提交 9899c1be 编写于 作者: J jiangyifei 提交者: Jiangtao Hu

[planning] added qp spline st speed optimizer doc draft.

上级 2ccae5e6
# QP-Spline-ST-Speed Optimizer
## 1 Definition
After finding a path in QP-Spline-Path, we convert all obstacles on the path and ADV (autonomous driving vehicle) itself into a ST graph, which represents the stations changes over time along the path. Our speed optimization task is to find a path on ST graph that is collision-free and comfort.
We use spline to define the path, and find the best path leveraging Quadratic programming with a set of conditions. QP formulation is defined as
\frac{1}{2} \cdot x^T \cdot H \cdot x + f^T \cdot x
s.t. LB \leq x \leq UB
A_{eq}x = b_{eq}
Ax \leq b
## 2 Objective function
### 1.1 Get spline segments
Split the path into n segments. each segment trajectory is defined by a polynomial.
### 1.2 Define function for each spline segment
Each segment *i* has accumulated distance $d_i$ along reference line. And the trajactory for the segment is defined as a polynomial of degree five by default
s = f_i(t)
= a_{0i} + a_{1i} \cdot t + a_{2i} \cdot t^2 + a_{3i} \cdot t^3 + a_{4i} \cdot t^4 + a_{5i} \cdot t^5
### 1.3 Define objective function of optimization for each segment
We first define $cost_1$ to make the trajectory smooth
cost_1 = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \Big( w_1 \cdot \int\limits_{0}^{d_i} (f_i')^2(s) ds + w_2 \cdot \int\limits_{0}^{d_i} (f_i'')^2(s) ds + w_3 \cdot \int\limits_{0}^{d_i} (f_i^{\prime\prime\prime})^2(s) ds \Big)
Then we define $cost_2$ that is the difference between the final ST trajectory and cruise ST trajectory (with given speed limits) (m points)
cost_2 = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{m}\Big(f_i(t_j)- s_j\Big)^2
Similarly, we define $cost_3$ that is the difference between the finial ST path and the follow ST path (o points)
cost_3 = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{o}\Big(f_i(t_j)- s_j\Big)^2
Finally, the objective function is defined as
cost = cost_1 + cost_2 + cost_3
## 2 Constraints
### 2.1 The init point constraints
Let's assume the the first point is ($s_0$, $l_0$), and $l_0$ should be on the planned path $f_i(s)$, $f'_i(s)$, and $f_i(s)''$ (position, velocity, acceleration). we convert those constraint into QP equality constraints
A_{eq}x = b_{eq}
### 2.2 Monotone constraint
The path need to be monotone, e.g., vehicle can only drive forward.
### 2.3 Joint smoothness constraints
This constraint is to make the spline joint smooth. Let's assume two segment $seg_k$ and $seg_{k+1}$ are connected, and the accumulated s of segment $seg_k$ is $s_k$. The we can get the constraint euqation as
f_k(s_k) = f_{k+1} (s_0)
1 & s_k & s_k^2 & s_k^3 & s_k^4&s_k^5 \\
a_k \\ b_k \\ c_k \\ d_k \\ e_k \\ f_k
1 & s_{0} & s_{0}^2 & s_{0}^3 & s_{0}^4&s_{0}^5 \\
a_{k+1} \\ b_{k+1} \\ c_{k+1} \\ d_{k+1} \\ e_{k+1} \\ f_{k+1}
1 & s_k & s_k^2 & s_k^3 & s_k^4&s_k^5 & -1 & -s_{0} & -s_{0}^2 & -s_{0}^3 & -s_{0}^4&-s_{0}^5\\
a_k \\ b_k \\ c_k \\ d_k \\ e_k \\ f_k \\ a_{k+1} \\ b_{k+1} \\ c_{k+1} \\ d_{k+1} \\ e_{k+1} \\ f_{k+1}
= 0
$s_0$ = 0 in the equation.
Similarly we can get the equality constraints for
f'_k(s_k) = f'_{k+1} (s_0)
f''_k(s_k) = f''_{k+1} (s_0)
f'''_k(s_k) = f'''_{k+1} (s_0)
### 2.4 Sampled points for boundary constraint
Evenly sample m points along the path, and check the obstacle boundary at those points. convert the constraint into QP inequality constraints
Ax \leq b
We first find lower boundary $l_{lb,j}$ at those points ($s_j$, $l_j$) and $j\in[0, m]$ based on road width and surrounding obstacles. The calculate the inequality constraints as
1 & s_0 & s_0^2 & s_0^3 & s_0^4&s_0^5 \\
1 & s_1 & s_1^2 & s_1^3 & s_1^4&s_1^5 \\
...&...&...&...&...&... \\
1 & s_m & s_m^2 & s_m^3 & s_m^4&s_m^5 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot \begin{vmatrix} a_i \\ b_i \\ c_i \\ d_i \\ e_i \\ f_i \end{vmatrix}
similarly, for upper boundary $l_{ub,j}$, we get the ineuqality constraints as
1 & s_0 & s_0^2 & s_0^3 & s_0^4&s_0^5 \\
1 & s_1 & s_1^2 & s_1^3 & s_1^4&s_1^5 \\
...&...&...&...&...&... \\
1 & s_m & s_m^2 & s_m^3 & s_m^4&s_m^5 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot \begin{vmatrix} a_i \\ b_i \\ c_i \\ d_i \\ e_i \\ f_i \end{vmatrix}
-1 \cdot
### 2.5 Speed Boundary constraint
We need to limit speed boundary as well.
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