提交 b9555048 编写于 作者: R Rossen Stoyanchev

Add "New in Spring 3.2" section to reference docs

上级 c9b7b132
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<xi:include href="new-in-3.0.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
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<part id="spring-core">
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<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0"
<title>New Features and Enhancements in Spring 3.2</title>
<section id="new-in-3.2-features-overview">
<title>Overview of new features</title>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-async">
<title>Support for Servlet 3 based asynchronous request processing</title>
<para>The Spring MVC programming model now provides explicit Servlet 3 async support.
<interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> methods can return one of:</para>
<para><interfacename>java.util.concurrent.Callable</interfacename> to
complete processing in a separate thread managed by a task executor
within Spring MVC.</para>
to complete processing at a later time from a thread not known to
Spring MVC, e.g. in response to some external event (JSM, AMQP, etc.)</para>
to wrap a <interfacename>Callable</interfacename> and
customize the timeout value or the task executor to use.</para>
<para>See <ulink
Introducing Servlet 3 Async Support</ulink> (SpringSource team blog).</para>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-content-negotiation">
<title>Content negotiation improvements</title>
<para>A <interfacename>ContentNeogtiationStrategy</interfacename> is now
available for resolving the requested media types from an incoming request.
The available implementations are based on path extension, request parameter,
'Accept' header, and a fixed default content type. Equivalent options were
previously available only in the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver but are now
available throughout.</para>
<para><classname>ContentNegotiationManager</classname> is the central class to
use when configuring content negotiation options. It accepts one or
more ContentNeogtiationStrategy instances and delegates to them. It can be
plugged into <classname>RequestMappingHandlerMapping</classname>,
and <classname>ContentNegotiatingViewResolver</classname>. The MVC
namespace and the MVC Java config provide convenient options to configure
all that.</para>
<para>The introduction of <classname>ContentNegotiationManger</classname>
also enables smart suffix pattern matching for incoming requests.
See <ulink url="https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-framework/commit/4fd7645">
commit message</ulink></para>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-controller-advice">
<title><interfacename>@ControllerAdvice</interfacename> annotation</title>
<para>Classes annotated with <interfacename>@ControllerAdvice</interfacename>
can contain <interfacename>@ExceptionHandler</interfacename>,
<interfacename>@InitBinder</interfacename>, and
<interfacename>@ModelAttribute</interfacename> methods and those will apply
to <interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> methods across controller
hierarchies as opposed to the controller hierarchy within which they are declared.
<interfacename>@ControllerAdvice</interfacename> is
a component annotation allowing implementation classes to be auto-detected
through classpath scanning.</para>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-exception-handler-support">
<title><classname>ExceptionHandlerSupport</classname> class</title>
<para>A convenient base class with an
method that handles standard Spring MVC exceptions, just as the
<classname>DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver</classname> does, but also
allowing you to prepare error content for the body of the response.</para>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-generic-types-rest-template">
<title>Support for generic types in the <classname>RestTemplate</classname> and in
<interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> arguments</title>
<para>The <classname>RestTemplate</classname> can now read an HTTP
response to a generic type (e.g. <code>List&lt;Account&gt;</code>).
There are three new <code>exchange()</code> methods that accept
<classname>ParameterizedTypeReference</classname>, a
new class that enables capturing and passing generic type info.</para>
<para>In support of this feature, the <interfacename>HttpMessageConverter</interfacename>
is extended by <interfacename>GenericHttpMessageConverter</interfacename>
adding a method for reading content given a specified parameterized type.
The new interface is implemented by the
<classname>MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter</classname> and also
by a new <classname>Jaxb2CollectionHttpMessageConverter</classname> that can
read read a generic <interfacename>Collection</interfacename> where the
generic type is a JAXB type annotated with
<interfacename>@XmlRootElement</interfacename> or
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-jackson-json">
<title>Jackson JSON 2 and related improvements</title>
<para>The Jackson Json 2 library is now supported. Due to packaging changes in
the Jackson library, there are separate classes in Spring MVC as well. Those are
<classname>MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter</classname> and
Other related configuration improvements include support for
pretty printing as well as a
<classname>JacksonObjectMapperFactoryBean</classname> for convenient
customization of an <classname>ObjectMapper</classname> in
XML configuration.</para>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-request-body-arg-with-binding-result">
<title><interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> improvements</title>
<para>An <interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> or an
<interfacename>@RequestPart</interfacename> argument can now be followed by an
<interfacename>Errors</interfacename> argument making it possible to handle
validation errors (as a result of an <interfacename>@Valid</interfacename>
annotation) locally within the <interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> method.
<interfacename>@RequestBody</interfacename> now also supports
a required flag.</para>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-http-patch">
<title>HTTP PATCH method</title>
<para>The HTTP request method <code>PATCH</code> may now be used in
<interfacename>@RequestMapping</interfacename> methods as well as in
the <classname>RestTemplate</classname> in conjunction with
Apache HttpComponents HttpClient version 4.2 or later.
The JDK <classname>HttpURLConnection</classname> does not support the
<code>PATCH</code> method.</para>
<section id="new-in-3.2-webmvc-mapped-interceptor-exclude-patterns">
<title>Excluded patterns in mapped interceptors</title>
<para>Mapped interceptors now support URL patterns to be excluded.
The MVC namespace and the MVC Java config both expose these options.</para>
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