1. 21 1月, 2021 1 次提交
  2. 19 1月, 2021 2 次提交
    • G
      eth, les: add new config field SyncFromCheckpoint (#22123) · 45cb1a58
      gary rong 提交于
      This PR introduces a new config field SyncFromCheckpoint for light client.
      In some special scenarios, it's required to start synchronization from some
      arbitrary checkpoint or even from the scratch. So this PR offers this
      flexibility to users so that the synchronization start point can be configured.
      There are two relevant configs: SyncFromCheckpoint and Checkpoint.
      - If the SyncFromCheckpoint is true, the light client will try to sync from the
        specified checkpoint.
      - If the Checkpoint is not configured, then the light client will sync from the
        scratch(from the latest header if the database is not empty)
      Additional notes: these two configs are not visible in the CLI flags but only
      accessable in the config file.
      Example Usage:
      SyncFromCheckpoint = true
      SectionIndex = 100
      SectionHead = "0xabc"
      CHTRoot = "0xabc"
      BloomRoot = "0xabc"
      PS. Historical checkpoint can be retrieved from the synced full node or light
      client via les_getCheckpoint API.
    • A
      cmd/geth: graceful shutdown if disk is full (#22103) · 24c1e305
      Alex Mazalov 提交于
      Adding warnings of free disk space left and graceful shutdown when there is not enough space left.
      This also adds a flag datadir.minfreedisk which can be used to set the trigger for low disk space, and setting it to zero disables the check. 
      Co-authored-by: NMartin Holst Swende <martin@swende.se>
      Co-authored-by: NFelix Lange <fjl@twurst.com>
  3. 18 1月, 2021 3 次提交
  4. 17 1月, 2021 2 次提交
    • G
      les: remove useless protocol defines (#22115) · 034ecc32
      gary rong 提交于
      This PR has two changes in the les protocol:
      - the auxRoot is not supported. See ethereum/devp2p#171 for more information
      - the empty response will be returned in GetHelperTrieProofsMsg request if the merkle
         proving is failed. note, for backward compatibility, the empty merkle proof as well as
         the request auxiliary data will still be returned in  les2/3 protocol no matter the proving
         is successful or not. the proving failure can happen e.g. request the proving for a
         non-included entry in helper trie (unstable header).
    • D
      eth/protocols/eth: fix slice resize flaw (#22181) · c76573a9
      Dan DeGreef 提交于
  5. 16 1月, 2021 1 次提交
  6. 15 1月, 2021 2 次提交
  7. 14 1月, 2021 3 次提交
  8. 13 1月, 2021 5 次提交
  9. 12 1月, 2021 2 次提交
  10. 11 1月, 2021 4 次提交
  11. 10 1月, 2021 2 次提交
    • G
      core: persist bad blocks (#21827) · 5a1b3843
      gary rong 提交于
      * core: persist bad blocks
      * core, eth, internal: address comments
      * core/rawdb: add badblocks to inspector
      * core, eth: update
      * internal: revert
      * core, eth: only save 10 bad blocks
      * core/rawdb: address comments
      * core/rawdb: fix
      * core: address comments
    • C
      eth/downloader: fix race condition in tests (#22140) · 89030ec0
      Chris Ziogas 提交于
      * downloader: fix race condition in tests
      * eth/downloader: fix race condition in tests
      * Revert "downloader: fix race condition in tests"
      This reverts commit 108033ebc6985de83791d375b6e6647a77d28d5a.
  12. 09 1月, 2021 1 次提交
    • M
      ethclient: better test suite for ethclient package (#22127) · 889f5645
      Marius van der Wijden 提交于
      This commit extends the ethclient test suite and increases code coverage of the ethclient
      package from ~15% to >55%. These tests act as early smoke tests to signal issues in the
      RPC-interface. E.g. if a functionality like eth_chainId or eth_call breaks, the test
      will break.
  13. 08 1月, 2021 5 次提交
  14. 07 1月, 2021 6 次提交
  15. 06 1月, 2021 1 次提交