1. 10 7月, 2020 2 次提交
  2. 09 7月, 2020 4 次提交
  3. 08 7月, 2020 3 次提交
  4. 07 7月, 2020 3 次提交
  5. 06 7月, 2020 1 次提交
  6. 05 7月, 2020 1 次提交
  7. 04 7月, 2020 1 次提交
  8. 03 7月, 2020 1 次提交
    • G
      eth/gasprice: lighter gas price oracle for light client (#20409) · 61270e5e
      gary rong 提交于
      This PR reduces the bandwidth used by the light client to compute the
      recommended gas price. The current mechanism for suggesting the price is:
      - retrieve recent 20 blocks
      - get the lowest gas price of these blocks
      - sort the price array and return the middle(60%) one
      This works for full nodes, which have all blocks available locally.
      However, this is very expensive for the light client because the light
      client needs to retrieve block bodies from the network.
      The PR changes the default options for light client. With the new config,
      the light client only retrieves the two latest blocks, but in order to
      collect more sample transactions, the 3 lowest prices are collected from
      each block.
      This PR also changes the behavior for empty blocks. If the block is empty,
      the lastest price is reused for sampling.
  9. 02 7月, 2020 5 次提交
  10. 01 7月, 2020 3 次提交
    • M
      rlp: avoid list header allocation in encoder (#21274) · 8dfd66f7
      Marius van der Wijden 提交于
      List headers made up 11% of all allocations during sync. This change
      removes most of those allocations by keeping the list header values
      cached in the encoder buffer instead. Since encoder buffers are pooled,
      list headers are no longer allocated in the common case where an
      encoder buffer is available for reuse.
      Co-authored-by: NFelix Lange <fjl@twurst.com>
    • A
      cmd/geth: LES priority client test (#20719) · ec51cbb5
      Adam Schmideg 提交于
      This adds a regression test for the LES priority client API.
    • M
      eth/downloader: fixes data race between synchronize and other methods (#21201) · d671dbd5
      Marius van der Wijden 提交于
      * eth/downloaded: fixed datarace between synchronize and Progress
      There was a race condition between `downloader.synchronize()` and `Progress` `syncWithPeer` `fetchHeight` `findAncestors` and `processHeaders`
      This PR changes the behavior of the downloader a bit.
      Previously the functions `Progress` `syncWithPeer` `fetchHeight` `findAncestors` and `processHeaders` read the syncMode anew within their loops. Now they read the syncMode at the start of their function and don't change it during their runtime.
      * eth/downloaded: comment
      * eth/downloader: added comment
  11. 30 6月, 2020 6 次提交
  12. 26 6月, 2020 1 次提交
  13. 25 6月, 2020 3 次提交
  14. 24 6月, 2020 5 次提交
  15. 23 6月, 2020 1 次提交