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<chapter version="5.0"
         xml:id="new-in-3.2" xmlns=""
  <title>New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 3.2</title>

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-async">
    <title>Support for Servlet 3 based asynchronous request processing</title>

    <para>The Spring MVC programming model now provides explicit Servlet 3
    async support. <interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> methods can
    return one of:</para>

        <para><interfacename>java.util.concurrent.Callable</interfacename> to
        complete processing in a separate thread managed by a task executor
        within Spring MVC.</para>

        to complete processing at a later time from a thread not known to
        Spring MVC — for example, in response to some external event (JMS,
        AMQP, etc.)</para>

        to wrap a <interfacename>Callable</interfacename> and customize the
        timeout value or the task executor to use.</para>

40 41
    <para>See <xref linkend="mvc-ann-async"/>.</para>

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-spring-mvc-test">
    <title>Spring MVC Test framework</title>

    <para>First-class support for testing Spring MVC applications with a
    fluent API and without a Servlet container. Server-side tests involve use
    of the <classname>DispatcherServlet</classname> while client-side REST
    tests rely on the <classname>RestTemplate</classname>. See <xref
    linkend="spring-mvc-test-framework" />.</para>

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-content-negotiation">
    <title>Content negotiation improvements</title>

    <para>A <interfacename>ContentNeogtiationStrategy</interfacename> is now
    available for resolving the requested media types from an incoming
59 60
    request. The available implementations are based on the file extension,
    query parameter, the 'Accept' header, or a fixed content type.
61 62 63 64
    Equivalent options were previously available only in the
    ContentNegotiatingViewResolver but are now available throughout.</para>

    <para><classname>ContentNegotiationManager</classname> is the central
65 66
    class to use when configuring content negotiation options.
    For more details see <xref linkend="mvc-config-content-negotiation" />.</para>
67 68

    <para>The introduction of <classname>ContentNegotiationManger</classname>
69 70
    also enables selective suffix pattern matching for incoming requests.
    For more details, see the Javadoc of
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-controller-advice">
    <title><interfacename>@ControllerAdvice</interfacename> annotation</title>

    <para>Classes annotated with
    <interfacename>@ControllerAdvice</interfacename> can contain
    <interfacename>@InitBinder</interfacename>, and
    <interfacename>@ModelAttribute</interfacename> methods and those will
    apply to <interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> methods across
    controller hierarchies as opposed to the controller hierarchy within which
    they are declared. <interfacename>@ControllerAdvice</interfacename> is a
    component annotation allowing implementation classes to be auto-detected
    through classpath scanning.</para>

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-matrix-variables">
    <title>Matrix variables</title>

    <para>A new <interfacename>@MatrixVariable</interfacename> annotation adds
    support for extracting matrix variables from the request URI. For more
    details see <xref linkend="mvc-ann-matrix-variables" />.</para>

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-dispatcher-servlet-initializer">
    <title>Abstract base class for code-based Servlet 3+ container

    <para>An abstract base class implementation of the
    <interfacename>WebApplicationInitializer</interfacename> interface is
    provided to simplify code-based registration of a DispatcherServlet and
    filters mapped to it. The new class is named
    <classname>AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer</classname> and its
    can be used with Java-based Spring configuration. For more details see
    <xref linkend="mvc-container-config" />.</para>

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-exception-handler-support">
    <title><classname>ResponseEntityExceptionHandler</classname> class</title>

    <para>A convenient base class with an
    <interfacename>@ExceptionHandler</interfacename> method that handles
    standard Spring MVC exceptions and returns a
    <classname>ResponseEntity</classname> that allowing customizing and
    writing the response with HTTP message converters. This servers as an
    alternative to the <classname>DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver</classname>,
    which does the same but returns a <classname>ModelAndView</classname>

    <para>See the revised <xref linkend="mvc-exceptionhandlers" /> including
    information on customizing the default Servlet container error

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-generic-types-rest-template">
    <title>Support for generic types in the
    <classname>RestTemplate</classname> and in
    <interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> arguments</title>

    <para>The <classname>RestTemplate</classname> can now read an HTTP
    response to a generic type (e.g. <code>List&lt;Account&gt;</code>). There
    are three new <code>exchange()</code> methods that accept
    <classname>ParameterizedTypeReference</classname>, a new class that
    enables capturing and passing generic type info.</para>

    <para>In support of this feature, the
    <interfacename>HttpMessageConverter</interfacename> is extended by
    <interfacename>GenericHttpMessageConverter</interfacename> adding a method
    for reading content given a specified parameterized type. The new
    interface is implemented by the
    <classname>MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter</classname> and also by a
    new <classname>Jaxb2CollectionHttpMessageConverter</classname> that can
    read read a generic <interfacename>Collection</interfacename> where the
    generic type is a JAXB type annotated with
    <interfacename>@XmlRootElement</interfacename> or

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-jackson-json">
    <title>Jackson JSON 2 and related improvements</title>

    <para>The Jackson JSON 2 library is now supported. Due to packaging
    changes in the Jackson library, there are separate classes in Spring MVC
    as well. Those are
    <classname>MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter</classname> and
    <classname>MappingJackson2JsonView</classname>. Other related
    configuration improvements include support for pretty printing as well as
    a <classname>JacksonObjectMapperFactoryBean</classname> for convenient
    customization of an <classname>ObjectMapper</classname> in XML

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-request-body-arg-with-binding-result">
    <title><interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> improvements</title>

    <para>An <interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> or an
    <interfacename>@RequestPart</interfacename> argument can now be followed
    by an <interfacename>Errors</interfacename> argument making it possible to
    handle validation errors (as a result of an
    <interfacename>@Valid</interfacename> annotation) locally within the
    <interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> method.
    <interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> now also supports a required

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-http-patch">
    <title>HTTP PATCH method</title>

    <para>The HTTP request method <code>PATCH</code> may now be used in
    <interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> methods as well as in the
    <classname>RestTemplate</classname> in conjunction with Apache
    HttpComponents HttpClient version 4.2 or later. The JDK
    <classname>HttpURLConnection</classname> does not support the
    <code>PATCH</code> method.</para>

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-mapped-interceptor-exclude-patterns">
    <title>Excluded patterns in mapped interceptors</title>

    <para>Mapped interceptors now support URL patterns to be excluded. The MVC
    namespace and the MVC JavaConfig both expose these options.</para>

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-date-time-format-without-joda">
    <title>Support for <interfacename>@DateTimeFormat</interfacename> without
    Joda Time</title>

    <para>The <interfacename>@DateTimeFormat</interfacename> annotation can
    now be used without needing a dependency on the Joda Time library. If Joda
    Time is not present the JDK <classname>SimpleDateFormat</classname> will
    be used to parse and print date patterns. When Joda Time is present it
    will continue to be used in preference to

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-global-date-time-format">
    <title>Global date &amp; time formatting</title>

    <para>It is now possible to define global formats that will be used when
    parsing and printing date and time types. See <xref
    linkend="format-configuring-formatting-globaldatetimeformat" /> for

  <section xml:id="new-in-3.2-testing">
    <title>New Testing Features</title>

    <para>In addition to the aforementioned inclusion of the <link
    linkend="spring-mvc-test-framework">Spring MVC Test Framework</link> in
    the <literal>spring-test</literal> module, the <emphasis>Spring
    TestContext Framework</emphasis> has been revised with support for
    integration testing web applications as well as configuring application
    contexts with context initializers. For further details, consult the

        <para>Configuring and <link
        linkend="testcontext-ctx-management-web">loading a
        WebApplicationContext</link> in integration tests</para>

        <para>Testing <link linkend="testcontext-web-scoped-beans">request and
        session scoped beans</link></para>

        <para>Improvements to <link linkend="mock-objects-servlet">Servlet API

        <para>Configuring test application contexts with <link

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