提交 a600c3b8 编写于 作者: S st0 提交者: wangzelin.wzl

fix bitand overwrite datum of parameter bug

上级 490ce0a9
......@@ -3613,8 +3613,11 @@ int ObBitwiseExprOperator::get_int64_from_number_type(
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
int64_t tmp_int = 0;
number::ObNumber nmb(datum.get_number());
if (OB_UNLIKELY(!nmb.is_integer() && OB_FAIL(is_round ? nmb.round(0) : nmb.trunc(0)))) {
ObNumStackAllocator<> num_allocator;
number::ObNumber nmb;
if (OB_FAIL(nmb.from(datum.get_number(), num_allocator))) {
LOG_WARN("number copy failed", K(ret));
} else if (OB_UNLIKELY(!nmb.is_integer() && OB_FAIL(is_round ? nmb.round(0) : nmb.trunc(0)))) {
LOG_WARN("round/trunc failed", K(ret), K(is_round), K(nmb));
} else if (nmb.is_valid_int64(tmp_int)) {
out = tmp_int;
......@@ -3632,10 +3635,13 @@ int ObBitwiseExprOperator::get_uint64_from_number_type(
const ObDatum& datum, bool is_round, uint64_t& out, const ObCastMode& cast_mode)
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
number::ObNumber nmb(datum.get_number());
ObNumStackAllocator<> num_allocator;
number::ObNumber nmb;
int64_t tmp_int = 0;
uint64_t tmp_uint = 0;
if (OB_UNLIKELY(!nmb.is_integer() && OB_FAIL(is_round ? nmb.round(0) : nmb.trunc(0)))) {
if (OB_FAIL(nmb.from(datum.get_number(), num_allocator))) {
LOG_WARN("number copy failed", K(ret));
} else if (OB_UNLIKELY(!nmb.is_integer() && OB_FAIL(is_round ? nmb.round(0) : nmb.trunc(0)))) {
LOG_WARN("round/trunc failed", K(ret), K(is_round), K(nmb));
} else if (nmb.is_valid_int64(tmp_int)) {
out = static_cast<uint64_t>(tmp_int);
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