提交 4efb89cb 编写于 作者: Y YikeZhou

Rename: fix doAllocate logic in refactored version

MEFreeList: remove useless code + give specified
(instead of DontCare) value to phy reg allocated port
上级 0ce36dde
......@@ -77,10 +77,11 @@ class Rename(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
// when isWalk, use stepBack to restore head pointer of free list
// (if ME enabled, stepBack of intFreeList should be useless thus optimized out)
fl.stepBack := PopCount(io.roqCommits.valid.zip(io.roqCommits.info).map{case (v, i) => v && needDestRegCommit(isFp, i)})
// walk has higher priority than allocation and thus we don't use isWalk here
// only when both fp and int free list and dispatch1 has enough space can we do allocation
fl.doAllocate := fl.canAllocate && io.out(0).ready
// walk has higher priority than allocation and thus we don't use isWalk here
// only when both fp and int free list and dispatch1 has enough space can we do allocation
intFreeList.doAllocate := fpFreeList.canAllocate && io.out(0).ready
fpFreeList.doAllocate := intFreeList.canAllocate && io.out(0).ready
// dispatch1 ready ++ float point free list ready ++ int free list ready ++ not walk
val canOut = io.out(0).ready && fpFreeList.canAllocate && intFreeList.canAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk
......@@ -264,15 +265,6 @@ class Rename(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
* Instructions commit: update freelist and rename table
for (i <- 0 until CommitWidth) {
// when RenameWidth <= CommitWidth, there will be more write ports than read ports, which must be initialized
// normally, they are initialized in 'normal write' section
if (i >= RenameWidth) {
Seq(intRat, fpRat) foreach { case rat =>
rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wen := false.B
rat.io.specWritePorts(i).addr := DontCare
rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wdata := DontCare
Seq((intRat, false), (fpRat, true)) foreach { case (rat, fp) =>
// is valid commit req and given instruction has destination register
......@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@ class MEFreeList(implicit val p: config.Parameters) extends MultiIOModule with M
val increaseSpecRefCounterVec = WireInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(RenameWidth)(false.B)))
for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
allocatePhyReg(i) := DontCare
// enqueue instr, isn't move elimination
needAllocatingVec(i) := allocateReq(i) && canAllocate && doAllocate && !flush && !psrcOfMove(i).valid && !redirect && !walk
......@@ -253,11 +252,7 @@ class MEFreeList(implicit val p: config.Parameters) extends MultiIOModule with M
case n => PopCount(needAllocatingVec.take(n))
val ptr = headPtr + offset
when (needAllocatingVec(i)) {
val pdest = freeList(ptr.value)
XSDebug(p"[$i] Allocate phy reg $pdest\n")
allocatePhyReg(i) := pdest
allocatePhyReg(i) := freeList(ptr.value)
for (preg <- 0 until NRPhyRegs) {
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