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# How to use this image

You can deploy OceanBase databases by using many methods. But Docker is the easiest method. This repository gives you an oceanbase-standalone image for deploying OceanBase database by using Docker. oceanbase-standalone is a standalone test image for OceanBase Database. By default, this image deploys an instance of the largest size according to the current container. You can also deploy a mini standalone instance through the environment variable MINI_MODE.

## Prerequisite

Before you deploy oceanbase-standalone image, do a check of these:

- Make sure that your machine has at least 2 physical core and 10GB memory.
- Your machine has installed these applications:

    Application | Recommended version | Documentation
    ---     | ------  | -----
    Docker | Latest | [Docker Documentation](
- You have started the Docker service on your machine.

## Start an OceanBase instance

To start an OceanBase instance, run this command:

# deploy an instance of the largest size according to the current container
docker run -p 2881:2881 --name obstandalone -d oceanbase/oceanbase-ce-standalone

# deploy mini standalone instance
docker run -p 2881:2881 --name obstandalone -e MINI_MODE=1 -d oceanbase/oceanbase-ce-standalone

Two to five minutes are necessary for the boot procedure. To make sure that the boot procedure is successful, run this command:

$ docker logs obstandalone | tail -1
boot success!

36 37
**WARNING:** the container will not exit while the process of observer exits.

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## Connect to an OceanBase instance

oceanbase-standalone image contains obclient (OceanBase Database client) and the default connection script `ob-mysql`.

docker exec -it obstandalone ob-mysql sys # Connect to sys tenant
docker exec -it obstandalone ob-mysql root # Connect to the root account of a general tenant
docker exec -it obstandalone ob-mysql test # Connect to the test account of a general tenant

Or you can run this command to connect to an OceanBase instance with your local obclient or MySQL client.

$mysql -uroot -h127.1 -P2881

When you connect to an OceanBase instance successfully, the terminal returns this message:

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3221528373
Server version: 5.7.25 OceanBase 2.2.77 (r20211015104618-3510dfdb38c6b8d9c7e27747f82ccae4c8d560ee) (Built Oct 15 2021 11:19:05)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MySQL [(none)]>

## Supported environment variables

This table shows the supported environment variables of the current oceanbase-standalone mirror version:

Variable name | Default value | Description
------- | ----- | ---
MINI_MODE | false | If ture, will use mini mode to deploy OceanBase Database instance, it should be used only for research/study/evaluation.  DO NOT use it for production or performance testing.
OB_HOME_PATH | /root/ob | Home path for an OceanBase Database instance.
OB_MYSQL_PORT | 2881 | The MySQL protocol port for an OceanBase Database instance.
OB_DATA_DIR | empty | The directory for data storage. The default value is $OB_HOME_PATH/store.
OB_REDO_DIR | empty | The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the OB_DATA_DIR value.
OB_RPC_PORT | 2882 | The RPC communication port for an OceanBase Database instance.
OB_ROOT_PASSWORD | empty |  The password for the system tenant in an OceanBase Database instance.
OB_CLUSTER_NAME | mini-ce | Instance name for OceanBase Database instance. OBD uses this value as its cluster name.
OB_TENANT_NAME | test | The default initialized general tenant name for an OceanBase Database instance.

## Run the Sysbench script

oceanbase-standalone image installs the Sysbench tool by default. And the Sysbench tool is configured. You can run these commands in sequence to run the Sysbench script with the default configurations.

docker exec -it obstandalone obd test sysbench [OB_CLUSTER_NAME]

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## Mount Volumn
You can use `-v /host/path:/container/path` parameter in docker `run` command to save data in host os if you want to persistence the data of a container.

The docker image `oceanbase-ce` save the data to /root/ob directory default. You can not start a new docker image if you only bind the /root/ob directory, because the docker image oceanbase-ce use the [obd]( to manage database clusters and there is no information about the database cluster after a new docker image started. So you should bind both the /root/ob and /root/.obd directory.

Below is an example.

docker run -d -p 2881:2881 -v $PWD/ob:/root/ob -v $PWD/obd:/root/.obd --name oceanbase oceanbase/oceanbase-ce

Note that you should use your own path.

You can view more information about `docker -v` at [docker volumn](