提交 30c702d3 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: wangzelin.wzl

Fix duplicated system table name problem

上级 8d2d0ef5
......@@ -1530,6 +1530,7 @@ int ObSchemaGetterGuard::get_table_id(uint64_t tenant_id,
} else {
if (TEMP_TABLE_TYPE == check_type
&& !is_inner_table(simple_table->get_table_id())
&& false == simple_table->is_tmp_table()) {
// temporary table is not finded.
LOG_TRACE("request for temporary table but non-temporary table returned", K(session_id_), K(session_id), K(check_type));
......@@ -3408,35 +3408,31 @@ int ObSchemaMgr::get_table_schema(
const ObSimpleTableSchemaV2 *&table_schema) const
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
bool is_system_table = false;
table_schema = NULL;
if (!check_inner_stat()) {
ret = OB_NOT_INIT;
LOG_WARN("not init", K(ret));
LOG_WARN("not init", KR(ret));
} else if (OB_INVALID_ID == tenant_id
|| OB_INVALID_ID == database_id
|| table_name.empty()) {
LOG_WARN("invalid argument", K(ret), K(tenant_id), K(database_id), K(table_name));
} else if (OB_FAIL(ObSysTableChecker::is_sys_table_name(tenant_id, database_id, table_name, is_system_table))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to check if table is system table", K(ret), K(tenant_id), K(database_id), K(table_name));
LOG_WARN("invalid argument", KR(ret), K(tenant_id), K(database_id), K(table_name));
} else if (OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID != tenant_id_
&& OB_SYS_TENANT_ID != tenant_id_
&& tenant_id_ != tenant_id) {
LOG_WARN("tenant_id not matched", K(ret), K(tenant_id), K_(tenant_id));
LOG_WARN("tenant_id not matched", KR(ret), K(tenant_id), K_(tenant_id));
} else {
ObSimpleTableSchemaV2 *tmp_schema = NULL;
ObNameCaseMode mode = OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID;
if (OB_SYS_TENANT_ID == tenant_id_ || is_system_table) {
// Scenarios for special handling of user tenant system tables
if (is_sys_tenant(tenant_id)) {
} else if (OB_FAIL(get_tenant_name_case_mode(tenant_id, mode))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to get_tenant_name_case_mode", K(tenant_id), K(ret));
LOG_WARN("fail to get_tenant_name_case_mode", K(tenant_id), KR(ret));
} else if (OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID == mode) {
LOG_WARN("invalid case mode", K(ret), K(mode));
LOG_WARN("invalid case mode", KR(ret), K(mode));
if (OB_SUCC(ret)) {
const ObTableSchemaHashWrapper table_name_wrapper(tenant_id, database_id, session_id, mode, table_name);
......@@ -3444,24 +3440,48 @@ int ObSchemaMgr::get_table_schema(
if (OB_SUCCESS == hash_ret) {
if (OB_ISNULL(tmp_schema)) {
LOG_WARN("NULL ptr", K(ret), K(tmp_schema));
LOG_WARN("NULL ptr", KR(ret), K(table_name_wrapper));
} else {
table_schema = tmp_schema;
} else if (OB_HASH_NOT_EXIST == hash_ret && 0 != session_id && OB_INVALID_ID != session_id) {
// If session_id != 0, the search just now is based on the possible match of the temporary table.
// If it is not found, then it will be searched according to session_id = 0, which is the normal table.
const ObTableSchemaHashWrapper table_name_wrapper2(tenant_id, database_id, 0, mode, table_name);
hash_ret = table_name_map_.get_refactored(table_name_wrapper2, tmp_schema);
const ObTableSchemaHashWrapper table_name_wrapper1(tenant_id, database_id, 0, mode, table_name);
hash_ret = table_name_map_.get_refactored(table_name_wrapper1, tmp_schema);
if (OB_SUCCESS == hash_ret) {
if (OB_ISNULL(tmp_schema)) {
LOG_WARN("NULL ptr", K(ret), K(tmp_schema));
LOG_WARN("NULL ptr", KR(ret), K(table_name_wrapper1));
} else {
table_schema = tmp_schema;
// restrict creating duplicate table with existed inner table
if (OB_SUCC(ret) && OB_ISNULL(table_schema)) {
bool is_system_table = false;
if (OB_FAIL(ObSysTableChecker::is_sys_table_name(tenant_id, database_id, table_name, is_system_table))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to check if table is system table", KR(ret), K(tenant_id), K(database_id), K(table_name));
} else if (is_system_table) {
// Inner table's ObTableSchemaHashWrapper is stored with OB_ORIGIN_AND_INSENSITIVE. Actually,
// 1. For inner table in mysql database, comparision is insensitive.
// 2. For inner table in oracle database, comparision is sensitive.
const ObTableSchemaHashWrapper table_name_wrapper2(tenant_id, database_id,
hash_ret = table_name_map_.get_refactored(table_name_wrapper2, tmp_schema);
if (OB_SUCCESS == hash_ret) {
if (OB_ISNULL(tmp_schema)) {
LOG_WARN("NULL ptr", KR(ret), K(table_name_wrapper2));
} else {
table_schema = tmp_schema;
} else {
// not system table
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ int ObSysTableChecker::init_sys_table_name_map()
} else if (OB_FAIL(sys_table_name_map_.set_refactored(key, value))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to set table name array", K(ret), K(key), K(table));
} else {
LOG_INFO("set tenant space table name", K(key), K(table));
LOG_INFO("set tenant space table name", K(key), K(table), "strlen", table_name.length());
} else if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) {
if (OB_ISNULL(value)) {
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ int ObSysTableChecker::check_sys_table_name(
is_system_table = (value->at(i) == table);
LOG_TRACE("check sys table name", K(ret), K(key), K(table));
LOG_TRACE("check sys table name", K(ret), K(key), K(table), "strlen", table_name.length());
return ret;
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