提交 648c9f23 编写于 作者: 小康2022's avatar 小康2022 👍

Update tkintertools.py

上级 a26beac8
......@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
......@@ -15,18 +15,10 @@ import tkinter
import typing
### 允许特定导入的类和函数 ###
__all__ = ['SpecialTk',
__all__ = ['SpecialTk', 'SpecialCanvas',
'CanvasLabel', 'CanvasButton',
'CanvasEntry', 'CanvasText',
'move_widget', 'correct_text', 'process_color']
### 特殊容器控件 ###
......@@ -64,11 +56,69 @@ class SpecialTk(tkinter.Tk):
用于集中处理 `SpecialCanvas` 绑定的关联事件
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
def __init__(self, proportion_lock: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
# 调用父类初始化方法
tkinter.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# 子画布列表(与缩放绑定有关)
self.canvas_list: list[SpecialCanvas] = []
# 开启窗口缩放检测
self.bind('<Configure>', lambda event: self.__zoom(
event, proportion_lock))
def __zoom(self, event: tkinter.Event, lock: bool, geometry: list = []) -> None:
""" 画布缩放检测 """
if not geometry:
# 记住初始化窗口宽高比例
geometry.append(event.width / event.height)
# 记住初始化的窗口大小
elif event.width != geometry[1] or event.height != geometry[2]:
# 窗口大小改变
if lock:
# 使高度和宽度成比例同步变化
delta = event.width / geometry[0] - event.height
if event.width not in (geometry[1], self.winfo_screenwidth()):
# 宽度改变
event.height += round(delta)
elif event.height not in (geometry[2], self.winfo_screenheight()):
# 高度改变
event.width -= round(delta * geometry[0])
self.geometry('%sx%s' % (event.width, event.height))
# 计算横向缩放倍率
rate_x = event.width / geometry[1]
# 计算纵向缩放倍率
rate_y = event.height / geometry[2]
# 更新子画布控件的大小
for canvas in self.canvas_list:
# 更新画布的横纵缩放比率
canvas.rate_x = event.width / canvas.init_width
canvas.rate_y = event.height / canvas.init_height
# 更新子画布控件的子虚拟画布控件的位置
for item in canvas.find_all():
canvas.coords(item, [coord * rate_y if ind % 2 else coord * rate_x for ind, coord in
size: str = canvas.itemcget(item, 'tags')
if size.isdigit():
# 字体大小修改
font: str = canvas.itemcget(item, 'font')
font = font.split()
font[1] = round(
int(size) * min(canvas.rate_x, canvas.rate_y))
canvas.itemconfigure(item, font=font)
# 更新子画布控件的子虚拟画布控件位置数据
for widget in canvas.widget_list:
widget.x1 *= rate_x
widget.x2 *= rate_x
widget.y1 *= rate_y
widget.y2 *= rate_y
# 更新默认参数
geometry[1], geometry[2] = event.width, event.height
def __bind_move(event: tkinter.Event, canvas: SpecialCanvas) -> None:
......@@ -108,8 +158,7 @@ class SpecialTk(tkinter.Tk):
def launch_bind(self) -> None:
""" 启动关联事件的绑定 """
""" 关联事件的绑定 """
# 绑定键盘输入
self.bind('<Any-Key>', self.__bind_input)
# 遍历所有画布
......@@ -130,43 +179,10 @@ class SpecialTk(tkinter.Tk):
canvas.bind('<MouseWheel>', lambda event,
_canvas=canvas: self.__bind_mousewheel(event, _canvas))
def launch_zoom(self, init_width: int, init_height: int) -> None:
""" 启动子画布控件缩放检测 """
# 检测当前窗口的大小
window_width, window_height = self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height()
# 计算横向缩放倍率
rate_x = window_width / init_width
# 计算纵向缩放倍率
rate_y = window_height / init_height
# 判断窗口大小是否变化
if window_width != init_width or window_height != init_height:
# 更新子画布控件的大小
for canvas in self.canvas_list:
# 更新画布的横纵缩放比率
canvas.rate_x = window_width / canvas.init_width
canvas.rate_y = window_height / canvas.init_height
# 更新子画布控件的子虚拟画布控件的位置
for item in canvas.find_all():
canvas.coords(item, [coord * rate_y if ind % 2 else coord * rate_x for ind, coord in
size: str = canvas.itemcget(item, 'tags')
if size.isdigit():
# 字体大小修改
font: str = canvas.itemcget(item, 'font')
font = font.split()
font[1] = round(
int(size) * min(canvas.rate_x, canvas.rate_y))
canvas.itemconfigure(item, font=font)
# 更新子画布控件的子虚拟画布控件位置数据
for widget in canvas.widget_list:
widget.x1 *= rate_x
widget.x2 *= rate_x
widget.y1 *= rate_y
widget.y2 *= rate_y
# 更新当前窗口大小的参数
self.after(10, self.launch_zoom, window_width, window_height)
def mainloop(self, n: int = 0) -> None:
""" 开启窗口时开启进行事件绑定 """
tkinter.Tk.mainloop(self, n)
### 控件基类 ###
......@@ -764,6 +780,7 @@ def process_color(color: str | None = None, key: float | str = '') -> str:
lib, rgb = '0123456789ABCDEF', ''
if not color:
# 随机RGB颜色字符串
for _ in range(6):
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