case XSCoreParamsKey => config(XSTileKey).head.copy(
// Example of how to change params
IssQueSize = 12
(new ChiselStage).execute(args, Seq(
ChiselGeneratorAnnotation(() => new DecodeUnit()(defaultConfig)
// // Generate files when compiling. Used by ChiselDB.
// ElaborationArtefacts.files.foreach{ case (extension, contents) =>
// writeOutputFile("./build", s"DecodeUnit.${extension}", contents())
// }
class DecodeUnitTest extends XSTester {
behavior of "DecodeUnit"
it should "pass" in {
test(new DecodeUnit()(config)).withAnnotations(Seq(
RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(new PrintModuleName)
)){ dut =>
\ No newline at end of file
package xiangshan
import chisel3._
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.Config
import chiseltest._
import chiseltest.{VerilatorBackendAnnotation, WriteVcdAnnotation}
import chiseltest.simulator.{VerilatorCFlags, VerilatorFlags}
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.stage.RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation
import org.scalatest.flatspec._
import org.scalatest.matchers.should._
import top.{ArgParser, DefaultConfig}
abstract class XSTester extends AnyFlatSpec with ChiselScalatestTester with Matchers with HasTestAnnos {
behavior of "XiangShan Module"
val defaultConfig = (new DefaultConfig)
implicit val config = defaultConfig.alterPartial({
// Get XSCoreParams and pass it to the "small module"
case XSCoreParamsKey => defaultConfig(XSTileKey).head.copy(
// Example of how to change params
IssQueSize = 12
trait HasTestAnnos {
var testAnnos: AnnotationSeq = Seq()
trait DumpVCD { this: HasTestAnnos =>
testAnnos = testAnnos :+ WriteVcdAnnotation
trait UseVerilatorBackend { this: HasTestAnnos =>
testAnnos = testAnnos ++ Seq(VerilatorBackendAnnotation)
\ No newline at end of file
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