提交 9b771fec 编写于 作者: M Martin Jansa 提交者: Liu Jiaming

scripts/generate_routing_topo_graph.sh: drop -alsologtostderr parameter

* -alsologtostderr is not available since glog was changed to be built without gflags support in:
* fixes:
  [apollo@in-runtime-docker:/apollo]$ scripts/generate_routing_topo_graph.sh
  ERROR: unknown command line flag 'alsologtostderr'
Signed-off-by: NMartin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
上级 24670037
......@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ source "${DIR}/apollo_base.sh"
# generate routing_map.bin in map directory.
${APOLLO_BIN_PREFIX}/modules/routing/topo_creator/topo_creator \
--flagfile=modules/routing/conf/routing.conf \
-alsologtostderr $@
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