head_file.write("// ObSysVarFlag can not modified arbitrarily, all change should be synchronized to sql/session/gen_ob_sys_variables.py flag_value_dict\n");
wfile.write("# sys_vars_dict.py is generated by gen_ob_sys_variables.py, according ob_system_variable_init.json and upgrade_sys_var_base_script.py, DO NOT edited directly\n")
# sys_vars_dict.py is generated by gen_ob_sys_variables.py, according ob_system_variable_init.json and upgrade_sys_var_base_script.py, DO NOT edited directly
sys_var_dict["is_result_accurate"]={"id":10028,"name":"is_result_accurate","value":"1","data_type":5,"info":"when query is with topk hint, is_result_accurate indicates whether the result is acuurate or not ","flags":130}
sys_var_dict["error_on_overlap_time"]={"id":10029,"name":"error_on_overlap_time","value":"0","data_type":5,"info":"The variable determines how OceanBase should handle an ambiguous boundary datetime value a case in which it is not clear whether the datetime is in standard or daylight saving time","flags":131}
sys_var_dict["ob_compatibility_mode"]={"id":10030,"name":"ob_compatibility_mode","value":"0","data_type":5,"info":"What DBMS is OceanBase compatible with? MYSQL means it behaves like MySQL while ORACLE means it behaves like Oracle.","flags":2183}
sys_var_dict["ob_create_table_strict_mode"]={"id":10031,"name":"ob_create_table_strict_mode","value":"1","data_type":5,"info":"If set true, create all the replicas according to the locality or the operation will fail.","flags":3}
sys_var_dict["ob_create_table_strict_mode"]={"id":10031,"name":"ob_create_table_strict_mode","value":"0","data_type":5,"info":"If set true, create all the replicas according to the locality or the operation will fail.","flags":3}
sys_var_dict["ob_sql_work_area_percentage"]={"id":10032,"name":"ob_sql_work_area_percentage","value":"5","data_type":5,"info":"The percentage limitation of tenant memory for SQL execution.","flags":1,"min_val":"0","max_val":"100"}
sys_var_dict["ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot"]={"id":10033,"name":"ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot","value":"1","data_type":5,"info":"The safe weak read snapshot version in one server","flags":146,"min_val":"0","max_val":"9223372036854775807"}
sys_var_dict["ob_route_policy"]={"id":10034,"name":"ob_route_policy","value":"1","data_type":5,"info":"the routing policy of obproxy/java client and observer internal retry, 1=READONLY_ZONE_FIRST, 2=ONLY_READONLY_ZONE, 3=UNMERGE_ZONE_FIRST, 4=UNMERGE_FOLLOWER_FIRST","flags":195}
## sys_vars_dict.py is generated by gen_ob_sys_variables.py, according ob_system_variable_init.json and upgrade_sys_var_base_script.py, DO NOT edited directly
#sys_var_dict["is_result_accurate"] = {"id": 10028, "name": "is_result_accurate", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "when query is with topk hint, is_result_accurate indicates whether the result is acuurate or not ", "flags": 130}
#sys_var_dict["error_on_overlap_time"] = {"id": 10029, "name": "error_on_overlap_time", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "The variable determines how OceanBase should handle an ambiguous boundary datetime value a case in which it is not clear whether the datetime is in standard or daylight saving time", "flags": 131}
#sys_var_dict["ob_compatibility_mode"] = {"id": 10030, "name": "ob_compatibility_mode", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "What DBMS is OceanBase compatible with? MYSQL means it behaves like MySQL while ORACLE means it behaves like Oracle.", "flags": 2183}
#sys_var_dict["ob_create_table_strict_mode"] = {"id": 10031, "name": "ob_create_table_strict_mode", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "If set true, create all the replicas according to the locality or the operation will fail.", "flags": 3}
#sys_var_dict["ob_create_table_strict_mode"] = {"id": 10031, "name": "ob_create_table_strict_mode", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "If set true, create all the replicas according to the locality or the operation will fail.", "flags": 3}
#sys_var_dict["ob_sql_work_area_percentage"] = {"id": 10032, "name": "ob_sql_work_area_percentage", "value": "5", "data_type": 5, "info": "The percentage limitation of tenant memory for SQL execution.", "flags": 1, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
#sys_var_dict["ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot"] = {"id": 10033, "name": "ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "The safe weak read snapshot version in one server", "flags": 146, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
#sys_var_dict["ob_route_policy"] = {"id": 10034, "name": "ob_route_policy", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "the routing policy of obproxy/java client and observer internal retry, 1=READONLY_ZONE_FIRST, 2=ONLY_READONLY_ZONE, 3=UNMERGE_ZONE_FIRST, 4=UNMERGE_FOLLOWER_FIRST", "flags": 195}
## sys_vars_dict.py is generated by gen_ob_sys_variables.py, according ob_system_variable_init.json and upgrade_sys_var_base_script.py, DO NOT edited directly
#sys_var_dict["is_result_accurate"] = {"id": 10028, "name": "is_result_accurate", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "when query is with topk hint, is_result_accurate indicates whether the result is acuurate or not ", "flags": 130}
#sys_var_dict["error_on_overlap_time"] = {"id": 10029, "name": "error_on_overlap_time", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "The variable determines how OceanBase should handle an ambiguous boundary datetime value a case in which it is not clear whether the datetime is in standard or daylight saving time", "flags": 131}
#sys_var_dict["ob_compatibility_mode"] = {"id": 10030, "name": "ob_compatibility_mode", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "What DBMS is OceanBase compatible with? MYSQL means it behaves like MySQL while ORACLE means it behaves like Oracle.", "flags": 2183}
#sys_var_dict["ob_create_table_strict_mode"] = {"id": 10031, "name": "ob_create_table_strict_mode", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "If set true, create all the replicas according to the locality or the operation will fail.", "flags": 3}
#sys_var_dict["ob_create_table_strict_mode"] = {"id": 10031, "name": "ob_create_table_strict_mode", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "If set true, create all the replicas according to the locality or the operation will fail.", "flags": 3}
#sys_var_dict["ob_sql_work_area_percentage"] = {"id": 10032, "name": "ob_sql_work_area_percentage", "value": "5", "data_type": 5, "info": "The percentage limitation of tenant memory for SQL execution.", "flags": 1, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
#sys_var_dict["ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot"] = {"id": 10033, "name": "ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "The safe weak read snapshot version in one server", "flags": 146, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
#sys_var_dict["ob_route_policy"] = {"id": 10034, "name": "ob_route_policy", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "the routing policy of obproxy/java client and observer internal retry, 1=READONLY_ZONE_FIRST, 2=ONLY_READONLY_ZONE, 3=UNMERGE_ZONE_FIRST, 4=UNMERGE_FOLLOWER_FIRST", "flags": 195}