1. 13 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • P
      Open source MnasFPN and minor fixes to OD API (#8484) · 8518d053
      pkulzc 提交于
      310447280  by lzc:
          Internal change
      310420845  by Zhichao Lu:
          Open source the internal Context RCNN code.
      310362339  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      310259448  by lzc:
          Update required TF version for OD API.
      310252159  by Zhichao Lu:
          Port patch_ops_test to TF1/TF2 as TPUs.
      310247180  by Zhichao Lu:
          Ignore keypoint heatmap loss in the regions/bounding boxes with target keypoint
          class but no valid keypoint annotations.
      310178294  by Zhichao Lu:
          Opensource MnasFPN
      310094222  by lzc:
          Internal changes.
      310085250  by lzc:
          Internal Change.
      310016447  by huizhongc:
          Remove unrecognized classes from labeled_classes.
      310009470  by rathodv:
          Mark batcher.py as TF1 only.
      310001984  by rathodv:
          Update core/preprocessor.py to be compatible with TF1/TF2..
      309455035  by Zhichao Lu:
          Makes the freezable_batch_norm_test run w/ v2 behavior.
          The main change is in v2 updates will happen right away when running batchnorm in training mode. So, we need to restore the weights between batchnorm calls to make sure the numerical checks all start from the same place.
      309425881  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make TF1/TF2 optimizer builder tests explicit.
      309408646  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make dataset builder tests TF1 and TF2 compatible.
      309246305  by Zhichao Lu:
          Added the functionality of combining the person keypoints and object detection
          annotations in the binary that converts the COCO raw data to TfRecord.
      309125076  by Zhichao Lu:
          Convert target_assigner_utils to TF1/TF2.
      308966359  by huizhongc:
          Support SSD training with partially labeled groundtruth.
      308937159  by rathodv:
          Update core/target_assigner.py to be compatible with TF1/TF2.
      308774302  by Zhichao Lu:
      308732860  by rathodv:
          Make core/prefetcher.py  compatible with TF1 only.
      308726984  by rathodv:
          Update core/multiclass_nms_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible.
      308714718  by rathodv:
          Update core/region_similarity_calculator_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible.
      308707960  by rathodv:
          Update core/minibatch_sampler_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible.
      308700595  by rathodv:
          Update core/losses_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible and remove losses_test_v2.py
      308361472  by rathodv:
          Update core/matcher_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible.
      308335846  by Zhichao Lu:
          Updated the COCO evaluation logics and populated the groundturth area
          information through. This change matches the groundtruth format expected by the
          COCO keypoint evaluation.
      308256924  by rathodv:
          Update core/keypoints_ops_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible.
      308256826  by rathodv:
          Update class_agnostic_nms_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible.
      308256112  by rathodv:
          Update box_list_ops_test.py to be TF1/TF2 compatible.
      308159360  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      308145008  by Zhichao Lu:
          Added 'image/class/confidence' field in the TFExample decoder.
      307651875  by rathodv:
          Refactor core/box_list.py to support TF1/TF2.
      307651798  by rathodv:
          Modify box_coder.py base class to work with with TF1/TF2
      307651652  by rathodv:
          Refactor core/balanced_positive_negative_sampler.py to support TF1/TF2.
      307651571  by rathodv:
          Modify BoxCoders tests to use test_case:execute method to allow testing with TF1.X and TF2.X
      307651480  by rathodv:
          Modify Matcher tests to use test_case:execute method to allow testing with TF1.X and TF2.X
      307651409  by rathodv:
          Modify AnchorGenerator tests to use test_case:execute method to allow testing with TF1.X and TF2.X
      307651314  by rathodv:
          Refactor model_builder to support TF1 or TF2 models based on TensorFlow version.
      307092053  by Zhichao Lu:
          Use manager to save checkpoint.
      307071352  by ronnyvotel:
          Fixing keypoint visibilities. Now by default, the visibility is marked True if the keypoint is labeled (regardless of whether it is visible or not).
          Also, if visibilities are not present in the dataset, they will be created based on whether the keypoint coordinates are finite (vis = True) or NaN (vis = False).
      307069557  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change to add few fields related to postprocessing parameters in
          center_net.proto and populate those parameters to the keypoint postprocessing
      307012091  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make Adam Optimizer's epsilon proto configurable.
          Potential issue: tf.compat.v1's AdamOptimizer has a default epsilon on 1e-08 ([doc-link](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/compat/v1/train/AdamOptimizer))  whereas tf.keras's AdamOptimizer has default epsilon 1e-07 ([doc-link](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/optimizers/Adam))
      306858598  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes to update the CenterNet model:
          1) Modified eval job loss computation to avoid averaging over batches with zero loss.
          2) Updated CenterNet keypoint heatmap target assigner to apply box size to heatmap Guassian standard deviation.
          3) Updated the CenterNet meta arch keypoint losses computation to apply weights outside of loss function.
      306731223  by jonathanhuang:
          Internal change.
      306549183  by rathodv:
          Internal Update.
      306542930  by rathodv:
          Internal Update
      306322697  by rathodv:
      305345036  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding COCO Camera Traps Json to tf.Example beam code
      304104869  by lzc:
          Internal changes.
      304068971  by jonathanhuang:
          Internal change.
      304050469  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      303880642  by huizhongc:
          Support parsing partially labeled groundtruth.
      303841743  by Zhichao Lu:
          Deprecate nms_on_host in SSDMetaArch.
      303803204  by rathodv:
          Internal change.
      303793895  by jonathanhuang:
          Internal change.
      303467631  by rathodv:
          Py3 update for detection inference test.
      303444542  by rathodv:
          Py3 update to metrics module
      303421960  by rathodv:
          Update json_utils to python3.
      302787583  by ronnyvotel:
          Coco results generator for submission to the coco test server.
      302719091  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change to add the ResNet50 image feature extractor for CenterNet model.
      302116230  by Zhichao Lu:
          Added the functions to overlay the heatmaps with images in visualization util
      301888316  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix checkpoint_filepath not defined error.
      301840312  by ronnyvotel:
          Adding keypoint_scores to visualizations.
      301683475  by ronnyvotel:
          Introducing the ability to preprocess `keypoint_visibilities`.
          Some data augmentation ops such as random crop can filter instances and keypoints. It's important to also filter keypoint visibilities, so that the groundtruth tensors are always in alignment.
      301532344  by Zhichao Lu:
          Don't use tf.divide since "Quantization not yet supported for op: DIV"
      301480348  by ronnyvotel:
          Introducing keypoint evaluation into model lib v2.
          Also, making some fixes to coco keypoint evaluation.
      301454018  by Zhichao Lu:
          Added the image summary to visualize the train/eval input images and eval's
          prediction/groundtruth side-by-side image.
      301317527  by Zhichao Lu:
          Updated the random_absolute_pad_image function in the preprocessor library to
          support the keypoints argument.
      301300324  by Zhichao Lu:
          Apply name change(experimental_run_v2 -> run) for all callers in Tensorflow.
      301297115  by ronnyvotel:
          Utility function for setting keypoint visibilities based on keypoint coordinates.
      301248885  by Zhichao Lu:
          Allow MultiworkerMirroredStrategy(MWMS) use by adding checkpoint handling with temporary directories in model_lib_v2. Added missing WeakKeyDictionary cfer_fn_cache field in CollectiveAllReduceStrategyExtended.
      301224559  by Zhichao Lu:
          ...1) Fixes model_lib to also use keypoints while preparing model groundtruth.
          ...2) Tests model_lib with newly added keypoint metrics config.
      300836556  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes to add keypoint estimation parameters in CenterNet proto.
      300795208  by Zhichao Lu:
          Updated the eval_util library to populate the keypoint groundtruth to
      299474766  by Zhichao Lu:
          ...Modifies eval_util to create Keypoint Evaluator objects when configured in eval config.
      299453920  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add swish activation as a hyperperams option.
      299240093  by ronnyvotel:
          Keypoint postprocessing for CenterNetMetaArch.
      299176395  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      299135608  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes to refactor the CenterNet model in preparation for keypoint estimation tasks.
      298915482  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make dataset_builder aware of input_context for distributed training.
      298713595  by Zhichao Lu:
          Handling data with negative size boxes.
      298695964  by Zhichao Lu:
          Expose change_coordinate_frame as a config parameter; fix multiclass_scores optional field.
      298492150  by Zhichao Lu:
          Rename optimizer_builder_test_v2.py -> optimizer_builder_v2_test.py
      298476471  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes to support CenterNet keypoint estimation.
      298365851  by ronnyvotel:
          Fixing a bug where groundtruth_keypoint_weights were being padded with a dynamic dimension.
      297843700  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      297706988  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      297705287  by ronnyvotel:
          Creating the "snapping" behavior in CenterNet, where regressed keypoints are refined with updated candidate keypoints from a heatmap.
      297700447  by Zhichao Lu:
          Improve checkpoint checking logic with TF2 loop.
      297686094  by Zhichao Lu:
          Convert "import tensorflow as tf" to "import tensorflow.compat.v1".
      297670468  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      297241327  by Zhichao Lu:
          Convert "import tensorflow as tf" to "import tensorflow.compat.v1".
      297205959  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes to support refactored the centernet object detection target assigner into a separate library.
      297143806  by Zhichao Lu:
          Convert "import tensorflow as tf" to "import tensorflow.compat.v1".
      297129625  by Zhichao Lu:
          Explicitly replace "import tensorflow" with "tensorflow.compat.v1" for TF2.x migration
      297117070  by Zhichao Lu:
          Explicitly replace "import tensorflow" with "tensorflow.compat.v1" for TF2.x migration
      297030190  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add configuration options for visualizing keypoint edges
      296359649  by Zhichao Lu:
          Support DepthwiseConv2dNative (of separable conv) in weight equalization loss.
      296290582  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      296093857  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes to add general target assigner utilities.
      295975116  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix visualize_boxes_and_labels_on_image_array to show max_boxes_to_draw correctly.
      295819711  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adds a flag to visualize_boxes_and_labels_on_image_array to skip the drawing of axis aligned bounding boxes.
      295811929  by Zhichao Lu:
          Keypoint support in random_square_crop_by_scale.
      295788458  by rathodv:
          Remove unused checkpoint to reduce repo size on github
      295787184  by Zhichao Lu:
          Enable visualization of edges between keypoints
      295763508  by Zhichao Lu:
          [Context RCNN] Add an option to enable / disable cropping feature in the post
          process step in the meta archtecture.
      295605344  by Zhichao Lu:
          internal change.
      294926050  by ronnyvotel:
          Adding per-keypoint groundtruth weights. These weights are intended to be used as multipliers in a keypoint loss function.
          Groundtruth keypoint weights are constructed as follows:
          - Initialize the weight for each keypoint type based on user-specified weights in the input_reader proto
          - Mask out (i.e. make zero) all keypoint weights that are not visible.
      294829061  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      294566503  by Zhichao Lu:
          Changed internal CenterNet Model configuration.
      294346662  by ronnyvotel:
          Using NaN values in keypoint coordinates that are not visible.
      294333339  by Zhichao Lu:
          Change experimetna_distribute_dataset -> experimental_distribute_dataset_from_function
      293928752  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      293909384  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add capabilities to train 1024x1024 CenterNet models.
      293637554  by ronnyvotel:
          Adding keypoint visibilities to TfExampleDecoder.
      293501558  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      293252851  by Zhichao Lu:
          Change tf.gfile.GFile to tf.io.gfile.GFile.
      292730217  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      292456563  by lzc:
          Internal changes.
      292355612  by Zhichao Lu:
          Use tf.gather and tf.scatter_nd instead of matrix ops.
      292245265  by rathodv:
      291989323  by richardmunoz:
          Refactor out building a DataDecoder from building a tf.data.Dataset.
      291950147  by Zhichao Lu:
          Flip bounding boxes in arbitrary shaped tensors.
      291401052  by huizhongc:
          Fix multiscale grid anchor generator to allow fully convolutional inference. When exporting model with identity_resizer as image_resizer, there is an incorrect box offset on the detection results. We add the anchor offset to address this problem.
      291298871  by Zhichao Lu:
          Py3 compatibility changes.
      290957957  by Zhichao Lu:
          Hourglass feature extractor for CenterNet.
      290564372  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      290155278  by rathodv:
          Remove Dataset Explorer.
      290155153  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      290122054  by Zhichao Lu:
          Unify the format in the faster_rcnn.proto
      290116084  by Zhichao Lu:
          Deprecate tensorflow.contrib.
      290100672  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update MobilenetV3 SSD candidates
      289926392  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      289553440  by Zhichao Lu:
          [Object Detection API] Fix the comments about the dimension of the rpn_box_encodings from 4-D to 3-D.
      288994128  by lzc:
          Internal changes.
      288942194  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      288746124  by Zhichao Lu:
          Configurable channel mean/std. dev in CenterNet feature extractors.
      288552509  by rathodv:
      288541285  by rathodv:
          Internal update.
      288396396  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make object detection import contrib explicitly
      288255791  by rathodv:
      288078600  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix model_lib_v2 test
      287952244  by rathodv:
      287921774  by Zhichao Lu:
          internal change
      287906173  by Zhichao Lu:
          internal change
      287889407  by jonathanhuang:
          PY3 compatibility
      287889042  by rathodv:
      287876178  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      287770490  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add CenterNet proto and builder
      287694213  by Zhichao Lu:
          Support for running multiple steps per tf.function call.
      287377183  by jonathanhuang:
          PY3 compatibility
      287371344  by rathodv:
          Support loading keypoint labels and ids.
      287368213  by rathodv:
          Add protos supporting keypoint evaluation.
      286673200  by rathodv:
          dataset_tools PY3 migration
      286635106  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update code for upcoming tf.contrib removal
      286479439  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      286311711  by Zhichao Lu:
          Skeleton of context model within TFODAPI
      286005546  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix Faster-RCNN training when using keep_aspect_ratio_resizer with pad_to_max_dimension
      285906400  by derekjchow:
          Internal change
      285822795  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add CenterNet meta arch target assigners.
      285447238  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes.
      285016927  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make _dummy_computation a tf.function. This fixes breakage caused by
      284827274  by Zhichao Lu:
          Convert to python 3.
      284645593  by rathodv:
          Internal change
      284639893  by rathodv:
          Add missing documentation for keypoints in eval_util.py.
      284323712  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes.
      284295290  by Zhichao Lu:
          Updating input config proto and dataset builder to include context fields
          Updating standard_fields and tf_example_decoder to include context features
      284226821  by derekjchow:
          Update exporter.
      284211030  by Zhichao Lu:
          API changes in CenterNet informed by the experiments with hourlgass network.
      284190451  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add support for CenterNet losses in protos and builders.
      284093961  by lzc:
          Internal changes.
      284028174  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      284014719  by derekjchow:
          Do not pad top_down feature maps unnecessarily.
      284005765  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add new pad_to_multiple_resizer
      283858233  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make target assigner work when under tf.function.
      283836611  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make config getters more general.
      283808990  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      283754588  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes.
      282460301  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add ability to restore v2 style checkpoints.
      281605842  by lzc:
          Add option to disable loss computation in OD API eval job.
      280298212  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add backwards compatible change
      280237857  by Zhichao Lu:
          internal change
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 310447280
  2. 25 4月, 2020 3 次提交
  3. 08 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • P
      Merged commit includes the following changes: (#6315) · 05584085
      pkulzc 提交于
      236813471  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      236507310  by lzc:
          Fix preprocess.random_resize_method config type issue. The target height and width will be passed as "size" to tf.image.resize_images which only accepts integer.
      236409989  by Zhichao Lu:
          Config export_to_tpu from function parameter instead of HParams for TPU inference.
      236403186  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make graph file names optional arguments.
      236237072  by Zhichao Lu:
          Minor bugfix for keyword args.
      236209602  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add support for PartitionedVariable to get_variables_available_in_checkpoint.
      235828658  by Zhichao Lu:
          Automatically stop evaluation jobs when training is finished.
      235817964  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add an optional process_metrics_fn callback to eval_util, it gets called
          with evaluation results once each evaluation is complete.
      235788721  by lzc:
          Fix yml file tf runtime version.
      235262897  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add keypoint support to the random_pad_image preprocessor method.
      235257380  by Zhichao Lu:
          Support InputDataFields.groundtruth_confidences in retain_groundtruth(), retain_groundtruth_with_positive_classes(), filter_groundtruth_with_crowd_boxes(), filter_groundtruth_with_nan_box_coordinates(), filter_unrecognized_classes().
      235109188  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix bug in pad_input_data_to_static_shapes for num_additional_channels > 0; make color-specific data augmentation only touch RGB channels.
      235045010  by Zhichao Lu:
          Don't slice class_predictions_with_background when add_background_class is false.
      235026189  by lzc:
          Fix import in g3doc.
      234863426  by Zhichao Lu:
          Added fixes in exporter to allow writing a checkpoint to a specified temporary directory.
      234671886  by lzc:
          Internal Change.
      234630803  by rathodv:
          Internal Change.
      233985896  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add Neumann optimizer to object detection.
      233560911  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add NAS-FPN object detection with Resnet and Mobilenet v2.
      233513536  by Zhichao Lu:
          Export TPU compatible object detection model
      233495772  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      233453557  by Zhichao Lu:
          Create Keras-based SSD+MobilenetV1 for object detection.
      233220074  by lzc:
          Update release notes date.
      233165761  by Zhichao Lu:
          Support depth_multiplier and min_depth in _SSDResnetV1FpnFeatureExtractor.
      233160046  by lzc:
          Internal change.
      232926599  by Zhichao Lu:
          [tf.data] Switching tf.data functions to use `defun`, providing an escape hatch to continue using the legacy `Defun`.
          There are subtle differences between the implementation of `defun` and `Defun` (such as resources handling or control flow) and it is possible that input pipelines that use control flow or resources in their functions might be affected by this change. To migrate majority of existing pipelines to the recommended way of creating functions in TF 2.0 world, while allowing (a small number of) existing pipelines to continue relying on the deprecated behavior, this CL provides an escape hatch.
          If your input pipeline is affected by this CL, it should apply the escape hatch by replacing `foo.map(...)` with `foo.map_with_legacy_function(...)`.
      232891621  by Zhichao Lu:
          Modify faster_rcnn meta architecture to normalize raw detections.
      232875817  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make calibration a post-processing step.
          - Move the calibration config from pipeline.proto --> post_processing.proto
          - Edit post_processing_builder.py to return a calibration function. If no calibration config is provided, it None.
          - Edit SSD and FasterRCNN meta architectures to optionally call the calibration function on detection scores after score conversion and before NMS.
      232704481  by Zhichao Lu:
          Edit calibration builder to build a function that will be used within a detection model's `postprocess` method, after score conversion and before non-maxima suppression.
          Specific Edits:
          - The returned function now accepts class_predictions_with_background as its argument instead of detection_scores and detection_classes.
          - Class-specific calibration was temporarily removed, as it requires more significant refactoring. Will be added later.
      232615379  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change
      232483345  by ronnyvotel:
          Making the use of bfloat16 restricted to TPUs.
      232399572  by Zhichao Lu:
          Edit calibration builder and proto to support class-agnostic calibration.
          - Edit calibration protos to include path to relevant label map if required for class-specific calibration. Previously, label maps were inferred from other parts of the pipeline proto; this allows all information required by the builder stay within the calibration proto and remove extraneous information from being passed with class-agnostic calibration.
          - Add class-agnostic protos to the calibration config.
          Note that the proto supports sigmoid and linear interpolation parameters, but the builder currently only supports linear interpolation.
      231613048  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add calibration builder for applying calibration transformations from output of object detection models.
          - Add calibration proto to support sigmoid and isotonic regression (stepwise function) calibration.
          - Add a builder to support calibration from isotonic regression outputs.
      231519786  by lzc:
          model_builder test refactor.
          - removed proto text boilerplate in each test case and let them call a create_default_proto function instead.
          - consolidated all separate ssd model creation tests into one.
          - consolidated all separate faster rcnn model creation tests into one.
          - used parameterized test for testing mask rcnn models and use_matmul_crop_and_resize
          - added all failures test.
      231448169  by Zhichao Lu:
          Return static shape as a constant tensor.
      231423126  by lzc:
          Add a release note for OID v4 models.
      231401941  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding correct labelmap for the models trained on Open Images V4 (*oid_v4
          config suffix).
      231320357  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add scope to Nearest Neighbor Resize op so that it stays in the same name scope as the original resize ops.
      231257699  by Zhichao Lu:
          Switch to using preserve_aspect_ratio in tf.image.resize_images rather than using a custom implementation.
      231247368  by rathodv:
          Internal change.
      231004874  by lzc:
          Update documentations to use tf 1.12 for object detection API.
      230999911  by rathodv:
          Use tf.batch_gather instead of ops.batch_gather
      230999720  by huizhongc:
          Fix weight equalization test in ops_test.
      230984728  by rathodv:
          Internal update.
      230929019  by lzc:
          Add an option to replace preprocess operation with placeholder for ssd feature extractor.
      230845266  by lzc:
          Require tensorflow version 1.12 for object detection API and rename keras_applications to keras_models
      230392064  by lzc:
          Add RetinaNet 101 checkpoint trained on OID v4 to detection model zoo.
      230014128  by derekjchow:
          This file was re-located below the tensorflow/lite/g3doc/convert
      229941449  by lzc:
          Update SSD mobilenet v2 quantized model download path.
      229843662  by lzc:
          Add an option to use native resize tf op in fpn top-down feature map generation.
      229636034  by rathodv:
          Add deprecation notice to a few old parameters in train.proto
      228959078  by derekjchow:
          Remove duplicate elif case in _check_and_convert_legacy_input_config_key
      228749719  by rathodv:
          Minor refactoring to make exporter's `build_detection_graph` method public.
      228573828  by rathodv:
          Mofity model.postprocess to return raw detections and raw scores.
          Modify, post-process methods in core/model.py and the meta architectures to export raw detection (without any non-max suppression) and raw multiclass score logits for those detections.
      228420670  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add shims for custom architectures for object detection models.
      228241692  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix the comment on "losses_mask" in "Loss" class.
      228223810  by Zhichao Lu:
          Support other_heads' predictions in WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor. Also remove a few unused parameters and fix a couple of comments in convolutional_box_predictor.py.
      228200588  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add Expected Calibration Error and an evaluator that calculates the metric for object detections.
      228167740  by lzc:
          Add option to use bounded activations in FPN top-down feature map generation.
      227767700  by rathodv:
      226295236  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add Open Image V4 Resnet101-FPN training config to third_party
      226254842  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix typo in documentation.
      225833971  by Zhichao Lu:
          Option to have no resizer in object detection model.
      225824890  by lzc:
          Fixes p3 compatibility for model_lib.py
      225760897  by menglong:
          normalizer should be at least 1.
      225559842  by menglong:
          Add extra logic filtering unrecognized classes.
      225379421  by lzc:
          Add faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_oid_v4 config to third_party
      225368337  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add extra logic filtering unrecognized classes.
      225341095  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding Open Images V4 models to OD API model zoo and corresponding configs to the
      225218450  by menglong:
          Add extra logic filtering unrecognized classes.
      225057591  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      224895417  by rathodv:
          Internal change.
      224209282  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add two data augmentations to object detection: (1) Self-concat (2) Absolute pads.
      224073762  by Zhichao Lu:
          Do not create tf.constant until _generate() is actually called in the object detector.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 236813471
  4. 02 11月, 2018 1 次提交
    • P
      Minor fixes for object detection (#5613) · 31ae57eb
      pkulzc 提交于
      * Internal change.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 213914693
      * Add original_image_spatial_shape tensor in input dictionary to store shape of the original input image
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214018767
      * Remove "groundtruth_confidences" from decoders use "groundtruth_weights" to indicate label confidence.
      This also solves a bug that only surfaced now - random crop routines in core/preprocessor.py did not correctly handle "groundtruth_weight" tensors returned by the decoders.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214091843
      * Update CocoMaskEvaluator to allow for a batch of image info, rather than a single image.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214295305
      * Adding the option to be able to summarize gradients.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214310875
      * Adds FasterRCNN inference on CPU
      1. Adds a flag use_static_shapes_for_eval to restrict to the ops that guarantees static shape.
      2. No filtering of overlapping anchors while clipping the anchors when use_static_shapes_for_eval is set to True.
      3. Adds test for faster_rcnn_meta_arch for predict and postprocess in inference mode for first and second stages.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214329565
      * Fix model_lib eval_spec_names assignment (integer->string).
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214335461
      * Refactor Mask HEAD to optionally upsample after applying convolutions on ROI crops.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214338440
      * Uses final_exporter_name as exporter_name for the first eval spec for backward compatibility.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214522032
      * Add reshaped `mask_predictions` tensor to the prediction dictionary in `_predict_third_stage` method to allow computing mask loss in eval job.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214620716
      * Add support for fully conv training to fpn.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214626274
      * Fix the proprocess() function in Resnet v1 to make it work for any number of input channels.
      Note: If the #channels != 3, this will simply skip the mean subtraction in preprocess() function.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214635428
      * Wrap result_dict_for_single_example in eval_util to run for batched examples.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214678514
      * Adds PNASNet-based (ImageNet model) feature extractor for SSD.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 214988331
      * Update documentation
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215243502
      * Correct index used to compute number of groundtruth/detection boxes in COCOMaskEvaluator.
      Due to an incorrect indexing in cl/214295305 only the first detection mask and first groundtruth mask for a given image are fed to the COCO Mask evaluation library. Since groundtruth masks are arranged in no particular order, the first and highest scoring detection mask (detection masks are ordered by score) won't match the the first and only groundtruth retained in all cases. This is I think why mask evaluation metrics do not get better than ~11 mAP. Note that this code path is only active when using model_main.py binary for evaluation.
      This change fixes the indices and modifies an existing test case to cover it.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215275936
      * Fixing grayscale_image_resizer to accept mask as input.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215345836
      * Add an option not to clip groundtruth boxes during preprocessing. Clipping boxes adversely affects training for partially occluded or large objects, especially for fully conv models. Clipping already occurs during postprocessing, and should not occur during training.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215613379
      * Always return recalls and precisions with length equal to the number of classes.
      The previous behavior of ObjectDetectionEvaluation was somewhat dangerous: when no groundtruth boxes were present, the lists of per-class precisions and recalls were simply truncated. Unless you were aware of this phenomenon (and consulted the `num_gt_instances_per_class` vector) it was difficult to associate each metric with each class.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215633711
      * Expose the box feature node in SSD.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215653316
      * Fix ssd mobilenet v2 _CONV_DEFS overwriting issue.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215654160
      * More documentation updates
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215656580
      * Add pooling + residual option in multi_resolution_feature_maps. It adds an average pooling and a residual layer between feature maps with matching depth. Designed to be used with WeightSharedBoxPredictor.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215665619
      * Only call create_modificed_mobilenet_config on init if use_depthwise is true.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215784290
      * Only call create_modificed_mobilenet_config on init if use_depthwise is true.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 215837524
      * Don't prune keypoints if clip_boxes is false.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 216187642
      * Makes sure "key" field exists in the result dictionary.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 216456543
      * Add add_background_class parameter to allow disabling the inclusion of a background class.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 216567612
      * Update expected_classification_loss_under_sampling to better account for expected sampling.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 216712287
      * Let the evaluation receive a evaluation class in its constructor.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 216769374
      * This CL adds model building & training support for end-to-end Keras-based SSD models. If a Keras feature extractor's name is specified in the model config (e.g. 'ssd_mobilenet_v2_keras'), the model will use that feature extractor and a corresponding Keras-based box predictor.
      This CL makes sure regularization losses & batch norm updates work correctly when training models that have Keras-based components. It also updates the default hyperparameter settings of the keras-based mobilenetV2 (when not overriding hyperparams) to more closely match the legacy Slim training scope.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 216938707
      * Adding the ability in the coco evaluator to indicate whether an image has been annotated. For a non-annotated image, detections and groundtruth are not supplied.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217316342
      * Release the 8k minival dataset ids for MSCOCO, used in Huang et al. "Speed/accuracy trade-offs for modern convolutional object detectors" (https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.10012)
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217549353
      * Exposes weighted_sigmoid_focal loss for faster rcnn classifier
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217601740
      * Add detection_features to output nodes. The shape of the feature is [batch_size, max_detections, depth].
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217629905
      * FPN uses a custom NN resize op for TPU-compatibility. Replace this op with the Tensorflow version at export time for TFLite-compatibility.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217721184
      * Compute `num_groundtruth_boxes` in inputs.tranform_input_data_fn after data augmentation instead of decoders.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217733432
      * 1. Stop gradients from flowing into groundtruth masks with zero paddings.
      2. Normalize pixelwise cross entropy loss across the whole batch.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217735114
      * Optimize Input pipeline for Mask R-CNN on TPU with blfoat16: improve the step time from:
      1663.6 ms -> 1184.2 ms, about 28.8% improvement.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217748833
      * Fixes to export a TPU compatible model
      Adds nodes to each of the output tensor. Also increments the value of class labels by 1.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217856760
      * API changes:
       - change the interface of target assigner to return per-class weights.
       - change the interface of classification loss to take per-class weights.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 217968393
      * Add an option to override pipeline config in export_saved_model using command line arg
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 218429292
      * Include Quantized trained MobileNet V2 SSD and FaceSsd in model zoo.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 218530947
      * Write final config to disk in `train` mode only.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 218735512
  5. 01 10月, 2018 1 次提交
  6. 08 8月, 2018 1 次提交
    • P
      Update object detection post processing and fixes boxes padding/clipping issue. (#5026) · 59f7e80a
      pkulzc 提交于
      * Merged commit includes the following changes:
      207771702  by Zhichao Lu:
          Refactoring evaluation utilities so that it is easier to introduce new DetectionEvaluators with eval_metric_ops.
      207758641  by Zhichao Lu:
          Require tensorflow version 1.9+ for running object detection API.
      207641470  by Zhichao Lu:
          Clip `num_groundtruth_boxes` in pad_input_data_to_static_shapes() to `max_num_boxes`. This prevents a scenario where tensors are sliced to an invalid range in model_lib.unstack_batch().
      207621728  by Zhichao Lu:
          This CL adds a FreezableBatchNorm that inherits from the Keras BatchNormalization layer, but supports freezing the `training` parameter at construction time instead of having to do it in the `call` method.
          It also adds a method to the `KerasLayerHyperparams` class that will build an appropriate FreezableBatchNorm layer according to the hyperparameter configuration. If batch_norm is disabled, this method returns and Identity layer.
          These will be used to simplify the conversion to Keras APIs.
      207610524  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update anchor generators and box predictors for python3 compatibility.
      207585122  by Zhichao Lu:
          Refactoring convolutional box predictor into separate prediction heads.
      207549305  by Zhichao Lu:
          Pass all 1s for batch weights if nothing is specified in GT.
      207336575  by Zhichao Lu:
          Move the new argument 'target_assigner_instance' to the end of the list of arguments to the ssd_meta_arch constructor for backwards compatibility.
      207327862  by Zhichao Lu:
          Enable support for float output in quantized custom op for postprocessing in SSD Mobilenet model.
      207323154  by Zhichao Lu:
          Bug fix: change dict.iteritems() to dict.items()
      207301109  by Zhichao Lu:
          Integrating expected_classification_loss_under_sampling op as an option in the ssd_meta_arch
      207286221  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding an option to weight regression loss with foreground scores from the ground truth labels.
      207231739  by Zhichao Lu:
          Explicitly mentioning the argument names when calling the batch target assigner.
      207206356  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add include_trainable_variables field to train config to better handle trainable variables.
      207135930  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal change.
      206862541  by Zhichao Lu:
          Do not unpad the outputs from batch_non_max_suppression before sampling.
          Since BalancedPositiveNegativeSampler takes an indicator for valid positions to sample from we can pass the output from NMS directly into Sampler.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 207771702
      * Remove unused doc.
  7. 02 8月, 2018 1 次提交
    • P
      Refactor object detection box predictors and fix some issues with model_main. (#4965) · 02a9969e
      pkulzc 提交于
      * Merged commit includes the following changes:
      206852642  by Zhichao Lu:
          Build the balanced_positive_negative_sampler in the model builder for FasterRCNN. Also adds an option to use the static implementation of the sampler.
      206803260  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fixes a misplaced argument in resnet fpn feature extractor.
      206682736  by Zhichao Lu:
          This CL modifies the SSD meta architecture to support both Slim-based and Keras-based box predictors, and begins preparation for Keras box predictor support in the other meta architectures.
          Concretely, this CL adds a new `KerasBoxPredictor` base class and makes the meta architectures appropriately call whichever box predictors they are using.
          We can switch the non-ssd meta architectures to fully support Keras box predictors once the Keras Convolutional Box Predictor CL is submitted.
      206669634  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adds an alternate method for balanced positive negative sampler using static shapes.
      206643278  by Zhichao Lu:
          This CL adds a Keras layer hyperparameter configuration object to the hyperparams_builder.
          It automatically converts from Slim layer hyperparameter configs to Keras layer hyperparameters. Namely, it:
          - Builds Keras initializers/regularizers instead of Slim ones
          - sets weights_regularizer/initializer to kernel_regularizer/initializer
          - converts batchnorm decay to momentum
          - converts Slim l2 regularizer weights to the equivalent Keras l2 weights
          This will be used in the conversion of object detection feature extractors & box predictors to newer Tensorflow APIs.
      206611681  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes.
      206591619  by Zhichao Lu:
          Clip the to shape when the input tensors are larger than the expected padded static shape
      206517644  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make MultiscaleGridAnchorGenerator more consistent with MultipleGridAnchorGenerator.
      206415624  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make the hardcoded feature pyramid network (FPN) levels configurable for both SSD
          Resnet and SSD Mobilenet.
      206398204  by Zhichao Lu:
          This CL modifies the SSD meta architecture to support both Slim-based and Keras-based feature extractors.
          This allows us to begin the conversion of object detection to newer Tensorflow APIs.
      206213448  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding a method to compute the expected classification loss by background/foreground weighting.
      206204232  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding the keypoint head to the Mask RCNN pipeline.
      206200352  by Zhichao Lu:
          - Create Faster R-CNN target assigner in the model builder. This allows configuring matchers in Target assigner to use TPU compatible ops (tf.gather in this case) without any change in meta architecture.
          - As a +ve side effect of the refactoring, we can now re-use a single target assigner for all of second stage heads in Faster R-CNN.
      206178206  by Zhichao Lu:
          Force ssd feature extractor builder to use keyword arguments so values won't be passed to wrong arguments.
      206168297  by Zhichao Lu:
          Updating exporter to use freeze_graph.freeze_graph_with_def_protos rather than a homegrown version.
      206080748  by Zhichao Lu:
          Merge external contributions.
      206074460  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update to preprocessor to apply temperature and softmax to the multiclass scores on read.
      205960802  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fixing a bug in hierarchical label expansion script.
      205944686  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update exporter to support exporting quantized model.
      205912529  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add a two stage matcher to allow for thresholding by one criteria and then argmaxing on the other.
      205909017  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add test for grayscale image_resizer
      205892801  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add flag to decide whether to apply batch norm to conv layers of weight shared box predictor.
      205824449  by Zhichao Lu:
          make sure that by default mask rcnn box predictor predicts 2 stages.
      205730139  by Zhichao Lu:
          Updating warning message to be more explicit about variable size mismatch.
      205696992  by Zhichao Lu:
          Remove utils/ops.py's dependency on core/box_list_ops.py. This will allow re-using TPU compatible ops from utils/ops.py in core/box_list_ops.py.
      205696867  by Zhichao Lu:
          Refactoring mask rcnn predictor so have each head in a separate file.
          This CL lets us to add new heads more easily in the future to mask rcnn.
      205492073  by Zhichao Lu:
          Refactor R-FCN box predictor to be TPU compliant.
          - Change utils/ops.py:position_sensitive_crop_regions to operate on single image and set of boxes without `box_ind`
          - Add a batch version that operations on batches of images and batches of boxes.
          - Refactor R-FCN box predictor to use the batched version of position sensitive crop regions.
      205453567  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix bug that cannot export inference graph when write_inference_graph flag is True.
      205316039  by Zhichao Lu:
          Changing input tensor name.
      205256307  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix model zoo links for quantized model.
      205164432  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fixes eval error when label map contains non-ascii characters.
      205129842  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adds a option to clip the anchors to the window size without filtering the overlapped boxes in Faster-RCNN
      205094863  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update to label map util to allow the option of adding a background class and fill in gaps in the label map. Useful for using multiclass scores which require a complete label map with explicit background label.
      204989032  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add tf.prof support to exporter.
      204825267  by Zhichao Lu:
          Modify mask rcnn box predictor tests for TPU compatibility.
      204778749  by Zhichao Lu:
          Remove score filtering from postprocessing.py and rely on filtering logic in tf.image.non_max_suppression
      204775818  by Zhichao Lu:
          Python3 fixes for object_detection.
      204745920  by Zhichao Lu:
          Object Detection Dataset visualization tool (documentation).
      204686993  by Zhichao Lu:
          Internal changes.
      204559667  by Zhichao Lu:
          Refactor box_predictor.py into multiple files.
          The abstract base class remains in the object_detection/core, The other classes have moved to a separate file each in object_detection/predictors
      204552847  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update blog post link.
      204508028  by Zhichao Lu:
          Bump down the batch size to 1024 to be a bit more tolerant to OOM and double the number of iterations. This job still converges to 20.5 mAP in 3 hours.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 206852642
      * Add original post-processing back.
  8. 21 7月, 2018 1 次提交
  9. 13 7月, 2018 2 次提交
  10. 02 7月, 2018 1 次提交
    • P
      Open Images Challenge 2018 tools, minor fixes and refactors. (#4661) · 32e7d660
      pkulzc 提交于
      * Merged commit includes the following changes:
      202804536  by Zhichao Lu:
          Return tf.data.Dataset from input_fn that goes into the estimator and use PER_HOST_V2 option for tpu input pipeline config.
          This change shaves off 100ms per step resulting in 25 minutes of total reduced training time for ssd mobilenet v1 (15k steps to convergence).
      202769340  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding as_matrix() transformation for image-level labels.
      202768721  by Zhichao Lu:
          Challenge evaluation protocol modification: adding labelmaps creation.
      202750966  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add the explicit names to two output nodes.
      202732783  by Zhichao Lu:
          Enforcing that batch size is 1 for evaluation, and no original images are retained during evaluation when use_tpu=False (to avoid dynamic shapes).
      202425430  by Zhichao Lu:
          Refactor input pipeline to improve performance.
      202406389  by Zhichao Lu:
          Only check the validity of `warmup_learning_rate` if it will be used.
      202330450  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding the description of the flag input_image_label_annotations_csv to add
            image-level labels to tf.Example.
      202029012  by Zhichao Lu:
          Enabling displaying relationship name in the final metrics output.
      202024010  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update to the public README.
      201999677  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fixing the way negative labels are handled in VRD evaluation.
      201962313  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix a bug in resize_to_range.
      201808488  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update ssd_inception_v2_pets.config to use right filename of pets dataset tf records.
      201779225  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update object detection API installation doc
      201766518  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add shell script to create pycocotools package for CMLE.
      201722377  by Zhichao Lu:
          Removes verified_labels field and uses groundtruth_image_classes field instead.
      201616819  by Zhichao Lu:
          Disable eval_on_tpu since eval_metrics is not setup to execute on TPU.
          Do not use run_config.task_type to switch tpu mode for EVAL,
          since that won't work in unit test.
          Expand unit test to verify that the same instantiation of the Estimator can independently disable eval on TPU whereas training is enabled on TPU.
      201524716  by Zhichao Lu:
          Disable export model to TPU, inference is not compatible with TPU.
          Add GOOGLE_INTERNAL support in object detection copy.bara.sky
      201453347  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fixing bug when evaluating the quantized model.
      200795826  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fixing parsing bug: image-level labels are parsed as tuples instead of numpy
      200746134  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding image_class_text and image_class_label fields into tf_example_decoder.py
      200743003  by Zhichao Lu:
          Changes to model_main.py and model_tpu_main to enable training and continuous eval.
      200736324  by Zhichao Lu:
          Replace deprecated squeeze_dims argument.
      200730072  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make detections only during predict and eval mode while creating model function
      200729699  by Zhichao Lu:
          Minor correction to internal documentation (definition of Huber loss)
      200727142  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add command line parsing as a set of flags using argparse and add header to the
          resulting file.
      200726169  by Zhichao Lu:
          A tutorial on running evaluation for the Open Images Challenge 2018.
      200665093  by Zhichao Lu:
          Cleanup on variables_helper_test.py.
      200652145  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add an option to write (non-frozen) graph when exporting inference graph.
      200573810  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco and ssd_inception_v2_coco download links to point to a newer version.
      200498014  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add test for groundtruth mask resizing.
      200453245  by Zhichao Lu:
          Cleaning up exporting_models.md along with exporting scripts
      200311747  by Zhichao Lu:
          Resize groundtruth mask to match the size of the original image.
      200287269  by Zhichao Lu:
          Having a option to use custom MatMul based crop_and_resize op as an alternate to the TF op in Faster-RCNN
      200127859  by Zhichao Lu:
          Updating the instructions to run locally with new binary. Also updating pets configs since file path naming has changed.
      200127044  by Zhichao Lu:
          A simpler evaluation util to compute Open Images Challenge
          2018 metric (object detection track).
      200124019  by Zhichao Lu:
          Freshening up configuring_jobs.md
      200086825  by Zhichao Lu:
          Make merge_multiple_label_boxes work for ssd model.
      199843258  by Zhichao Lu:
          Allows inconsistent feature channels to be compatible with WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor.
      199676082  by Zhichao Lu:
          Enable an override for `InputReader.shuffle` for object detection pipelines.
      199599212  by Zhichao Lu:
          Markdown fixes.
      199535432  by Zhichao Lu:
          Pass num_additional_channels to tf.example decoder in predict_input_fn.
      199399439  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding `num_additional_channels` field to specify how many additional channels to use in the model.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 202804536
      * Add original model builder and docs back.
  11. 13 6月, 2018 1 次提交
  12. 02 5月, 2018 1 次提交
    • P
      Internal changes to slim and object detection (#4100) · 505f554c
      pkulzc 提交于
      * Adding option for one_box_for_all_classes to the box_predictor
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 192813444
      * Extend to accept different ratios of conv channels.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 192837477
      * Remove inaccurate caveat from proto file.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 192850747
      * Add option to set dropout for classification net in weight shared box predictor.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 192922089
      * fix flakiness in testSSDRandomCropWithMultiClassScores due to randomness.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193067658
      * Post-process now works again in train mode.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193087707
      * Adding support for reading in logits as groundtruth labels and applying an optional temperature (scaling) before softmax in support of distillation.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193119411
      * Add a util function to visualize value histogram as a tf.summary.image.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193137342
      * Do not add batch norm parameters to final conv2d ops that predict boxes encodings and class scores in weight shared conv box predictor.
      This allows us to set proper bias and force initial predictions to be background when using focal loss.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193204364
      * Make sure the final layers are also resized proportional to conv_depth_ratio.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193228972
      * Remove deprecated batch_norm_trainable field from ssd mobilenet v2 config
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193244778
      * Updating coco evaluation metrics to allow for a batch of image info, rather than a single image.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193382651
      * Update protobuf requirements to 3+ in installation docs.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193409179
      * Add support for training keypoints.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193576336
      * Fix data augmentation functions.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193737238
      * Read the default batch size from config file.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193959861
      * Fixing a bug in the coco evaluator.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 193974479
      * num_gt_boxes_per_image and num_det_boxes_per_image value incorrect.
      Should be not the expand dim.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 194122420
      * Add option to evaluate any checkpoint (without requiring write access to that directory and overwriting any existing logs there).
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 194292198
      * PiperOrigin-RevId: 190346687
      * - Expose slim arg_scope function to compute keys to enable tessting.
      - Add is_training=None option to mobinenet arg_scopes. This allows the users to set is_training from an outer scope.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 190997959
      * Add an option to not set slim arg_scope for batch_norm is_training parameter. This enables users to set the is_training parameter from an outer scope.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 191611934
      * PiperOrigin-RevId: 191955231
      * PiperOrigin-RevId: 193254125
      * PiperOrigin-RevId: 193371562
      * PiperOrigin-RevId: 194085628
  13. 03 4月, 2018 1 次提交
    • Z
      Update Installation.md · 45069b91
      Zhichao Lu 提交于
      Cython is must installed package for building cocoapi. else the build will not
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 190553060
  14. 21 3月, 2018 1 次提交
    • H
      Update Installation.md · e234afd1
      Harshul jain 提交于
      Cython is must installed package for building cocoapi. else the build will not initiate.
  15. 04 3月, 2018 1 次提交
  16. 28 2月, 2018 1 次提交
    • Z
      Merged commit includes the following changes: · 78d5f8f8
      Zhichao Lu 提交于
      187187978  by Zhichao Lu:
          Only updating hyperparameters if they have non-null values.
      187097690  by Zhichao Lu:
          Rewrite some conditions a bit more clearly.
      187085190  by Zhichao Lu:
          More informative error message.
      186935376  by Zhichao Lu:
          Added option to evaluator.evaluate to use custom evaluator objects.
      186808249  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix documentation re: number of stages.
      186775014  by Zhichao Lu:
          Change anchor generator interface to return a list of BoxLists containing anchors for different feature map layers.
      186729028  by Zhichao Lu:
          Minor fixes to object detection.
      186723716  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix tf_example_decoder.py initailization issue.
      186668505  by Zhichao Lu:
          Remove unused import.
      186475361  by Zhichao Lu:
          Update the box predictor interface to return list of predictions - one from each feature map - instead of stacking them into one large tensor.
      186410844  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix PythonPath Dependencies.
      186365384  by Zhichao Lu:
          Made some of the functions in exporter public so they can be reused.
      186341438  by Zhichao Lu:
          Re-introducing check that label-map-path must be a valid (non-empty) string prior to overwriting pipeline config.
      186036984  by Zhichao Lu:
          Adding default hyperparameters and allowing for overriding them via flags.
      186026006  by Zhichao Lu:
          Strip `eval_` prefix from name argument give to TPUEstimator.evaluate since it adds the same prefix internally.
      186016042  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add an option to evaluate models on training data.
      185944986  by Zhichao Lu:
          let _update_label_map_path go through even if the path is empty
      185860781  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add random normal initializer option to hyperparams builder.
          Scale the regression losses outside of the box encoder by adjusting huber loss delta and regression loss weight.
      185846325  by Zhichao Lu:
          Add an option to normalize localization loss by the code size(number of box coordinates) in SSD Meta architecture.
      185761217  by Zhichao Lu:
          Change multiscale_grid_anchor_generator to return anchors in normalized coordinates by default and add option to configure it.
          In SSD meta architecture, TargetAssigner operates in normalized coordinate space (i.e, groundtruth boxes are in normalized coordinates) hence we need the option to generate anchors in normalized coordinates.
      185747733  by Zhichao Lu:
          Change the smooth L1 localization implementationt to use tf.losses.huber_loss and expose the delta parameter in the proto.
      185715309  by Zhichao Lu:
          Obviates the need for prepadding on mobilenet v1 and v2 for fully convolutional models.
      185685695  by Zhichao Lu:
          Fix manual stepping schedule to return first rate when there are no boundaries
      185621650  by Zhichao Lu:
          Added target assigner proto for configuring negative class weights.
      PiperOrigin-RevId: 187187978
  17. 14 2月, 2018 1 次提交
  18. 02 2月, 2018 1 次提交
  19. 18 11月, 2017 2 次提交
  20. 09 11月, 2017 1 次提交
  21. 23 9月, 2017 1 次提交
  22. 22 9月, 2017 1 次提交
  23. 29 7月, 2017 1 次提交
  24. 15 6月, 2017 1 次提交