提交 978af2c3 编写于 作者: M Martin Jansa 提交者: Liu Jiaming

runtime.x86_64.dockerfile.sample: install Qt5.12.9 shared libraries

* Prediction fails in runtime container:
  E0507 14:21:58.363644 246667 class_loader_utility.cc:218] [mainboard]LibraryLoadException: libQt5Widgets.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  E0507 14:21:58.363672 246667 class_loader_utility.cc:234] [mainboard]shared library failed: /apollo/modules/prediction/libprediction_component.so
Signed-off-by: NMartin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
上级 cf0277c5
......@@ -54,9 +54,11 @@ RUN ln -s -f /bin/true /usr/bin/chfn \
RUN bash /opt/apollo/installers/install_mkl.sh
#RUN bash /opt/apollo/installers/install_node.sh
# TODO(storypku): Qt-5.12.9 and NodeJS
# TODO(storypku): NodeJS
COPY --from=devel /usr/local/fast-rtps /usr/local/fast-rtps
COPY --from=devel /usr/local/libtorch_gpu /usr/local/libtorch_gpu
COPY --from=devel /usr/local/qt5/lib /usr/local/qt5/lib
COPY --from=devel /etc/ld.so.conf.d/qt.conf /etc/ld.so.conf.d/qt.conf
COPY --from=devel /opt/apollo/pkgs /opt/apollo/pkgs
COPY --from=devel /opt/apollo/sysroot/lib /opt/apollo/sysroot/lib
#COPY --from=devel /opt/apollo/sysroot/bin /opt/apollo/sysroot/bin
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