未验证 提交 e3063d04 编写于 作者: M Marius van der Wijden 提交者: GitHub

oss-fuzz: fix abi fuzzer

上级 45cb1a58
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/rlp Fuzz fuzzRlp
compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/trie Fuzz fuzzTrie
compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/stacktrie Fuzz fuzzStackTrie
compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/difficulty Fuzz fuzzDifficulty
compile_fuzzertests/fuzzers/abi Fuzz fuzzAbi
compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/abi Fuzz fuzzAbi
compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG1Add fuzz_g1_add
compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG1Mul fuzz_g1_mul
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