提交 5b1587ca 编写于 作者: C chinaxing 提交者: wangzelin.wzl

[4.1] fix get tx data from tx_ctx

上级 eab93f73
......@@ -435,10 +435,11 @@ int ObCtxTxData::add_undo_action(ObUndoAction &undo_action, storage::ObUndoStatu
int ObCtxTxData::Guard::get_tx_data(const ObTxData *&tx_data) const
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
if (NULL == host_.tx_data_) {
auto tmp_tx_data = host_.tx_data_;
if (NULL == tmp_tx_data) {
} else {
tx_data = host_.tx_data_;
tx_data = tmp_tx_data;
return ret;
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