tableOfContentsProvider.ts 2.1 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

'use strict';

import * as vscode from 'vscode';

import { MarkdownEngine, IToken } from './markdownEngine';

export interface TocEntry {
	slug: string;
	text: string;
	line: number;
	location: vscode.Location;

export class TableOfContentsProvider {
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	private toc: TocEntry[];

	public constructor(
		private engine: MarkdownEngine,
		private document: vscode.TextDocument) { }

	public getToc(): TocEntry[] {
		if (!this.toc) {
			try {
				this.toc = this.buildToc(this.document);
			} catch (e) {
				this.toc = [];
		return this.toc;

	public lookup(fragment: string): number {
		const slug = TableOfContentsProvider.slugify(fragment);
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		for (const entry of this.getToc()) {
			if (entry.slug === slug) {
				return entry.line;
		return NaN;

	private buildToc(document: vscode.TextDocument): any {
		const toc: TocEntry[] = [];
		const tokens: IToken[] = this.engine.parse(document.uri, document.getText());
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		for (const heading of tokens.filter(token => token.type === 'heading_open')) {
			const lineNumber =[0];
			const line = document.lineAt(lineNumber);
			const href = TableOfContentsProvider.slugify(line.text);
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			if (href) {
					slug: href,
					text: TableOfContentsProvider.getHeaderText(line.text),
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					line: lineNumber,
					location: new vscode.Location(document.uri, line.range)
		return toc;

	private static getHeaderText(header: string): string {
		return header.replace(/^\s*(#)+\s*(.*?)\s*\1*$/, '$2').trim();

	public static slugify(header: string): string {
		return encodeURI(header.trim()
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			.replace(/[\]\[\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\_\{\|\}\~]/g, '')
			.replace(/\s+/g, '-')
			.replace(/^\-+/, '')
			.replace(/\-+$/, ''));
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