xmlDrawing.go 18.2 KB
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// Copyright 2016 - 2019 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to
// and read from XLSX files. Support reads and writes XLSX file generated by
// Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later. Support save file without losing original
// charts of XLSX. This library needs Go version 1.8 or later.
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10 11
package excelize

12 13
import "encoding/xml"

14 15
// Source relationship and namespace.
const (
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
	SourceRelationship                   = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"
	SourceRelationshipChart              = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chart"
	SourceRelationshipComments           = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/comments"
	SourceRelationshipImage              = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image"
	SourceRelationshipTable              = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/table"
	SourceRelationshipDrawingML          = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing"
	SourceRelationshipDrawingVML         = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/vmlDrawing"
	SourceRelationshipHyperLink          = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink"
	SourceRelationshipWorkSheet          = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet"
	SourceRelationshipChart201506        = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2015/06/chart"
	SourceRelationshipChart20070802      = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2007/8/2/chart"
	SourceRelationshipChart2014          = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2014/chart"
	SourceRelationshipCompatibility      = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"
	NameSpaceDrawingML                   = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"
	NameSpaceDrawingMLChart              = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart"
	NameSpaceDrawingMLSpreadSheet        = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing"
	NameSpaceSpreadSheet                 = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"
	NameSpaceXML                         = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
	NameSpaceXMLSchemaInstance           = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	StrictSourceRelationship             = "http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDocument/relationships"
	StrictSourceRelationshipChart        = "http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDocument/relationships/chart"
	StrictSourceRelationshipComments     = "http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDocument/relationships/comments"
	StrictSourceRelationshipImage        = "http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDocument/relationships/image"
	StrictNameSpaceSpreadSheet           = "http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/spreadsheetml/main"
	NameSpaceDublinCore                  = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
	NameSpaceDublinCoreTerms             = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
	NameSpaceDublinCoreMetadataIntiative = "http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/"
43 44

45 46
var supportImageTypes = map[string]string{".gif": ".gif", ".jpg": ".jpeg", ".jpeg": ".jpeg", ".png": ".png"}

47 48 49
// xlsxCNvPr directly maps the cNvPr (Non-Visual Drawing Properties). This
// element specifies non-visual canvas properties. This allows for additional
// information that does not affect the appearance of the picture to be stored.
type xlsxCNvPr struct {
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
	ID         int             `xml:"id,attr"`
	Name       string          `xml:"name,attr"`
	Descr      string          `xml:"descr,attr"`
	Title      string          `xml:"title,attr,omitempty"`
	HlinkClick *xlsxHlinkClick `xml:"a:hlinkClick"`

// xlsxHlinkClick (Click Hyperlink) Specifies the on-click hyperlink
// information to be applied to a run of text. When the hyperlink text is
// clicked the link is fetched.
type xlsxHlinkClick struct {
	R              string `xml:"xmlns:r,attr,omitempty"`
	RID            string `xml:"r:id,attr,omitempty"`
	InvalidURL     string `xml:"invalidUrl,attr,omitempty"`
	Action         string `xml:"action,attr,omitempty"`
	TgtFrame       string `xml:"tgtFrame,attr,omitempty"`
	Tooltip        string `xml:"tooltip,attr,omitempty"`
	History        bool   `xml:"history,attr,omitempty"`
	HighlightClick bool   `xml:"highlightClick,attr,omitempty"`
	EndSnd         bool   `xml:"endSnd,attr,omitempty"`
71 72 73

// xlsxPicLocks directly maps the picLocks (Picture Locks). This element
74 75 76
// specifies all locking properties for a graphic frame. These properties inform
// the generating application about specific properties that have been
// previously locked and thus should not be changed.
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
type xlsxPicLocks struct {
	NoAdjustHandles    bool `xml:"noAdjustHandles,attr,omitempty"`
	NoChangeArrowheads bool `xml:"noChangeArrowheads,attr,omitempty"`
	NoChangeAspect     bool `xml:"noChangeAspect,attr"`
	NoChangeShapeType  bool `xml:"noChangeShapeType,attr,omitempty"`
	NoCrop             bool `xml:"noCrop,attr,omitempty"`
	NoEditPoints       bool `xml:"noEditPoints,attr,omitempty"`
	NoGrp              bool `xml:"noGrp,attr,omitempty"`
	NoMove             bool `xml:"noMove,attr,omitempty"`
	NoResize           bool `xml:"noResize,attr,omitempty"`
	NoRot              bool `xml:"noRot,attr,omitempty"`
	NoSelect           bool `xml:"noSelect,attr,omitempty"`

91 92 93 94
// xlsxBlip directly maps the blip element in the namespace
// http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDoc ument/relationships - This element
// specifies the existence of an image (binary large image or picture) and
// contains a reference to the image data.
95 96 97 98 99 100
type xlsxBlip struct {
	Embed  string `xml:"r:embed,attr"`
	Cstate string `xml:"cstate,attr,omitempty"`
	R      string `xml:"xmlns:r,attr"`

101 102 103
// xlsxStretch directly maps the stretch element. This element specifies that a
// BLIP should be stretched to fill the target rectangle. The other option is a
// tile where a BLIP is tiled to fill the available area.
104 105 106 107
type xlsxStretch struct {
	FillRect string `xml:"a:fillRect"`

108 109
// xlsxOff directly maps the colOff and rowOff element. This element is used to
// specify the column offset within a cell.
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
type xlsxOff struct {
	X int `xml:"x,attr"`
	Y int `xml:"y,attr"`

// xlsxExt directly maps the ext element.
type xlsxExt struct {
	Cx int `xml:"cx,attr"`
	Cy int `xml:"cy,attr"`

121 122 123 124
// xlsxPrstGeom directly maps the prstGeom (Preset geometry). This element
// specifies when a preset geometric shape should be used instead of a custom
// geometric shape. The generating application should be able to render all
// preset geometries enumerated in the ST_ShapeType list.
125 126 127 128
type xlsxPrstGeom struct {
	Prst string `xml:"prst,attr"`

129 130 131 132
// xlsxXfrm directly maps the xfrm (2D Transform for Graphic Frame). This
// element specifies the transform to be applied to the corresponding graphic
// frame. This transformation is applied to the graphic frame just as it would
// be for a shape or group shape.
133 134 135 136 137
type xlsxXfrm struct {
	Off xlsxOff `xml:"a:off"`
	Ext xlsxExt `xml:"a:ext"`

138 139 140 141 142
// xlsxCNvPicPr directly maps the cNvPicPr (Non-Visual Picture Drawing
// Properties). This element specifies the non-visual properties for the picture
// canvas. These properties are to be used by the generating application to
// determine how certain properties are to be changed for the picture object in
// question.
143 144 145 146
type xlsxCNvPicPr struct {
	PicLocks xlsxPicLocks `xml:"a:picLocks"`

147 148 149 150 151 152
// directly maps the nvPicPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Picture). This element
// specifies all non-visual properties for a picture. This element is a
// container for the non-visual identification properties, shape properties and
// application properties that are to be associated with a picture. This allows
// for additional information that does not affect the appearance of the picture
// to be stored.
153 154 155 156 157
type xlsxNvPicPr struct {
	CNvPr    xlsxCNvPr    `xml:"xdr:cNvPr"`
	CNvPicPr xlsxCNvPicPr `xml:"xdr:cNvPicPr"`

158 159 160 161
// xlsxBlipFill directly maps the blipFill (Picture Fill). This element
// specifies the kind of picture fill that the picture object has. Because a
// picture has a picture fill already by default, it is possible to have two
// fills specified for a picture object.
162 163 164 165 166
type xlsxBlipFill struct {
	Blip    xlsxBlip    `xml:"a:blip"`
	Stretch xlsxStretch `xml:"a:stretch"`

167 168 169 170 171
// xlsxSpPr directly maps the spPr (Shape Properties). This element specifies
// the visual shape properties that can be applied to a picture. These are the
// same properties that are allowed to describe the visual properties of a shape
// but are used here to describe the visual appearance of a picture within a
// document.
172 173 174 175 176
type xlsxSpPr struct {
	Xfrm     xlsxXfrm     `xml:"a:xfrm"`
	PrstGeom xlsxPrstGeom `xml:"a:prstGeom"`

177 178 179 180
// xlsxPic elements encompass the definition of pictures within the DrawingML
// framework. While pictures are in many ways very similar to shapes they have
// specific properties that are unique in order to optimize for picture-
// specific scenarios.
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202
type xlsxPic struct {
	NvPicPr  xlsxNvPicPr  `xml:"xdr:nvPicPr"`
	BlipFill xlsxBlipFill `xml:"xdr:blipFill"`
	SpPr     xlsxSpPr     `xml:"xdr:spPr"`

// xlsxFrom specifies the starting anchor.
type xlsxFrom struct {
	Col    int `xml:"xdr:col"`
	ColOff int `xml:"xdr:colOff"`
	Row    int `xml:"xdr:row"`
	RowOff int `xml:"xdr:rowOff"`

// xlsxTo directly specifies the ending anchor.
type xlsxTo struct {
	Col    int `xml:"xdr:col"`
	ColOff int `xml:"xdr:colOff"`
	Row    int `xml:"xdr:row"`
	RowOff int `xml:"xdr:rowOff"`

// xdrClientData directly maps the clientData element. An empty element which
204 205 206 207 208
// specifies (via attributes) certain properties related to printing and
// selection of the drawing object. The fLocksWithSheet attribute (either true
// or false) determines whether to disable selection when the sheet is
// protected, and fPrintsWithSheet attribute (either true or false) determines
// whether the object is printed when the sheet is printed.
type xdrClientData struct {
210 211 212 213
	FLocksWithSheet  bool `xml:"fLocksWithSheet,attr"`
	FPrintsWithSheet bool `xml:"fPrintsWithSheet,attr"`

// xdrCellAnchor directly maps the oneCellAnchor (One Cell Anchor Shape Size)
215 216 217
// and twoCellAnchor (Two Cell Anchor Shape Size). This element specifies a two
// cell anchor placeholder for a group, a shape, or a drawing element. It moves
// with cells and its extents are in EMU units.
218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226
type xdrCellAnchor struct {
	EditAs       string         `xml:"editAs,attr,omitempty"`
	From         *xlsxFrom      `xml:"xdr:from"`
	To           *xlsxTo        `xml:"xdr:to"`
	Ext          *xlsxExt       `xml:"xdr:ext"`
	Sp           *xdrSp         `xml:"xdr:sp"`
	Pic          *xlsxPic       `xml:"xdr:pic,omitempty"`
	GraphicFrame string         `xml:",innerxml"`
	ClientData   *xdrClientData `xml:"xdr:clientData"`
227 228

229 230
// xlsxWsDr directly maps the root element for a part of this content type shall
// wsDr.
type xlsxWsDr struct {
232 233 234
	XMLName       xml.Name         `xml:"xdr:wsDr"`
	OneCellAnchor []*xdrCellAnchor `xml:"xdr:oneCellAnchor"`
	TwoCellAnchor []*xdrCellAnchor `xml:"xdr:twoCellAnchor"`
235 236 237
	A             string           `xml:"xmlns:a,attr,omitempty"`
	Xdr           string           `xml:"xmlns:xdr,attr,omitempty"`
	R             string           `xml:"xmlns:r,attr,omitempty"`
238 239 240 241 242 243 244

// xlsxGraphicFrame (Graphic Frame) directly maps the xdr:graphicFrame element.
// This element specifies the existence of a graphics frame. This frame contains
// a graphic that was generated by an external source and needs a container in
// which to be displayed on the slide surface.
type xlsxGraphicFrame struct {
	XMLName          xml.Name             `xml:"xdr:graphicFrame"`
246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
	Macro            string               `xml:"macro,attr"`
	NvGraphicFramePr xlsxNvGraphicFramePr `xml:"xdr:nvGraphicFramePr"`
	Xfrm             xlsxXfrm             `xml:"xdr:xfrm"`
	Graphic          *xlsxGraphic         `xml:"a:graphic"`

// xlsxNvGraphicFramePr (Non-Visual Properties for a Graphic Frame) directly
// maps the xdr:nvGraphicFramePr element. This element specifies all non-visual
// properties for a graphic frame. This element is a container for the non-
// visual identification properties, shape properties and application properties
// that are to be associated with a graphic frame. This allows for additional
// information that does not affect the appearance of the graphic frame to be
// stored.
type xlsxNvGraphicFramePr struct {
	CNvPr                *xlsxCNvPr `xml:"xdr:cNvPr"`
	ChicNvGraphicFramePr string     `xml:"xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr"`

// xlsxGraphic (Graphic Object) directly maps the a:graphic element. This
// element specifies the existence of a single graphic object. Document authors
// should refer to this element when they wish to persist a graphical object of
// some kind. The specification for this graphical object is provided entirely
// by the document author and referenced within the graphicData child element.
type xlsxGraphic struct {
	GraphicData *xlsxGraphicData `xml:"a:graphicData"`

// xlsxGraphicData (Graphic Object Data) directly maps the a:graphicData
// element. This element specifies the reference to a graphic object within the
// document. This graphic object is provided entirely by the document authors
// who choose to persist this data within the document.
type xlsxGraphicData struct {
	URI   string     `xml:"uri,attr"`
	Chart *xlsxChart `xml:"c:chart,omitempty"`

// xlsxChart (Chart) directly maps the c:chart element.
type xlsxChart struct {
	C   string `xml:"xmlns:c,attr"`
	RID string `xml:"r:id,attr"`
	R   string `xml:"xmlns:r,attr"`

289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366
// xdrSp (Shape) directly maps the xdr:sp element. This element specifies the
// existence of a single shape. A shape can either be a preset or a custom
// geometry, defined using the SpreadsheetDrawingML framework. In addition to a
// geometry each shape can have both visual and non-visual properties attached.
// Text and corresponding styling information can also be attached to a shape.
// This shape is specified along with all other shapes within either the shape
// tree or group shape elements.
type xdrSp struct {
	Macro    string     `xml:"macro,attr"`
	Textlink string     `xml:"textlink,attr"`
	NvSpPr   *xdrNvSpPr `xml:"xdr:nvSpPr"`
	SpPr     *xlsxSpPr  `xml:"xdr:spPr"`
	Style    *xdrStyle  `xml:"xdr:style"`
	TxBody   *xdrTxBody `xml:"xdr:txBody"`

// xdrNvSpPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Shape) directly maps the xdr:nvSpPr
// element. This element specifies all non-visual properties for a shape. This
// element is a container for the non-visual identification properties, shape
// properties and application properties that are to be associated with a shape.
// This allows for additional information that does not affect the appearance of
// the shape to be stored.
type xdrNvSpPr struct {
	CNvPr   *xlsxCNvPr  `xml:"xdr:cNvPr"`
	CNvSpPr *xdrCNvSpPr `xml:"xdr:cNvSpPr"`

// xdrCNvSpPr (Connection Non-Visual Shape Properties) directly maps the
// xdr:cNvSpPr element. This element specifies the set of non-visual properties
// for a connection shape. These properties specify all data about the
// connection shape which do not affect its display within a spreadsheet.
type xdrCNvSpPr struct {
	TxBox bool `xml:"txBox,attr"`

// xdrStyle (Shape Style) directly maps the xdr:style element. The element
// specifies the style that is applied to a shape and the corresponding
// references for each of the style components such as lines and fills.
type xdrStyle struct {
	LnRef     *aRef     `xml:"a:lnRef"`
	FillRef   *aRef     `xml:"a:fillRef"`
	EffectRef *aRef     `xml:"a:effectRef"`
	FontRef   *aFontRef `xml:"a:fontRef"`

// aRef directly maps the a:lnRef, a:fillRef and a:effectRef element.
type aRef struct {
	Idx       int            `xml:"idx,attr"`
	ScrgbClr  *aScrgbClr     `xml:"a:scrgbClr"`
	SchemeClr *attrValString `xml:"a:schemeClr"`
	SrgbClr   *attrValString `xml:"a:srgbClr"`

// aScrgbClr (RGB Color Model - Percentage Variant) directly maps the a:scrgbClr
// element. This element specifies a color using the red, green, blue RGB color
// model. Each component, red, green, and blue is expressed as a percentage from
// 0% to 100%. A linear gamma of 1.0 is assumed.
type aScrgbClr struct {
	R float64 `xml:"r,attr"`
	G float64 `xml:"g,attr"`
	B float64 `xml:"b,attr"`

// aFontRef (Font Reference) directly maps the a:fontRef element. This element
// represents a reference to a themed font. When used it specifies which themed
// font to use along with a choice of color.
type aFontRef struct {
	Idx       string         `xml:"idx,attr"`
	SchemeClr *attrValString `xml:"a:schemeClr"`

// xdrTxBody (Shape Text Body) directly maps the xdr:txBody element. This
// element specifies the existence of text to be contained within the
// corresponding shape. All visible text and visible text related properties are
// contained within this element. There can be multiple paragraphs and within
// paragraphs multiple runs of text.
type xdrTxBody struct {
	BodyPr *aBodyPr `xml:"a:bodyPr"`
	P      []*aP    `xml:"a:p"`

370 371
// formatPicture directly maps the format settings of the picture.
type formatPicture struct {
372 373 374 375 376 377 378
	FPrintsWithSheet bool    `json:"print_obj"`
	FLocksWithSheet  bool    `json:"locked"`
	NoChangeAspect   bool    `json:"lock_aspect_ratio"`
	OffsetX          int     `json:"x_offset"`
	OffsetY          int     `json:"y_offset"`
	XScale           float64 `json:"x_scale"`
	YScale           float64 `json:"y_scale"`
379 380
	Hyperlink        string  `json:"hyperlink"`
	HyperlinkType    string  `json:"hyperlink_type"`
	Positioning      string  `json:"positioning"`
383 384 385

// formatShape directly maps the format settings of the shape.
type formatShape struct {
386 387 388 389 390 391
	Type      string                 `json:"type"`
	Width     int                    `json:"width"`
	Height    int                    `json:"height"`
	Format    formatPicture          `json:"format"`
	Color     formatShapeColor       `json:"color"`
	Paragraph []formatShapeParagraph `json:"paragraph"`
392 393

394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401
// formatShapeParagraph directly maps the format settings of the paragraph in
// the shape.
type formatShapeParagraph struct {
	Font formatFont `json:"font"`
	Text string     `json:"text"`

// formatShapeColor directly maps the color settings of the shape.
402 403 404 405 406
type formatShapeColor struct {
	Line   string `json:"line"`
	Fill   string `json:"fill"`
	Effect string `json:"effect"`