提交 2df0274e 编写于 作者: X Xuan Hu

vector: add mask extractor

上级 fc4968b6
package xiangshan.backend.fu.vector.utils
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan.backend.fu.vector.Bundles.VSew
class MaskExtractorIO(vlen: Int) extends Bundle {
private val numBytes = vlen / 8
val in = Input(new Bundle {
val mask = UInt(numBytes.W)
val vsew = VSew()
val out = Output(new Bundle {
val mask = UInt(numBytes.W)
class MaskExtractor(vlen: Int) extends Module {
private val numBytes = vlen / 8
val io = IO(new MaskExtractorIO(vlen))
private val mask = io.in.mask
private val vsew = io.in.vsew
private val extractedMask = Wire(UInt(vlen.W))
extractedMask := Mux1H(Seq(
(vsew === VSew.e8) -> mask,
(vsew === VSew.e16) -> VecInit(mask.asBools.flatMap(Seq.fill(2)(_))).asUInt,
(vsew === VSew.e32) -> VecInit(mask.asBools.flatMap(Seq.fill(4)(_))).asUInt,
(vsew === VSew.e64) -> VecInit(mask.asBools.flatMap(Seq.fill(8)(_))).asUInt,
io.out.mask := extractedMask
object MaskExtractor {
def apply(vlen: Int)(mask: UInt, vsew: UInt): UInt = {
val maskExtractor = Module(new MaskExtractor(vlen))
maskExtractor.io.in.mask := mask
maskExtractor.io.in.vsew := vsew
object VerilogMaskExtrator extends App {
println("Generating the MaskExtractor hardware")
emitVerilog(new MaskExtractor(128), Array("--full-stacktrace", "--target-dir", "build/MaskExtractor"))
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