提交 1c929a0f 编写于 作者: Z Zihao Yu

Merge branch 'asic' into 'master'


See merge request projectn/noop!75
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ VERILATOR_FLAGS = --top-module $(SIM_TOP) \
+define+VERILATOR=1 \
+define+PRINTF_COND=1 \
--assert \
--output-split 5000 \
--output-split-cfuncs 5000 \
......@@ -86,8 +87,10 @@ ifdef mainargs
MAINARGS = -m $(mainargs)
SEED = -s $(shell seq 1 10000 | shuf | head -n 1)
emu: $(EMU)
$(MAKE) emu IMAGE=Makefile
......@@ -111,8 +111,12 @@ class IDU2(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule with HasInstrType {
io.out.bits.data.imm := Mux(isRVC, immrvc, imm)
when (fuType === FuType.alu) {
when (rfDest === 1.U && fuOpType === ALUOpType.jal) { io.out.bits.ctrl.fuOpType := ALUOpType.call }
when (rfSrc1 === 1.U && fuOpType === ALUOpType.jalr) { io.out.bits.ctrl.fuOpType := ALUOpType.ret }
def isLink(reg: UInt) = (reg === 1.U || reg === 5.U)
when (isLink(rfDest) && fuOpType === ALUOpType.jal) { io.out.bits.ctrl.fuOpType := ALUOpType.call }
when (fuOpType === ALUOpType.jalr) {
when (isLink(rfSrc1)) { io.out.bits.ctrl.fuOpType := ALUOpType.ret }
when (isLink(rfDest)) { io.out.bits.ctrl.fuOpType := ALUOpType.call }
// fix LUI
io.out.bits.ctrl.src1Type := Mux(instr(6,0) === "b0110111".U, SrcType.reg, src1Type)
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ class TLBExec(implicit val tlbConfig: TLBConfig) extends TlbModule{
val permExec = permCheck && missflag.x
val permLoad = permCheck && (missflag.r || pf.status_mxr && missflag.x)
val permStore = permCheck && missflag.w
val updateAD = false.B //!missflag.a || (!missflag.d && req.isWrite())
val updateAD = !missflag.a || (!missflag.d && req.isWrite())
val updateData = Cat( 0.U(56.W), req.isWrite(), 1.U(1.W), 0.U(6.W) )
missRefillFlag := Cat(req.isWrite(), 1.U(1.W), 0.U(6.W)) | missflag.asUInt
memRespStore := io.mem.resp.bits.rdata | updateData
......@@ -606,4 +606,4 @@ object TLB {
tlb.io.csrMMU <> csrMMU
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package system
import noop._
import bus.axi4.{AXI4, AXI4Lite}
import bus.simplebus._
import device.AXI4Timer
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
......@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ class NOOPSoC(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasSoCParameter {
val mem = new AXI4
val mmio = (if (p.FPGAPlatform) { new AXI4Lite } else { new SimpleBusUC })
val frontend = Flipped(new AXI4)
val mtip = Input(Bool())
val meip = Input(Bool())
val ila = if (p.FPGAPlatform && EnableILA) Some(Output(new ILABundle)) else None
......@@ -70,10 +70,20 @@ class NOOPSoC(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasSoCParameter {
noop.io.imem.coh.req.valid := false.B
noop.io.imem.coh.req.bits := DontCare
if (p.FPGAPlatform) io.mmio <> noop.io.mmio.toAXI4Lite()
else io.mmio <> noop.io.mmio
val addrSpace = List(
(0x40000000L, 0x08000000L), // external devices
(0x48000000L, 0x00010000L) // CLINT
val mmioXbar = Module(new SimpleBusCrossbar1toN(addrSpace))
mmioXbar.io.in <> noop.io.mmio
val mtipSync = RegNext(RegNext(io.mtip))
val extDev = mmioXbar.io.out(0)
val clint = Module(new AXI4Timer(sim = !p.FPGAPlatform))
clint.io.in <> mmioXbar.io.out(1).toAXI4Lite()
if (p.FPGAPlatform) io.mmio <> extDev.toAXI4Lite()
else io.mmio <> extDev
val mtipSync = clint.io.extra.get.mtip
val meipSync = RegNext(RegNext(io.meip))
BoringUtils.addSource(mtipSync, "mtip")
BoringUtils.addSource(meipSync, "meip")
......@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ std::vector<const char *> Emulator::parse_args(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
while ( (o = getopt_long(argc, const_cast<char *const*>(argv), "-s:C:hi:m:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
switch (o) {
case 's':
if(std::string(optarg) != "NO_SEED")
if(std::string(optarg) != "NO_SEED") {
seed = atoll(optarg);
printf("Using seed = %d\n", seed);
case 'C': max_cycles = atoll(optarg); break;
case 'i': image = optarg;
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ class NOOPSimTop extends Module {
mem.io.in <> memdelay.io.out
mmio.io.rw <> soc.io.mmio
soc.io.mtip := mmio.io.mtip
// soc.io.meip := Counter(true.B, 9973)._2 // use prime here to not overlapped by mtip
soc.io.meip := false.B // use prime here to not overlapped by mtip
......@@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ import device._
class SimMMIO extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val rw = Flipped(new SimpleBusUC)
val mtip = Output(Bool())
val devAddrSpace = List(
(0x40600000L, 0x10L), // uart
(0x40700000L, 0x10000L), // timer
(0x41000000L, 0x400000L), // vmem
(0x40800000L, 0x8L), // vga ctrl
(0x40000000L, 0x1000L), // flash
......@@ -25,17 +23,13 @@ class SimMMIO extends Module {
xbar.io.in <> io.rw
val uart = Module(new AXI4UART)
val timer = Module(new AXI4Timer(sim = true))
val vga = Module(new AXI4VGA(sim = true))
val flash = Module(new AXI4Flash)
val sd = Module(new AXI4DummySD)
uart.io.in <> xbar.io.out(0).toAXI4Lite()
timer.io.in <> xbar.io.out(1).toAXI4Lite()
vga.io.in.fb <> xbar.io.out(2).toAXI4Lite()
vga.io.in.ctrl <> xbar.io.out(3).toAXI4Lite()
flash.io.in <> xbar.io.out(4).toAXI4Lite()
sd.io.in <> xbar.io.out(5).toAXI4Lite()
vga.io.in.fb <> xbar.io.out(1).toAXI4Lite()
vga.io.in.ctrl <> xbar.io.out(2).toAXI4Lite()
flash.io.in <> xbar.io.out(3).toAXI4Lite()
sd.io.in <> xbar.io.out(4).toAXI4Lite()
vga.io.vga := DontCare
io.mtip := timer.io.extra.get.mtip
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