提交 70c142ab 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: ob-robot

to issue<48495992>:fix core when dml stmt bulk into complex type var

上级 a90eb7f6
......@@ -5717,6 +5717,18 @@ int ObSPIService::get_result(ObPLExecCtx *ctx,
LOG_WARN("read result error", K(ret));
OX (bulk_tables.reuse());
// fetch row阶段可能会触发udf/trigger, udf/trigger内部触发复杂数据类型内存回缩, 导致bulk table记录的table地址异常
// 因此这里重新计算一次table 地址
for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && i < into_count; ++i) {
ObPLCollection *table = NULL;
CK (OB_NOT_NULL(result_expr = into_exprs[i]));
CK (is_obj_access_expression(*result_expr));
OZ (spi_calc_expr(ctx, result_expr, OB_INVALID_INDEX, &result_address));
CK (OB_NOT_NULL(table = reinterpret_cast<ObPLCollection*>(result_address.get_ext())));
CK (OB_NOT_NULL(table));
OZ (bulk_tables.push_back(table));
if (OB_SUCC(ret)) {
for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && i < bulk_tables.count(); ++i) {
ObPLCollection *table = bulk_tables.at(i);
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