未验证 提交 c13df145 编写于 作者: M meowsbits 提交者: GitHub

utils: fix ineffectual miner config flags (#21271)

Without use of global, these flags didn't actually modify
miner configuration, since we weren't grabbing from the
proper context scope, which should be global (vs. subcommand).
Signed-off-by: Nmeows <b5c6@protonmail.com>
上级 02cea233
......@@ -1402,10 +1402,10 @@ func setMiner(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *miner.Config) {
cfg.GasPrice = GlobalBig(ctx, MinerGasPriceFlag.Name)
if ctx.GlobalIsSet(MinerRecommitIntervalFlag.Name) {
cfg.Recommit = ctx.Duration(MinerRecommitIntervalFlag.Name)
cfg.Recommit = ctx.GlobalDuration(MinerRecommitIntervalFlag.Name)
if ctx.GlobalIsSet(MinerNoVerfiyFlag.Name) {
cfg.Noverify = ctx.Bool(MinerNoVerfiyFlag.Name)
cfg.Noverify = ctx.GlobalBool(MinerNoVerfiyFlag.Name)
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