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# Settings

## distributed_product_mode

Ivan Blinkov 已提交
Changes the behavior of [distributed subqueries](../../query_language/

ClickHouse applies this setting when the query contains the product of distributed tables, i.e. when the query for a distributed table contains a non-GLOBAL subquery for the distributed table.
9 10 11 12


- Only applied for IN and JOIN subqueries.
- Only if the FROM section uses a distributed table containing more than one shard.
- If the subquery concerns a distributed table containing more than one shard.
Ivan Blinkov 已提交
- Not used for a table-valued [remote](../../query_language/table_functions/ function.

Possible values:

19 20 21 22
- `deny` — Default value. Prohibits using these types of subqueries (returns the "Double-distributed in/JOIN subqueries is denied" exception).
- `local` — Replaces the database and table in the subquery with local ones for the destination server (shard), leaving the normal `IN`/`JOIN.`
- `global` — Replaces the `IN`/`JOIN` query with `GLOBAL IN`/`GLOBAL JOIN.`
- `allow` — Allows the use of these types of subqueries.

24 25
## enable_optimize_predicate_expression

Turns on predicate pushdown in `SELECT` queries.

Predicate pushdown may significantly reduce network traffic for distributed queries.
29 30 31

Possible values:

32 33
- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

filimonov 已提交
Default value: 1.
36 37 38


Consider the following queries:
40 41 42 43

1. `SELECT count() FROM test_table WHERE date = '2018-10-10'`
2. `SELECT count() FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table) WHERE date = '2018-10-10'`

If `enable_optimize_predicate_expression = 1`, then the execution time of these queries is equal, because ClickHouse applies `WHERE` to the subquery when processing it.

If `enable_optimize_predicate_expression = 0`, then the execution time of the second query is much longer, because the `WHERE` clause applies to all the data after the subquery finishes.

## fallback_to_stale_replicas_for_distributed_queries {#settings-fallback_to_stale_replicas_for_distributed_queries}

Ivan Blinkov 已提交
Forces a query to an out-of-date replica if updated data is not available. See "[Replication](../../operations/table_engines/".
51 52 53

ClickHouse selects the most relevant from the outdated replicas of the table.

Used when performing `SELECT` from a distributed table that points to replicated tables.
55 56 57

By default, 1 (enabled).

## force_index_by_date {#settings-force_index_by_date}
59 60 61 62 63

Disables query execution if the index can't be used by date.

Works with tables in the MergeTree family.

If `force_index_by_date=1`, ClickHouse checks whether the query has a date key condition that can be used for restricting data ranges. If there is no suitable condition, it throws an exception. However, it does not check whether the condition actually reduces the amount of data to read. For example, the condition `Date != ' 2000-01-01 '` is acceptable even when it matches all the data in the table (i.e., running the query requires a full scan). For more information about ranges of data in MergeTree tables, see "[MergeTree](../../operations/table_engines/".
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

## force_primary_key

Disables query execution if indexing by the primary key is not possible.

Works with tables in the MergeTree family.

If `force_primary_key=1`, ClickHouse checks to see if the query has a primary key condition that can be used for restricting data ranges. If there is no suitable condition, it throws an exception. However, it does not check whether the condition actually reduces the amount of data to read. For more information about data ranges in MergeTree tables, see "[MergeTree](../../operations/table_engines/".

Alexander Tokmakov 已提交
75 76
## format_schema

This parameter is useful when you are using formats that require a schema definition, such as [Cap'n Proto](, [Protobuf]( or [Template](../../interfaces/ The value depends on the format.
78 79 80

## fsync_metadata

Enables or disables [fsync]( when writing `.sql` files. Enabled by default.
82 83 84

It makes sense to disable it if the server has millions of tiny table chunks that are constantly being created and destroyed.

85 86
## enable_http_compression {#settings-enable_http_compression}

Enables or disables data compression in the response to an HTTP request.
88 89 90 91 92

For more information, read the [HTTP interface description](../../interfaces/

Possible values:

93 94
- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.
95 96 97 98 99

Default value: 0.

## http_zlib_compression_level {#settings-http_zlib_compression_level}

Sets the level of data compression in the response to an HTTP request if [enable_http_compression = 1](#settings-enable_http_compression).

Possible values: Numbers from 1 to 9.
103 104 105 106 107 108

Default value: 3.

## http_native_compression_disable_checksumming_on_decompress {#settings-http_native_compression_disable_checksumming_on_decompress}

Enables or disables checksum verification when decompressing the HTTP POST data from the client. Used only for ClickHouse native compression format (not used with `gzip` or `deflate`).
110 111 112 113 114

For more information, read the [HTTP interface description](../../interfaces/

Possible values:

115 116
- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.
117 118 119

Default value: 0.

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## send_progress_in_http_headers {#settings-send_progress_in_http_headers}

Enables or disables `X-ClickHouse-Progress` HTTP response headers in `clickhouse-server` responses.
123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132

For more information, read the [HTTP interface description](../../interfaces/

Possible values:

- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

Default value: 0.

133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
## input_format_allow_errors_num

Sets the maximum number of acceptable errors when reading from text formats (CSV, TSV, etc.).

The default value is 0.

Always pair it with `input_format_allow_errors_ratio`. To skip errors, both settings must be greater than 0.

If an error occurred while reading rows but the error counter is still less than `input_format_allow_errors_num`, ClickHouse ignores the row and moves on to the next one.

BayoNet 已提交
If `input_format_allow_errors_num` is exceeded, ClickHouse throws an exception.
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

## input_format_allow_errors_ratio

Sets the maximum percentage of errors allowed when reading from text formats (CSV, TSV, etc.).
The percentage of errors is set as a floating-point number between 0 and 1.

The default value is 0.

Always pair it with `input_format_allow_errors_num`. To skip errors, both settings must be greater than 0.

If an error occurred while reading rows but the error counter is still less than `input_format_allow_errors_ratio`, ClickHouse ignores the row and moves on to the next one.

If `input_format_allow_errors_ratio` is exceeded, ClickHouse throws an exception.


159 160
## input_format_values_interpret_expressions {#settings-input_format_values_interpret_expressions}

Enables or disables the full SQL parser if the fast stream parser can't parse the data. This setting is used only for the [Values](../../interfaces/ format at the data insertion. For more information about syntax parsing, see the [Syntax](../../query_language/ section.
162 163 164

Possible values:

- 0 — Disabled.
166 167 168

    In this case, you must provide formatted data. See the [Formats](../../interfaces/ section.

- 1 — Enabled.

    In this case, you can use an SQL expression as a value, but data insertion is much slower this way. If you insert only formatted data, then ClickHouse behaves as if the setting value is 0.
172 173 174 175 176

Default value: 1.

**Example of Use**

Insert the [DateTime](../../data_types/ type value with the different settings.
178 179 180 181

SET input_format_values_interpret_expressions = 0;
INSERT INTO datetime_t VALUES (now())
182 183
184 185 186 187 188 189 190
Exception on client:
Code: 27. DB::Exception: Cannot parse input: expected ) before: now()): (at row 1)

SET input_format_values_interpret_expressions = 1;
INSERT INTO datetime_t VALUES (now())
191 192
193 194 195

The last query is equivalent to the following:
197 198 199 200

SET input_format_values_interpret_expressions = 0;
INSERT INTO datetime_t SELECT now()
201 202
203 204 205

## input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields {#session_settings-input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields}

When performing `INSERT` queries, replace omitted input column values with default values of the respective columns. This option only applies to [JSONEachRow](../../interfaces/ and [CSV](../../interfaces/ formats.
209 210

!!! note "Note"
    When this option is enabled, extended table metadata are sent from server to client. It consumes additional computing resources on the server and can reduce performance.

213 214 215 216 217
Possible values:

- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

Default value: 1.

Alexander Tokmakov 已提交
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## input_format_null_as_default {#settings-input_format_null_as_default}

Enables or disables using default values if input data contain `NULL`, but data type of corresponding column in not `Nullable(T)` (for CSV format).

224 225 226

## input_format_skip_unknown_fields {#settings-input_format_skip_unknown_fields}

Enables or disables skipping insertion of extra data.
228 229 230

When writing data, ClickHouse throws an exception if input data contain columns that do not exist in the target table. If skipping is enabled, ClickHouse doesn't insert extra data and doesn't throw an exception.

231 232 233 234 235 236
Supported formats:

- [JSONEachRow](../../interfaces/
- [CSVWithNames](../../interfaces/
- [TabSeparatedWithNames](../../interfaces/
- [TSKV](../../interfaces/
237 238

Possible values:

240 241
- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

243 244
Default value: 0.

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## input_format_import_nested_json {#settings-input_format_import_nested_json}

Enables or disables the insertion of JSON data with nested objects.
248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263

Supported formats:

- [JSONEachRow](../../interfaces/

Possible values:

- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

Default value: 0.

**See Also**

- [Usage of Nested Structures](../../interfaces/ with the `JSONEachRow` format.

264 265 266
## input_format_with_names_use_header {#settings-input_format_with_names_use_header}

Enables or disables checking the column order when inserting data.
BayoNet 已提交

268 269 270
To improve insert performance, we recommend disabling this check if you are sure that the column order of the input data is the same as in the target table.

Supported formats:

272 273
- [CSVWithNames](../../interfaces/
- [TabSeparatedWithNames](../../interfaces/
274 275 276 277 278 279 280

Possible values:

- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

Default value: 1.

282 283
## date_time_input_format {#settings-date_time_input_format}

Allows to choose a parser of text representation of date and time.
285 286 287 288 289 290 291

The setting doesn't apply to [date and time functions](../../query_language/functions/

Possible values:

- `'best_effort'` — Enables extended parsing.

    ClickHouse can parse the basic `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS` format and all [ISO 8601]( date and time formats. For example, `'2018-06-08T01:02:03.000Z'`.
293 294 295

- `'basic'` — Use basic parser.

296 297 298
    ClickHouse can parse only the basic `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS` format. For example, `'2019-08-20 10:18:56'`.

Default value: `'basic'`.
299 300 301 302 303 304

**See Also**

- [DateTime data type.](../../data_types/
- [Functions for working with dates and times.](../../query_language/functions/

## join_default_strictness {#settings-join_default_strictness}
BayoNet 已提交

Sets default strictness for [JOIN clauses](../../query_language/
BayoNet 已提交

Possible values:
BayoNet 已提交

- `ALL` — If the right table has several matching rows, ClickHouse creates a [Cartesian product]( from matching rows. This is the normal `JOIN` behavior from standard SQL.
BayoNet 已提交
- `ANY` — If the right table has several matching rows, only the first one found is joined. If the right table has only one matching row, the results of `ANY` and `ALL` are the same.
- `ASOF` — For joining sequences with an uncertain match.
- `Empty string` — If `ALL` or `ANY` is not specified in the query, ClickHouse throws an exception.
BayoNet 已提交

Default value: `ALL`.
BayoNet 已提交

318 319
## join_any_take_last_row {#settings-join_any_take_last_row}

BayoNet 已提交
Changes behavior of join operations with `ANY` strictness.

322 323
!!! warning "Attention"
    This setting applies only for `JOIN` operations with [Join](../table_engines/ engine tables.
324 325 326

Possible values:

BayoNet 已提交
327 328
- 0 — If the right table has more than one matching row, only the first one found is joined.
- 1 — If the right table has more than one matching row, only the last one found is joined.

BayoNet 已提交
Default value: 0.

BayoNet 已提交
**See Also**
333 334 335 336

- [JOIN clause](../../query_language/
- [Join table engine](../table_engines/
- [join_default_strictness](#settings-join_default_strictness)
BayoNet 已提交

338 339
## join_use_nulls {#settings-join_use_nulls}

Sets the type of [JOIN](../../query_language/ behavior. When merging tables, empty cells may appear. ClickHouse fills them differently based on this setting.

Possible values:
343 344

- 0 — The empty cells are filled with the default value of the corresponding field type.
- 1 — `JOIN` behaves the same way as in standard SQL. The type of the corresponding field is converted to [Nullable](../../data_types/, and empty cells are filled with [NULL](../../query_language/

347 348 349 350 351
Default value: 0.

## join_any_take_last_row {#settings-join_any_take_last_row}

Changes the behavior of `ANY JOIN`. When disabled, `ANY JOIN` takes the first row found for a key. When enabled, `ANY JOIN` takes the last matched row if there are multiple rows for the same key. The setting is used only in [Join table engine](../table_engines/
353 354 355 356 357 358 359

Possible values:

- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

Default value: 1.
360 361

362 363
## max_block_size

In ClickHouse, data is processed by blocks (sets of column parts). The internal processing cycles for a single block are efficient enough, but there are noticeable expenditures on each block. The `max_block_size` setting is a recommendation for what size of block (in number of rows) to load from tables. The block size shouldn't be too small, so that the expenditures on each block are still noticeable, but not too large, so that the query with LIMIT that is completed after the first block is processed quickly. The goal is to avoid consuming too much memory when extracting a large number of columns in multiple threads, and to preserve at least some cache locality.

Default value: 65,536.
367 368 369 370 371 372 373

Blocks the size of `max_block_size` are not always loaded from the table. If it is obvious that less data needs to be retrieved, a smaller block is processed.

## preferred_block_size_bytes

Used for the same purpose as `max_block_size`, but it sets the recommended block size in bytes by adapting it to the number of rows in the block.
However, the block size cannot be more than `max_block_size` rows.
By default: 1,000,000. It only works when reading from MergeTree engines.

BayoNet 已提交
376 377
## merge_tree_uniform_read_distribution {#setting-merge_tree_uniform_read_distribution}

ClickHouse uses multiple threads when reading from [MergeTree*](../table_engines/ tables. This setting turns on/off the uniform distribution of reading tasks over the working threads. The algorithm of the uniform distribution aims to make execution time for all the threads approximately equal in a `SELECT` query.
BayoNet 已提交
379 380 381

**Possible values**

382 383
- 0 — Do not use uniform read distribution.
- 1 — Use uniform read distribution.
BayoNet 已提交

**Default value**: 1.
BayoNet 已提交
386 387 388

## merge_tree_min_rows_for_concurrent_read {#setting-merge_tree_min_rows_for_concurrent_read}

If the number of rows to be read from a file of a [MergeTree*](../table_engines/ table exceeds `merge_tree_min_rows_for_concurrent_read` then ClickHouse tries to perform a concurrent reading from this file on several threads.
BayoNet 已提交
390 391 392 393 394

**Possible values**

Any positive integer.

**Default value**: 163840.
BayoNet 已提交
396 397 398

## merge_tree_min_rows_for_seek {#setting-merge_tree_min_rows_for_seek}

If the distance between two data blocks to be read in one file is less than `merge_tree_min_rows_for_seek` rows, then ClickHouse does not seek through the file, but reads the data sequentially.
BayoNet 已提交
400 401 402 403 404

**Possible values**

Any positive integer.

**Default value**: 0.
BayoNet 已提交
406 407 408

## merge_tree_coarse_index_granularity {#setting-merge_tree_coarse_index_granularity}

When searching data, ClickHouse checks the data marks in the index file. If ClickHouse finds that required keys are in some range, it divides this range into `merge_tree_coarse_index_granularity` subranges and searches the required keys there recursively.
BayoNet 已提交
410 411 412 413 414

**Possible values**

Any positive even integer.

**Default value**: 8.
BayoNet 已提交
416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424

## merge_tree_max_rows_to_use_cache {#setting-merge_tree_max_rows_to_use_cache}

If ClickHouse should read more than `merge_tree_max_rows_to_use_cache` rows in one query, it does not use the cash of uncompressed blocks. The [uncompressed_cache_size](../server_settings/ server setting defines the size of the cache of uncompressed blocks.

**Possible values**

Any positive integer.

**Default value**: 1048576.

427 428
## min_bytes_to_use_direct_io {#settings-min_bytes_to_use_direct_io}

The minimum data volume required for using direct I/O access to the storage disk.

ClickHouse uses this setting when reading data from tables. If the total storage volume of all the data to be read exceeds `min_bytes_to_use_direct_io` bytes, then ClickHouse reads the data from the storage disk with the `O_DIRECT` option.
432 433 434

**Possible values**

435 436
- 0 — Direct I/O is disabled.
- Positive integer.
437 438 439

**Default value**: 0.

## log_queries {#settings-log-queries}

Setting up query logging.

Queries sent to ClickHouse with this setup are logged according to the rules in the [query_log](../server_settings/ server configuration parameter.
445 446 447 448 449



## max_insert_block_size {#settings-max_insert_block_size}
451 452 453 454 455 456 457

The size of blocks to form for insertion into a table.
This setting only applies in cases when the server forms the blocks.
For example, for an INSERT via the HTTP interface, the server parses the data format and forms blocks of the specified size.
But when using clickhouse-client, the client parses the data itself, and the 'max_insert_block_size' setting on the server doesn't affect the size of the inserted blocks.
The setting also doesn't have a purpose when using INSERT SELECT, since data is inserted using the same blocks that are formed after SELECT.

Default value: 1,048,576.

The default is slightly more than `max_block_size`. The reason for this is because certain table engines (`*MergeTree`) form a data part on the disk for each inserted block, which is a fairly large entity. Similarly, `*MergeTree` tables sort data during insertion, and a large enough block size allows sorting more data in RAM.

## max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries {#settings-max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries}

Ivan Blinkov 已提交
Disables lagging replicas for distributed queries. See "[Replication](../../operations/table_engines/".
465 466 467

Sets the time in seconds. If a replica lags more than the set value, this replica is not used.

Default value: 300.

Used when performing `SELECT` from a distributed table that points to replicated tables.

## max_threads {#settings-max_threads}

The maximum number of query processing threads, excluding threads for retrieving data from remote servers (see the 'max_distributed_connections' parameter).
475 476

This parameter applies to threads that perform the same stages of the query processing pipeline in parallel.
For example, when reading from a table, if it is possible to evaluate expressions with functions, filter with WHERE and pre-aggregate for GROUP BY in parallel using at least 'max_threads' number of threads, then 'max_threads' are used.

alexey-milovidov 已提交
Default value: the number of physical CPU cores.
480 481 482

If less than one SELECT query is normally run on a server at a time, set this parameter to a value slightly less than the actual number of processor cores.

For queries that are completed quickly because of a LIMIT, you can set a lower 'max_threads'. For example, if the necessary number of entries are located in every block and max_threads = 8, then 8 blocks are retrieved, although it would have been enough to read just one.
484 485 486 487 488 489 490

The smaller the `max_threads` value, the less memory is consumed.

## max_compress_block_size

The maximum size of blocks of uncompressed data before compressing for writing to a table. By default, 1,048,576 (1 MiB). If the size is reduced, the compression rate is significantly reduced, the compression and decompression speed increases slightly due to cache locality, and memory consumption is reduced. There usually isn't any reason to change this setting.

Don't confuse blocks for compression (a chunk of memory consisting of bytes) with blocks for query processing (a set of rows from a table).
492 493 494

## min_compress_block_size

Ivan Blinkov 已提交
For [MergeTree](../../operations/table_engines/" tables. In order to reduce latency when processing queries, a block is compressed when writing the next mark if its size is at least 'min_compress_block_size'. By default, 65,536.
496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506

The actual size of the block, if the uncompressed data is less than 'max_compress_block_size', is no less than this value and no less than the volume of data for one mark.

Let's look at an example. Assume that 'index_granularity' was set to 8192 during table creation.

We are writing a UInt32-type column (4 bytes per value). When writing 8192 rows, the total will be 32 KB of data. Since min_compress_block_size = 65,536, a compressed block will be formed for every two marks.

We are writing a URL column with the String type (average size of 60 bytes per value). When writing 8192 rows, the average will be slightly less than 500 KB of data. Since this is more than 65,536, a compressed block will be formed for each mark. In this case, when reading data from the disk in the range of a single mark, extra data won't be decompressed.

There usually isn't any reason to change this setting.

## max_query_size {#settings-max_query_size}
508 509 510 511

The maximum part of a query that can be taken to RAM for parsing with the SQL parser.
The INSERT query also contains data for INSERT that is processed by a separate stream parser (that consumes O(1) RAM), which is not included in this restriction.

Default value: 256 KiB.
513 514 515 516 517

## interactive_delay

The interval in microseconds for checking whether request execution has been canceled and sending the progress.

Default value: 100,000 (checks for canceling and sends the progress ten times per second).

## connect_timeout, receive_timeout, send_timeout
521 522 523

Timeouts in seconds on the socket used for communicating with the client.

Default value: 10, 300, 300.
525 526 527 528 529

## poll_interval

Lock in a wait loop for the specified number of seconds.

Default value: 10.
531 532 533 534 535

## max_distributed_connections

The maximum number of simultaneous connections with remote servers for distributed processing of a single query to a single Distributed table. We recommend setting a value no less than the number of servers in the cluster.

Default value: 1024.
537 538 539 540 541 542 543

The following parameters are only used when creating Distributed tables (and when launching a server), so there is no reason to change them at runtime.

## distributed_connections_pool_size

The maximum number of simultaneous connections with remote servers for distributed processing of all queries to a single Distributed table. We recommend setting a value no less than the number of servers in the cluster.

Default value: 1024.
545 546 547 548 549 550

## connect_timeout_with_failover_ms

The timeout in milliseconds for connecting to a remote server for a Distributed table engine, if the 'shard' and 'replica' sections are used in the cluster definition.
If unsuccessful, several attempts are made to connect to various replicas.

Default value: 50.
552 553 554

## connections_with_failover_max_tries

The maximum number of connection attempts with each replica for the Distributed table engine.

Default value: 3.
558 559 560 561 562 563

## extremes

Whether to count extreme values (the minimums and maximums in columns of a query result). Accepts 0 or 1. By default, 0 (disabled).
For more information, see the section "Extreme values".

BayoNet 已提交
## use_uncompressed_cache {#setting-use_uncompressed_cache}

566 567
Whether to use a cache of uncompressed blocks. Accepts 0 or 1. By default, 0 (disabled).
Using the uncompressed cache (only for tables in the MergeTree family) can significantly reduce latency and increase throughput when working with a large number of short queries. Enable this setting for users who send frequent short requests. Also pay attention to the [uncompressed_cache_size](../server_settings/ configuration parameter (only set in the config file) – the size of uncompressed cache blocks. By default, it is 8 GiB. The uncompressed cache is filled in as needed and the least-used data is automatically deleted.

For queries that read at least a somewhat large volume of data (one million rows or more), the uncompressed cache is disabled automatically in order to save space for truly small queries. This means that you can keep the 'use_uncompressed_cache' setting always set to 1.
570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584

## replace_running_query

When using the HTTP interface, the 'query_id' parameter can be passed. This is any string that serves as the query identifier.
If a query from the same user with the same 'query_id' already exists at this time, the behavior depends on the 'replace_running_query' parameter.

`0` (default) – Throw an exception (don't allow the query to run if a query with the same 'query_id' is already running).

`1` – Cancel the old query and start running the new one.

Yandex.Metrica uses this parameter set to 1 for implementing suggestions for segmentation conditions. After entering the next character, if the old query hasn't finished yet, it should be canceled.

## stream_flush_interval_ms

Works for tables with streaming in the case of a timeout, or when a thread generates [max_insert_block_size](#settings-max_insert_block_size) rows.
586 587 588 589 590 591

The default value is 7500.

The smaller the value, the more often data is flushed into the table. Setting the value too low leads to poor performance.

## load_balancing {#settings-load_balancing}

Specifies the algorithm of replicas selection that is used for distributed query processing.

ClickHouse supports the following algorithms of choosing replicas:
597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604

- [Random](#load_balancing-random) (by default)
- [Nearest hostname](#load_balancing-nearest_hostname)
- [In order](#load_balancing-in_order)
- [First or random](#load_balancing-first_or_random)

### Random (by default) {#load_balancing-random}

606 607
load_balancing = random
608 609 610 611

The number of errors is counted for each replica. The query is sent to the replica with the fewest errors, and if there are several of these, to any one of them.
Disadvantages: Server proximity is not accounted for; if the replicas have different data, you will also get different data.

612 613
### Nearest Hostname {#load_balancing-nearest_hostname}

615 616
load_balancing = nearest_hostname
617 618 619 620

The number of errors is counted for each replica. Every 5 minutes, the number of errors is integrally divided by 2. Thus, the number of errors is calculated for a recent time with exponential smoothing. If there is one replica with a minimal number of errors (i.e. errors occurred recently on the other replicas), the query is sent to it. If there are multiple replicas with the same minimal number of errors, the query is sent to the replica with a host name that is most similar to the server's host name in the config file (for the number of different characters in identical positions, up to the minimum length of both host names).

For instance, example01-01-1 and are different in one position, while example01-01-1 and example01-02-2 differ in two places.
This method might seem primitive, but it doesn't require external data about network topology, and it doesn't compare IP addresses, which would be complicated for our IPv6 addresses.
622 623 624 625

Thus, if there are equivalent replicas, the closest one by name is preferred.
We can also assume that when sending a query to the same server, in the absence of failures, a distributed query will also go to the same servers. So even if different data is placed on the replicas, the query will return mostly the same results.

### In Order {#load_balancing-in_order}

629 630
load_balancing = in_order

alexey-milovidov 已提交
Replicas with the same number of errors are accessed in the same order as they are specified in configuration.
633 634
This method is appropriate when you know exactly which replica is preferable.

635 636 637

### First or Random {#load_balancing-first_or_random}

639 640 641
load_balancing = first_or_random

This algorithm chooses the first replica in the set or a random replica if the first is unavailable. It's effective in cross-replication topology setups, but useless in other configurations.

The `first_or_random` algorithm solves the problem of the `in_order` algorithm. With `in_order`, if one replica goes down, the next one gets a double load while the remaining replicas handle the usual amount of traffic. When using the `first_or_random` algorithm, load is evenly distributed among replicas that are still available.

646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656
## prefer_localhost_replica {#settings-prefer_localhost_replica}

Enables/disables preferable using the localhost replica when processing distributed queries.

Possible values:

- 1 — ClickHouse always sends a query to the localhost replica if it exists.
- 0 — ClickHouse uses the balancing strategy specified by the [load_balancing](#settings-load_balancing) setting.

Default value: 1.

657 658 659
!!! warning "Warning"
    Disable this setting if you use [max_parallel_replicas](#settings-max_parallel_replicas).

660 661 662 663 664 665 666
## totals_mode

How to calculate TOTALS when HAVING is present, as well as when max_rows_to_group_by and group_by_overflow_mode = 'any' are present.
See the section "WITH TOTALS modifier".

## totals_auto_threshold

The threshold for `totals_mode = 'auto'`.
668 669
See the section "WITH TOTALS modifier".

## max_parallel_replicas {#settings-max_parallel_replicas}
671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680

The maximum number of replicas for each shard when executing a query.
For consistency (to get different parts of the same data split), this option only works when the sampling key is set.
Replica lag is not controlled.

## compile

Enable compilation of queries. By default, 0 (disabled).

Compilation is only used for part of the query-processing pipeline: for the first stage of aggregation (GROUP BY).
If this portion of the pipeline was compiled, the query may run faster due to deployment of short cycles and inlining aggregate function calls. The maximum performance improvement (up to four times faster in rare cases) is seen for queries with multiple simple aggregate functions. Typically, the performance gain is insignificant. In very rare cases, it may slow down query execution.
682 683 684 685

## min_count_to_compile

How many times to potentially use a compiled chunk of code before running compilation. By default, 3.
686 687
For testing, the value can be set to 0: compilation runs synchronously and the query waits for the end of the compilation process before continuing execution. For all other cases, use values ​​starting with 1. Compilation normally takes about 5-10 seconds.
If the value is 1 or more, compilation occurs asynchronously in a separate thread. The result will be used as soon as it is ready, including queries that are currently running.
688 689 690 691 692

Compiled code is required for each different combination of aggregate functions used in the query and the type of keys in the GROUP BY clause.
The results of compilation are saved in the build directory in the form of .so files. There is no restriction on the number of compilation results, since they don't use very much space. Old results will be used after server restarts, except in the case of a server upgrade – in this case, the old results are deleted.

## output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers {#session_settings-output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers}

If the value is true, integers appear in quotes when using JSON\* Int64 and UInt64 formats (for compatibility with most JavaScript implementations); otherwise, integers are output without the quotes.
Ivan Zhukov 已提交

## format_csv_delimiter {#settings-format_csv_delimiter}
Ivan Zhukov 已提交

699 700
The character interpreted as a delimiter in the CSV data. By default, the delimiter is `,`.

## input_format_csv_unquoted_null_literal_as_null {#settings-input_format_csv_unquoted_null_literal_as_null}
Alexander Tokmakov 已提交
702 703 704

For CSV input format enables or disables parsing of unquoted `NULL` as literal (synonym for `\N`).

## insert_quorum {#settings-insert_quorum}
706 707 708 709 710 711

Enables quorum writes.

  - If `insert_quorum < 2`, the quorum writes are disabled.
  - If `insert_quorum >= 2`, the quorum writes are enabled.

Default value: 0.
713 714 715 716 717 718 719

**Quorum writes**

`INSERT` succeeds only when ClickHouse manages to correctly write data to the `insert_quorum` of replicas during the `insert_quorum_timeout`. If for any reason the number of replicas with successful writes does not reach the `insert_quorum`, the write is considered failed and ClickHouse will delete the inserted block from all the replicas where data has already been written.

All the replicas in the quorum are consistent, i.e., they contain data from all previous `INSERT` queries. The `INSERT` sequence is linearized.

When reading the data written from the `insert_quorum`, you can use the [select_sequential_consistency](#settings-select_sequential_consistency) option.
721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728

**ClickHouse generates an exception**

- If the number of available replicas at the time of the query is less than the `insert_quorum`.
- At an attempt to write data when the previous block has not yet been inserted in the `insert_quorum` of replicas. This situation may occur if the user tries to perform an `INSERT` before the previous one with the `insert_quorum` is completed.

**See also the following parameters:**

729 730
- [insert_quorum_timeout](#settings-insert_quorum_timeout)
- [select_sequential_consistency](#settings-select_sequential_consistency)
731 732

## insert_quorum_timeout {#settings-insert_quorum_timeout}
734 735 736

Quorum write timeout in seconds. If the timeout has passed and no write has taken place yet, ClickHouse will generate an exception and the client must repeat the query to write the same block to the same or any other replica.

Default value: 60 seconds.
738 739 740

**See also the following parameters:**

741 742
- [insert_quorum](#settings-insert_quorum)
- [select_sequential_consistency](#settings-select_sequential_consistency)
743 744

## select_sequential_consistency {#settings-select_sequential_consistency}

747 748 749
Enables or disables sequential consistency for `SELECT` queries:

Possible values:

751 752
- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

Default value: 0.

756 757

758 759
When sequential consistency is enabled, ClickHouse allows the client to execute the `SELECT` query only for those replicas that contain data from all previous `INSERT` queries executed with `insert_quorum`. If the client refers to a partial replica, ClickHouse will generate an exception. The SELECT query will not include data that has not yet been written to the quorum of replicas.

**See Also**

762 763
- [insert_quorum](#settings-insert_quorum)
- [insert_quorum_timeout](#settings-insert_quorum_timeout)

## max_network_bytes {#settings-max_network_bytes}
Limits the data volume (in bytes) that is received or transmitted over the network when executing a query. This setting applies to every individual query.
767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776

Possible values:

- Positive integer.
- 0 — Data volume control is disabled.

Default value: 0.

## max_network_bandwidth {#settings-max_network_bandwidth}

Limits the speed of the data exchange over the network in bytes per second. This setting applies to every query.
778 779 780 781

Possible values:

- Positive integer.
BayoNet 已提交
- 0 — Bandwidth control is disabled.
783 784 785 786 787

Default value: 0.

## max_network_bandwidth_for_user {#settings-max_network_bandwidth_for_user}

Limits the speed of the data exchange over the network in bytes per second. This setting applies to all concurrently running queries performed by a single user.
789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798

Possible values:

- Positive integer.
- 0 — Control of the data speed is disabled.

Default value: 0.

## max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users {#settings-max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users}

Limits the speed that data is exchanged at over the network in bytes per second. This setting applies to all concurrently running queries on the server.
800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807

Possible values:

- Positive integer.
- 0 — Control of the data speed is disabled.

Default value: 0.

808 809 810 811
## allow_experimental_cross_to_join_conversion {#settings-allow_experimental_cross_to_join_conversion}

Enables or disables:

812 813
1. Rewriting queries for join from the syntax with commas to the `JOIN ON/USING` syntax. If the setting value is 0, ClickHouse doesn't process queries with syntax that uses commas, and throws an exception.
2. Converting `CROSS JOIN` to `INNER JOIN` if `WHERE` conditions allow it.
814 815 816 817 818 819 820

Possible values:

- 0 — Disabled.
- 1 — Enabled.

Default value: 1.
Ivan Blinkov 已提交

822 823 824 825 826
**See Also**

- [Multiple JOIN](../../query_language/

827 828
## count_distinct_implementation {#settings-count_distinct_implementation}

Specifies which of the `uniq*` functions should be used to perform the [COUNT(DISTINCT ...)](../../query_language/agg_functions/ construction.
830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838

Possible values:

- [uniq](../../query_language/agg_functions/
- [uniqCombined](../../query_language/agg_functions/
- [uniqHLL12](../../query_language/agg_functions/
- [uniqExact](../../query_language/agg_functions/

Default value: `uniqExact`.
Ivan Blinkov 已提交

840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862
## skip_unavailable_shards {#settings-skip_unavailable_shards}

Enables or disables silent skipping of:

- Node, if its name cannot be resolved through DNS.

    When skipping is disabled, ClickHouse requires that all the nodes in the [cluster configuration](../server_settings/ can be resolvable through DNS. Otherwise, ClickHouse throws an exception when trying to perform a query on the cluster.

    If skipping is enabled, ClickHouse considers unresolved nodes as unavailable and tries to resolve them at every connection attempt. Such behavior creates the risk of wrong cluster configuration because a user can specify the wrong node name, and ClickHouse doesn't report about it. However, this can be useful in systems with dynamic DNS, for example, [Kubernetes](, where nodes can be unresolvable during downtime, and this is not an error.

- Shard, if there are no available replicas of the shard.

    When skipping is disabled, ClickHouse throws an exception.

    When skipping is enabled, ClickHouse returns a partial answer and doesn't report about issues with nodes availability.

Possible values:

- 1 — skipping enabled.
- 0 — skipping disabled.

Default value: 0.

863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874
## optimize_throw_if_noop {#setting-optimize_throw_if_noop}

Enables or disables throwing an exception if the [OPTIMIZE](../../query_language/ query have not performed a merge.

By default `OPTIMIZE` returns successfully even if it haven't done anything. This setting allows to distinguish this situation and get the reason in exception message.

Possible values:

- 1 — Throwing an exception is enabled.
- 0 — Throwing an exception is disabled.

Default value: 0.
Vasily Nemkov 已提交
875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899
## distributed_replica_error_half_life {#settings-distributed_replica_error_half_life}

- Type: seconds
- Default value: 60 seconds

Controls how fast errors of distributed tables are zeroed. Given that currently a replica was unavailabe for some time and accumulated 5 errors and distributed_replica_error_half_life is set to 1 second, then said replica is considered back to normal in 3 seconds since last error.

** See also **

- [Table engine Distributed](../../operations/table_engines/
- [`distributed_replica_error_cap`](#settings-distributed_replica_error_cap)

## distributed_replica_error_cap {#settings-distributed_replica_error_cap}

- Type: unsigned int
- Default value: 1000

Error count of each replica is capped at this value, preventing a single replica from accumulating to many errors.

** See also **

- [Table engine Distributed](../../operations/table_engines/
- [`distributed_replica_error_half_life`](#settings-distributed_replica_error_half_life)

900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914
## os_thread_priority {#setting-os_thread_priority}

Sets the priority ([nice]( for threads that execute queries. OS scheduler considers this priority when choosing the next thread to run on each available CPU core.

!!! warning "Warning"
    To use this setting, you need to set the `CAP_SYS_NICE` capability. The `clickhouse-server` package sets it up during installation. Some virtual environments don't allow to set the `CAP_SYS_NICE` capability. In this case `clickhouse-server` shows a message about it at the start.

Possible values:

You can set values in the `[-20, 19]` range.

The lower value means a higher priority. Threads with low values of `nice` priority are executed more frequently than threads with high values. High values are preferable for long running non-interactive queries because it allows them to quickly give up resources in favour of short interactive queries when they arrive.

Default value: 0.

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