未验证 提交 085b0af8 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu 提交者: GitHub

rs: latch jump pc when deq is blocked (#1076)

This commit fixes a bug that causes pc to be wrong values when a jump is
blocked for issue and a new jump instruction enters reservation station.
When the jump for issue is blocked, we should latch its pc value because
the entry has been deallocated from rs (and pc no longer exists in the
pc mem).
上级 7154d65e
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
// enqueue from dispatch
select.io.validVec := statusArray.io.isValid
// agreement with dispatch: don't enqueue when io.redirect.valid
val doEnqueue = io.fromDispatch.map(_.fire && !io.redirect.valid && !io.flush)
val doEnqueue = VecInit(io.fromDispatch.map(_.fire && !io.redirect.valid && !io.flush))
val enqShouldNotFlushed = io.fromDispatch.map(d => d.fire && !d.bits.robIdx.needFlush(io.redirect, io.flush))
XSPerfAccumulate("wrong_stall", Mux(io.redirect.valid, PopCount(enqShouldNotFlushed), 0.U))
val needFpSource = io.fromDispatch.map(_.bits.needRfRPort(1, 1, false))
......@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
// pipeline registers for stage one
val s1_do_enqueue = RegNext(doEnqueue)
val s1_out = Wire(Vec(params.numDeq, Decoupled(new ExuInput)))
// Do the read data arbitration
for ((doOverride, i) <- oldestOverride.zipWithIndex) {
......@@ -405,12 +406,12 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
// dispatch data: the next cycle after enqueue
for (i <- 0 until params.numEnq) {
dataArray.io.write(i).enable := RegNext(doEnqueue(i))
dataArray.io.write(i).enable := s1_do_enqueue(i)
dataArray.io.write(i).mask := RegNext(statusArray.io.update(i).data.srcState)
dataArray.io.write(i).addr := RegNext(select.io.allocate(i).bits)
dataArray.io.write(i).data := immBypassedData(i)
if (params.delayedRf) {
dataArray.io.delayedWrite(i).valid := RegNext(RegNext(doEnqueue(i) && needFpSource(i)))
dataArray.io.delayedWrite(i).valid := RegNext(s1_do_enqueue(i) && needFpSource(i))
dataArray.io.delayedWrite(i).bits := io.fpRegValue.get
......@@ -454,18 +455,21 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
// for read-before-issue, we need to bypass the enqueue data here
// for read-after-issue, we need to bypass the imm here
// check enq data bypass (another form of broadcast except that we know where it hits) here
for (i <- 0 until params.numDeq) {
// enqRegSelected: Vec(config.numEnq, Bool())
val enqRegSelected = VecInit(select.io.allocate.map(a => RegNext(a.fire()) && RegNext(a.bits) === issueVec(i).bits))
val s1_allocate_index = select.io.allocate.map(a => RegNext(OHToUInt(a.bits)))
val s1_issue_index = issueVec.map(iss => OHToUInt(iss.bits))
val s1_select_bypass_s0 = Wire(Vec(params.numDeq, Vec(params.numEnq, Bool())))
for ((bypass, i) <- s1_select_bypass_s0.zipWithIndex) {
// bypass: Vec(config.numEnq, Bool())
bypass := s1_do_enqueue.zip(s1_allocate_index).map{ case (enq, idx) => enq && idx === s1_issue_index(i) }
// enqSrcStateReg: Vec(config.numEnq, Vec(config.numSrc, Bool()))
// [i][j]: i-th enqueue, j-th source state
val enqSrcStateReg = RegNext(VecInit(statusArray.io.update.map(_.data.srcState)))
// enqBypassValid: Vec(config.numEnq, Vec(config.numSrc, Bool()))
val enqBypassValid = enqSrcStateReg.zip(enqRegSelected).map { case (state, sel) => VecInit(state.map(_ && sel)) }
val enqBypassValid = enqSrcStateReg.zip(bypass).map { case (state, sel) => VecInit(state.map(_ && sel)) }
// bypass data for config.numDeq
val deqBypassValid = Mux1H(enqRegSelected, enqBypassValid)
val deqBypassData = Mux1H(enqRegSelected, immBypassedData)
val deqBypassValid = Mux1H(bypass, enqBypassValid)
val deqBypassData = Mux1H(bypass, immBypassedData)
// dequeue data should be bypassed
deqBypassValid.zip(deqBypassData).zip(s1_out(i).bits.src).foreach{ case ((byValid, byData), o) =>
......@@ -490,7 +494,6 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
* S2: to function units
val s1_issue_index = issueVec.map(iss => OHToUInt(iss.bits))
val s1_first_issue = statusArray.io.isFirstIssue
val s1_out_fire = s1_out.zip(s2_deq).map(x => x._1.valid && x._2.ready)
val s2_issue_index = s1_issue_index.zip(s1_out_fire).map(x => RegEnable(x._1, x._2))
......@@ -664,12 +667,14 @@ class ReservationStation(params: RSParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSMod
val pcMem = Reg(Vec(params.numEntries, UInt(VAddrBits.W)))
for (i <- 0 until params.numEnq) {
when (dataArray.io.write(i).enable) {
val waddr = OHToUInt(dataArray.io.write(i).addr)
pcMem(waddr) := io.jump.get.jumpPc
pcMem(s1_allocate_index(i)) := io.jump.get.jumpPc
for (i <- 0 until params.numDeq) {
io.deq(i).bits.uop.cf.pc := pcMem(s2_issue_index(i))
// currently we assert there's only one enqueue.
require(params.numDeq == 1, "only one jump now")
val pcRead = Mux(s1_select_bypass_s0.asUInt.orR, io.jump.get.jumpPc, pcMem(s1_issue_index(i)))
io.deq(i).bits.uop.cf.pc := RegEnable(pcRead, s1_out_fire(i))
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