提交 3a76b099 编写于 作者: X Xuan Hu

utils: add PipeWithFlush

上级 0655b1a0
package utils
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import top.{ArgParser, BaseConfig, DefaultConfig}
import xiangshan._
import xiangshan.backend.Bundles.DynInst
/** Pipeline module generator parameterized by data type and latency.
* @param gen a Chisel type, used as data in pipe
* @param flushGen a Chisel type, used as flush signal
* @param latency the number of pipeline stages
* @param flushFunc used to generate flush signal
* @tparam T Type of [[io.enq.bits]] and [[io.deq.bits]]
* @tparam TFlush Type of [[io.flush]]
class PipeWithFlush[T <: Data, TFlush <: Data] (
val gen: T,
val flushGen: TFlush,
val latency: Int,
flushFunc: (T, TFlush) => Bool
) extends Module {
require(latency >= 0, "Pipe latency must be greater than or equal to zero!")
class PipeIO extends Bundle {
val flush = Flipped(flushGen)
val enq = Input(Valid(gen))
val deq = Output(Valid(gen))
val io = IO(new PipeIO)
if (latency == 0) {
io.deq := io.enq
} else {
val valids: Seq[Bool] = io.enq.valid +: Seq.fill(latency)(RegInit(false.B))
val bits: Seq[T] = io.enq.bits +: Seq.fill(latency)(Reg(gen))
for (i <- 0 until latency) {
valids(i + 1) := valids(i) && !flushFunc(bits(i), io.flush)
when (valids(i)) {
bits(i + 1) := bits(i)
io.deq.valid := valids.last
io.deq.bits := bits.last
package xiangshan.utils
import chisel3.emitVerilog
import chisel3.util.ValidIO
import top.ArgParser
import utils.PipeWithFlush
import xiangshan.{Redirect, XSCoreParamsKey, XSTileKey}
import xiangshan.backend.Bundles.DynInst
object GenPipeWithFlush extends App {
println("Generating the VerilogPipeWithFlush hardware")
val (config, firrtlOpts, firrtlComplier, firtoolOpts) = ArgParser.parse(args)
val p = config.alterPartial({ case XSCoreParamsKey => config(XSTileKey).head })
new PipeWithFlush[DynInst, ValidIO[Redirect]](
new DynInst()(p),
ValidIO(new Redirect()(p)),
(dynInst: DynInst, flush: ValidIO[Redirect]) => dynInst.robIdx.needFlush(flush)
Array("--target-dir", "build/vifu"))
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