提交 13b83bc0 编写于 作者: W William Wang

Roq: extract (inst) valid field write

上级 4296662d
......@@ -55,15 +55,22 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
val csr = new RoqCSRIO
val microOp = Mem(RoqSize, new MicroOp)
// instvalid field
val valid = RegInit(VecInit(List.fill(RoqSize)(false.B)))
val flag = RegInit(VecInit(List.fill(RoqSize)(false.B)))
// status
val writebacked = Reg(Vec(RoqSize, Bool()))
// data for redirect, exception, etc.
val microOp = Mem(RoqSize, new MicroOp)
val flag = RegInit(VecInit(List.fill(RoqSize)(false.B)))
val exuFflags = Mem(RoqSize, new Fflags)
// data for debug
val exuData = Reg(Vec(RoqSize, UInt(XLEN.W)))//for debug
val exuDebug = Reg(Vec(RoqSize, new DebugBundle))//for debug
// ptr
val enqPtrExt = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new RoqPtr))
val deqPtrExt = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new RoqPtr))
val walkPtrExt = Reg(new RoqPtr)
......@@ -80,6 +87,22 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
io.roqDeqPtr := deqPtrExt
// common signal
val enqPtrValPlus = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, UInt(log2Up(RoqSize).W)))
val enqPtrFlagPlus = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, Bool()))
for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
val offset = PopCount(io.dp1Req.map(_.valid).take(i))
val roqIdxExt = enqPtrExt + offset
enqPtrValPlus(i) := roqIdxExt.value
enqPtrFlagPlus(i) := roqIdxExt.flag
val deqPtrExtPlus = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, UInt(log2Up(RoqSize).W)))
for(i <- 0 until CommitWidth){
val roqIdxExt = deqPtrExt + i.U
deqPtrExtPlus(i) := roqIdxExt.value
// Dispatch
val noSpecEnq = io.dp1Req.map(i => i.bits.ctrl.blockBackward)
val hasNoSpec = RegInit(false.B)
......@@ -93,7 +116,6 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
microOp(roqIdx) := io.dp1Req(i).bits
valid(roqIdx) := true.B
flag(roqIdx) := roqIdxExt.flag
writebacked(roqIdx) := false.B
when(noSpecEnq(i)){ hasNoSpec := true.B }
......@@ -212,7 +234,6 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
when(io.commits(i).valid){v := false.B}
"retired pc %x wen %d ldest %d pdest %x old_pdest %x data %x fflags: %b\n",
......@@ -235,9 +256,6 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
val walkUop = microOp(idx)
io.commits(i).valid := v && shouldWalkVec(i)
io.commits(i).bits.uop := walkUop
v := false.B
XSInfo(io.commits(i).valid && shouldWalkVec(i), "walked pc %x wen %d ldst %d data %x\n",
......@@ -320,6 +338,41 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
when (io.redirect.valid) { // TODO: need check for flushPipe
enqPtrExt := 0.U.asTypeOf(new RoqPtr)
deqPtrExt := 0.U.asTypeOf(new RoqPtr)
// instvalid field
// write
// enqueue logic writes 6 valid
for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
valid(enqPtrValPlus(i)) := true.B
// dequeue/walk logic writes 6 valid, dequeue and walk will not happen at the same time
for(i <- 0 until CommitWidth){
when(io.commits(i).valid){valid(deqPtrExtPlus(i)) := false.B}
val idx = walkPtrVec(i).value
valid(idx) := false.B
// read
// enqueue logic reads 6 valid
// dequeue/walk logic reads 6 valid, dequeue and walk will not happen at the same time
// rollback reads all valid? is it necessary?
// reset
// when exception, reset all valid to false
when (io.redirect.valid) {
for (i <- 0 until RoqSize) {
valid(i) := false.B
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