提交 05d2d754 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: ob-robot

[CP] [to #44046555] fix print routine clause and agg function

上级 8779ec62
......@@ -3795,6 +3795,7 @@ int ObSchemaPrinter::print_routine_definition(const ObRoutineInfo *routine_info,
const ObStmtNodeTree *param_list,
const ObStmtNodeTree *return_type,
const ObString &body,
const ObString &clause,
char* buf,
const int64_t& buf_len,
int64_t &pos,
......@@ -3815,16 +3816,18 @@ int ObSchemaPrinter::print_routine_definition(const ObRoutineInfo *routine_info,
OX (routine_type = routine_info->is_procedure() ? "PROCEDURE" : "FUNCTION");
OZ (databuff_printf(buf, buf_len, pos,
lib::is_oracle_mode() ?
"CREATE OR REPLACE%s%.*s %s \"%.*s\".\"%.*s\"\n" :
"CREATE DEFINER =%s %.*s %s `%.*s`.`%.*s`\n",
"CREATE OR REPLACE%s%.*s %s " :
"CREATE DEFINER =%s %.*s %s ",
routine_info->is_noneditionable() ? " NONEDITIONABLE" : "",
OZ (databuff_printf(buf, buf_len, pos,
lib::is_oracle_mode() ? "\"%.*s\".\"%.*s\"\n" : "`%.*s`.`%.*s`\n",
routine_info->get_routine_name().ptr()), routine_type, db_name, routine_info);
routine_info->get_routine_name().ptr()), K(routine_type), K(db_name), K(routine_info));
if (OB_SUCC(ret) && routine_info->get_param_count() > 0) {
OZ (databuff_printf(buf, buf_len, pos, "(\n"));
OZ (print_routine_definition_param(*routine_info, param_list, buf, buf_len, pos, tz_info));
......@@ -3850,7 +3853,12 @@ int ObSchemaPrinter::print_routine_definition(const ObRoutineInfo *routine_info,
OZ (databuff_printf(buf, buf_len, pos, lib::is_oracle_mode() ? " IS\n%.*s" : " %.*s", body.length(), body.ptr()));
if (OB_SUCC(ret) && lib::is_oracle_mode() && !clause.empty()) {
OZ (databuff_printf(buf, buf_len, pos, " %.*s", clause.length(), clause.ptr()));
OZ (databuff_printf(buf, buf_len, pos,
lib::is_oracle_mode() ? (routine_info->is_aggregate() ? "\nAGGREGATE USING %.*s" : " IS\n%.*s")
: " %.*s", body.length(), body.ptr()));
return ret;
......@@ -3869,16 +3877,19 @@ int ObSchemaPrinter::print_routine_definition(
SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "Unknow routine", K(ret), K(routine_id));
} else if (lib::is_mysql_mode()) {
OZ (print_routine_definition(routine_info, NULL, NULL, routine_info->get_routine_body(), buf, buf_len, pos, tz_info));
ObString clause;
OZ (print_routine_definition(routine_info, NULL, NULL, routine_info->get_routine_body(), clause, buf, buf_len, pos, tz_info));
} else { // oracle mode
ObString routine_body = routine_info->get_routine_body();
ObString actully_body;
ObString routine_clause;
ObStmtNodeTree *parse_tree = NULL;
const ObStmtNodeTree *routine_tree = NULL;
ObArenaAllocator allocator;
pl::ObPLParser parser(allocator, CS_TYPE_UTF8MB4_BIN);
const ObStmtNodeTree *param_list = NULL;
const ObStmtNodeTree *return_type = NULL;
ObStmtNodeTree *param_list = NULL;
ObStmtNodeTree *return_type = NULL;
ObStmtNodeTree *clause_list = NULL;
CK (!routine_body.empty());
OZ (parser.parse_routine_body(routine_body, parse_tree, false));
CK (OB_NOT_NULL(parse_tree));
......@@ -3901,6 +3912,7 @@ int ObSchemaPrinter::print_routine_definition(
CK (OB_NOT_NULL(routine_tree));
LOG_INFO("print routine define", K(routine_tree->type_), K(routine_info->is_function()), K(routine_body));
CK (routine_info->is_function() ? T_SF_SOURCE == routine_tree->type_
|| T_SF_AGGREGATE_SOURCE == routine_tree->type_
: T_SP_SOURCE == routine_tree->type_);
CK (routine_info->is_function() ? 6 == routine_tree->num_child_
: 4 == routine_tree->num_child_);
......@@ -3909,10 +3921,14 @@ int ObSchemaPrinter::print_routine_definition(
OX (actully_body = routine_info->is_function() ?
ObString(routine_tree->children_[5]->str_len_, routine_tree->children_[5]->str_value_)
: ObString(routine_tree->children_[3]->str_len_, routine_tree->children_[3]->str_value_));
OX (clause_list = routine_info->is_function() ? routine_tree->children_[3] : routine_tree->children_[2]);
if (OB_SUCC(ret) && OB_NOT_NULL(clause_list)) {
OX (routine_clause = ObString(clause_list->str_len_, clause_list->str_value_));
OX (param_list = routine_tree->children_[1]);
OX (return_type = (routine_info->is_function() ? routine_tree->children_[2] : NULL));
CK (!actully_body.empty());
OZ (print_routine_definition(routine_info, param_list, return_type, actully_body, buf, buf_len, pos, tz_info));
OZ (print_routine_definition(routine_info, param_list, return_type, actully_body, routine_clause, buf, buf_len, pos, tz_info));
return ret;
......@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ public:
const ObStmtNodeTree *param_list,
const ObStmtNodeTree *return_type,
const common::ObString &body,
const common::ObString &clause,
char* buf,
const int64_t& buf_len,
int64_t &pos,
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