sql=""" SELECT unit.svr_ip, unit.svr_port FROM __all_resource_pool pool JOIN __all_unit unit ON (pool.resource_pool_id = unit.resource_pool_id ) WHERE pool.tenant_id = %s ; """%(str(self.get_current_tenant()))
sql2=""" select current_time(), stat.con_id, stat.svr_ip, stat.svr_port, stat.name, stat.value from gv\$sysstat stat where stat.class IN (1,4,8,16,32,4096) and con_id = %s and (%s) """%(str(self.get_current_tenant()),stat_ids)
sql=""" select current_time(), stat.con_id, stat.svr_ip, stat.svr_port, stat.name, stat.value from gv\$sysstat stat where stat.class IN (1,4,8,16,32,4096) and con_id = %s and (%s) """%(str(self.get_current_tenant()),stat_ids)
#sql = """SELECT t1.tenant_id,t2.zone, t1.svr_ip,t1.svr_port , round(cpu_quota_used/t4.max_cpu, 3) cpu_usage FROM __all_tenant_resource_usage t1 JOIN __all_server t2 ON (t1.svr_ip=t2.svr_ip and t1.svr_port=t2.svr_port) JOIN __all_resource_pool t3 ON (t1.tenant_id=t3.tenant_id) JOIN __all_unit_config t4 ON (t3.unit_config_id=t4.unit_config_id) WHERE report_time > date_sub(now(), INTERVAL 30 SECOND) AND t1.tenant_id IN (%s) ORDER BY t1.tenant_id, t2.zone, t1.svr_ip, t1.svr_port; """ % (str(self.get_current_tenant()))
@@ -1402,6 +1389,10 @@ class oceanbase(object):
# tid has changed before result returned, ignore it.