ob_name_def.h 29.8 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase
 * OceanBase CE is licensed under Mulan PubL v2.
 * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2.
 * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at:
 *          http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0
 * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details.


// define common names to be used in logs (e.g. to_string, databuff_xxx and ObPhyOperator::to_string)
#define N_NULL "null"
#define N_TRUE "true"
#define N_FALSE "false"
#define N_MS "ms"
#define N_CS "cs"
#define N_UPS "ups"
#define N_RS "rs"
#define N_TID "table_id"
#define N_REF_TID "ref_table_id"
#define N_DATA_TID "data_table_id"
#define N_CID "column_id"
#define N_COL_CONV_INFOS "column_conv_infos"
#define N_OLD_PROJECTOR "old_projector"
#define N_CID_SCAN "column_id_for_scan"
#define N_CID_UPDATE "column_id_for_update"
#define N_COLUMN_CONV_FUNCTION "column_conv"
#define N_PRIMARY_CID "primary_key_ids"
#define N_REFERED_CID "refered_ids"
#define N_DUP_CID "dup_column_id"
#define N_CELL_INDEX "cell_index"
#define N_HAS_INDEX "has_index"
#define N_COLUMN_INDEX "column_index"
#define N_COLUMN "column"
#define N_INSERT_COLUMN "insert_column"
#define N_UPDATE_COLUMN "update_column"
#define N_UPDATE_EXPR "update_expr"
#define N_PROJECT "project"
#define N_ASCENDING "ascending"
#define N_ASC "asc"
#define N_DESC "desc"
#define N_NULLS_FIRST_ASC "NULLs_first_asc"
#define N_NULLS_LAST_ASC "NULLs_last_asc"
#define N_NULLS_FIRST_DESC "NULLs_first_desc"
#define N_NULLS_LAST_DESC "NULLs_last_desc"
#define N_NULL_POS "null_position"
#define N_ORDER_BY "order_by"
#define N_TOPK "topk"
#define N_RANGE "range"
#define N_INDEX_RANGE "index_range"
#define N_LIMIT "limit"
#define N_WIN_FUNC "win_func"
#define N_OFFSET "offset"
#define N_ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME "error_on_overlap_time"
#define N_LIMIT_OFFSET "limit_offset"
#define N_READ_METHOD "read_method"
#define N_SCAN "scan"
#define N_GET "get"
#define N_HAS_SCAN "has_scan"
#define N_HAS_GET "has_get"
#define N_IS_GET "is_get"
#define N_IS_STANDARD "is_standard"
#define N_ALIAS_TID "alias_table_id"
#define N_ROW_DESC "row_desc"
#define N_DESCRIPTOR "descriptor"
#define N_LOCK_FLAG "lock_flag"
#define N_WRITE "write"
#define N_NONE "none"
#define N_HOTSPOT "hotspot"
#define N_SUBQUERY_ID "subquery_id"
#define N_DML_TYPE "dml_type"
#define N_IS_UPS_ROW "is_ups_row"
#define N_DEFAULT_ROW "default_row"
#define N_DATA_SIZE "data_size"
#define N_BLOCK_NUM "block_num"
#define N_ROW "row"
#define N_ROW_COUNT "row_count"
#define N_EXPR "expression"
#define N_EXPLAIN_STMT "explain_stmt"
#define N_PARTITION_EXPR "partition_express"
#define N_SUBPARTITION_EXPR "partition_express"
#define N_IDX "idx"
#define N_CHILDREN_OPS "child_operators"
#define N_PHY_OP_ID "phy_operator_id"
#define N_CHILDREN_NUM "child_operators_num"
#define N_OP_NUM "operators_num"
#define N_SUBQUERY_NUM "subquery_num"
#define N_MAIN_QUERY "main_query"
#define N_SUBQUERIES "sub_queries"
#define N_TRANS_ID "tran_id"
#define N_START_TRANS "begin_trans"
#define N_START_TIME "start_time"
#define N_END_TIME "end_time"
#define N_EXPR_ID "expr_id"
#define N_IS_ALIAS "is_alias"
#define N_ALIAS_NAME "alias_name"
#define N_SYNONYM_NAME "synonym_name"
#define N_EXPR_NAME "expr_name"
#define N_STR_PART_NUM "part_num"
#define N_STR_PART_FUNC_TYPE "part_func_type"
#define N_STR_PART_EXPR_LEN "part_func_expr_len"
#define N_STR_PART_BIN_EXPR_LEN "part_func_bin_expr_len"
#define N_STR_PART_EXPR_TOTAL_LEN "part_fun_expr_total_len"
#define N_STR_PART_EXPR "part_func_expr"
#define N_STR_PART_BIN_EXPR "part_func_bin_expr"
#define N_OBJ_TYPE "obj_type"
#define N_RESULT_TYPE "result_type"
#define N_INPUT_TYPE "input_type"
#define N_CMP_TYPE "cmp_type"
#define N_JOINED_TID "joined_table_id"
#define N_JOIN_TYPE "join_type"
#define N_NUM "num"
#define N_SINH "sinh"
#define N_COSH "cosh"
#define N_DEGREES "degrees"
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121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
#define N_TANH "tanh"
#define N_RADIANS "radians"
#define N_IS_JOIN "is_join"
#define N_IS_MOCK "is_mock"
#define N_JOIN_EQ_COND "equal_join_conds"
#define N_JOIN_OTHER_COND "other_join_conds"
#define N_SIN "sin"
#define N_COS "cos"
#define N_TAN "tan"
#define N_ASIN "asin"
#define N_ACOS "acos"
#define N_ATAN "atan"
#define N_ATAN2 "atan2"
#define N_COT "cot"
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135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232
#define N_PUMP_ROW_DESC "pump_row_desc"
#define N_ROOT_ROW_DESC "root_row_desc"
#define N_PSEUDO_COLUMN_ROW_DESC "pseudo_column_row_desc"
#define N_CONNECT_BY_PRIOR_EXPRS "connect_by_prior_exprs"
#define N_SUBSTMT "sub_stmt"
#define N_STMT_NAME "stmt_name"
#define N_PREPARE_SQL "prepare_sql"
#define N_DISTINCT "distinct"
#define N_ROLLUP "rollup"
#define N_NOCYCLE "nocycle"
#define N_FOR_UPDATE "for_update"
#define N_WAIT "wait"
#define N_MOCK_ID "mock_id"
#define N_MAX_WAIT_EVENT "max_wait_event"
#define N_SELECT "select"
#define N_INSERT_UPDATE "insert_up"
#define N_FROM "from"
#define N_JOINED_TABLE "joined_table"
#define N_SEMI_INFO "semi_info"
#define N_GROUP_BY_IDX "group_by_idx"
#define N_GROUP_BY "group_by"
#define N_ROLLUP_IDX "rollup_idx"
#define N_ROLLUP "rollup"
#define N_GROUPING_SETS "grouping sets"
#define N_AGG_PARAM_LIST "agg_param_list"
#define N_AGGR_COLUMN "aggr_col"
#define N_HAVING "having"
#define N_START_WITH "start_with"
#define N_CONNECT_BY "connect_by"
#define N_EXTRA_OUTPUT_EXPRS "extra_output_exprs"
#define N_AGGR_FUNC "aggr_func"
#define N_IS_SERVING_TENANT "is_serving_tenant"
#define N_SET_OP "set_op"
#define N_LEFT_QUERY "left_query"
#define N_RIGHT_QUERY "right_query"
#define N_ITEM_TYPE "item_type"
#define N_STMT_TYPE "stmt_type"
#define N_QID "query_id"
#define N_PLAN_ID "plan_id"
#define N_SQL_ID "sql_id"
#define N_CG_ID "column_group_id"
#define N_ROWKEY_ID "rowkey_id"
#define N_JOIN_TID "join_table_id"
#define N_JOIN_CID "join_column_id"
#define N_COLUMN_TYPE "column_type"
#define N_ENUM_SET_VALUES "enum_set_values"
#define N_LEN "len"
#define N_LENGTH "length"
#define N_LENGTHB "lengthb"
#define N_BIT_LENGTH "bit_length"
#define N_ZEROFILL "zf"
#define N_VALUES "values"
#define N_ROWKEY_TO_ROWID "rowkey_to_rowid"
#define N_PRECISION "precision"
#define N_SCALE "scale"
#define N_NULLABLE "nullable"
#define N_AUTO_FILL_TIMESTAMP "auto_filled_timestamp"
#define N_EXISTS "exists"
#define N_NOT_EXISTS "not exists"
#define N_NUMBER_PRECISION "number_precision"
#define N_NUMBER_SCALE "number_scale"
#define N_PARAM "param"
#define N_PARAM_NUM "param_num"
#define N_RESCAN_PARAM "rescan_param"
#define N_ONETIME_FILTER "onetime_filter"
#define N_FETCH_CUR_TIME "fetch_cur_time"
#define N_SYS_VAR "sys_var"
#define N_SYS_VAR_SCOPE "sys_var_scope"
#define N_USER_VAR "user_var"
#define N_OP "op"
#define N_FUNC "func"
#define N_UDF "user_define_function"
#define N_CONST "const"
#define N_POST_EXPR "post_expr"
#define N_TIMEOUT "timeout"
#define N_CACHE_BLOOM_FILTER "cache_bloom"
#define N_CACHE_FROZEN_DATA "cache_frozen_data"
#define N_READ_CONSISTENCY "read_consistency"
#define N_UPS_SCAN_TYPE "ups_scan_type"
#define N_IS_CONSITENCY "consistency_read"
#define N_ONLY_STATIC_DATA "only_static"
#define N_ONLY_FROZEN_VERSION "only_frozen_version_data"
#define N_VERSION_RANGE "version_range"
#define N_FROZEN_VERSION "frozen_version"
#define N_VERSION "version"
#define N_OB_VERSION "ob_version"
#define N_CONNECTION_ID "connection_id"
#define N_SESSIONTIMEZONE "sessiontimezone"
#define N_DBTIMEZONE "dbtimezone"
#define N_SYS_EXTRACT_UTC "sys_extract_utc"
#define N_TZ_OFFSET "tz_offset"
#define N_FROM_TZ "from_tz"
#define N_SCAN_PARAM "scan_param"
#define N_SCAN_FLAG "scan_flag"
#define N_GET_PARAM "get_param"
#define N_ROWKEY_LIST "rowkey_list"
#define N_READ_MASTER "read_master"
#define N_RESULT_CACHED "result_cached"
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#define N_NOT_EXIST_COL_RET_NOP "not_exist_col_ret_as_nop"
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#define N_RAW_EXPR "raw_expr"
#define N_ROWKEY_CELL_NUM "rowkey_cell_num"
#define N_CELL "cell"
#define N_RESERVED_CELL_COUNT "reserved_cell_count"
#define N_SHARDING "shardings"
#define N_MAP_PLAN "map_plan"
#define N_REDUCE_PLAN "reduce_plan"
#define N_PLAN "plan"
#define N_PLAN_TREE "plan_tree"
#define N_INDEX "index"
#define N_INDEX_SHORT_NAME "index_short_name"
#define N_SORT_COLUMN "sort_columns"
#define N_INDEX_COVER_PREFIX "cover_prefix"
#define N_INDEX_TABLE "index_table"
#define N_INDEX_TABLE_SIZE "index_table_size"
#define N_INDEX_COL_SIZE "index_column_size"
#define N_INDEX_ROW_SIZE "index_row_size"
#define N_INDEX_TID "index_table_id"
#define N_INDEX_ID "index_id"
#define N_ORDERBY_ELI "orderby_eliminate"
#define N_GROUPSORT_ELI "group_sort_eliminate"
#define N_IS_PRIMARY_INDEX "is_primary_index"
#define N_ALL_COVERED "all_covered"
#define N_ALTER_TABLE_SCHEMA "alter_table_schema"
#define N_MASTER_IP "master_ip"
#define N_PORT "port"
#define N_IS_FORCE "is_force"
#define N_VARIABLE_NAME "var_name"
#define N_VARIABLE_VALUE "var_value"
#define N_VARIABLE "var"
#define N_VERBOSE "verbose"
#define N_SHOW_STMT_CTX "show_stmt_ctx"
#define N_TABLE "table"
#define N_TABLE_ID "table_id"
#define N_SHOW_TABLE_ID "show_table_id"
#define N_BASE_TABLE_ID "base_table_id"
#define N_TABLE_IDS "table_ids"
#define N_IF_EXISTS "if_exists"
#define N_TABLE_NAME "table_name"
#define N_DATABASE_NAME "database_name"
#define N_DBLINK_ID "dblink_id"
#define N_DBLINK_NAME "dblink_name"
#define N_LINK_TABLE_ID "link_table_id"
#define N_LINK_TABLE_NAME "link_table_name"
#define N_QB_NAME "qb_name"
#define N_TABLES_IN_HINT "tables_in_hint"
#define N_AUTOINC_NEXTVAL "nextval"
#define N_SEQ_NEXTVAL "seq_value"
#define N_RESERVED_CELL_COUNT "reserved_cell_count"
#define N_COLUMN_COUNT "column_count"
#define N_COLUMN_ID "column_id"
#define N_COLUMN_IDS "column_ids"
#define N_ALTER_TYPE "alter_type"
#define N_ROLLBACK "rollback"
#define N_WHEN_NUMBER "when_number"
#define N_IS_KILL_QUERY "is_kill_query"
#define N_SESSION_ID "session_id"
#define N_ROW_INTERVAL "row_interval"
#define N_IS_DELETE "is_delete"
#define N_ROWSTORE "rowstore"
#define N_KEY "key"
#define N_PG_KEY "pg_key"
#define N_KEY_RANGES "key_ranges"
#define N_VALUE "value"
#define N_CONTENT "content"
#define N_ROOT "root"
#define N_HUSK_SCAN "husk_scan"
#define N_JOIN_TYPE "join_type"
#define N_SNAPSHOT_TS "snapshot_ts"
#define N_EXPIRE_CONDITION "expire_condition"
#define N_STR_LEN "str_len"
#define N_SQL_EXPR_LEN "sql_expr_len"
#define N_TOTAL_LEN "total_len"
#define N_START_TRANS_FLAG "start_trans_flag"
#define N_SPECIFY_INDEX "specify_index"
#define N_SESSION_TIMEOUT_TS "session_timeout"
#define N_SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT_TS "session_idle_timeout"
#define N_QUERY_RANGE "query_range"
#define N_RANGE_GRAPH "range_graph"
#define N_KEY_PART_VAL "key_part_value"
#define N_ITEM_KEY_PART "item_key_part"
#define N_AND_KEY_PART "and_key_part"
#define N_OR_KEY_PART "or_key_part"
#define N_START_VAL "start_value"
#define N_END_VAL "end_value"
#define N_INCLUDE_START "include_start"
#define N_INCLUDE_END "include_end"
#define N_PATTERN_VAL "pattern"
#define N_ESCAPE_VAL "escape"
#define N_ALWAYS_TRUE "always_true"
#define N_ALWAYS_FALSE "always_false"
#define N_RPC_ROW_ITER "rpc_row_iter"
#define N_ABS_EXPIRED_TIME "abs_expired_time"
#define N_VIEW_DEFINITION "view_definition"
#define N_CHECK_OPTION "check_option"
#define N_IS_UPDATABLE "is_updatable"
#define N_IS_MATERIALIZED "is_materialized"
#define N_VIEW_SCHEMA "view_schema"
#define N_FILTER_EXPRS "filter_exprs"
#define N_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_EXPRS "virtual_column_exprs"
#define N_CALC_EXPRS "calc_exprs"
#define N_INDEX_FILTER_EXPRS "index_filter_exprs"
#define N_OPERATOR_MONITOR_INFO "op_info"
#define N_PLAN_MONITOR_INFO "plan_info"
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#define N_ANY_VAL "any_value"
#define N_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH "validate_password_strength"
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// common comparison operator
#define N_LESS_THAN "<"
#define N_GREATER_THAN ">"
#define N_EQUAL "="
#define N_NS_EQUAL "<=>"
#define N_LESS_EQUAL "<="
#define N_GREATER_EQUAL ">="
#define N_NOT_EQUAL "!="
#define N_IS "is"
#define N_IS_NOT "is_not"
#define N_BTW "between"
#define N_NOT_BTW "not_between"
// subquery comparison operator
#define N_SQ_LESS_THAN "subquery_less_than"
#define N_SQ_GREATER_THAN "subquery_greater_than"
#define N_SQ_EQUAL "subquery_equal"
#define N_SQ_NS_EQUAL "subquery_null_safe_equal"
#define N_SQ_LESS_EQUAL "subquery_less_equal"
#define N_SQ_GREATER_EQUAL "subquery_greater_equal"
#define N_SQ_NOT_EQUAL "subquery_not_equal"

#define N_REMOVE_CONST "remove_const"

#define N_COLUMN_REF "column_ref"
#define N_NEG "neg"
#define N_PRIOR "prior"
#define N_ABS "abs"
#define N_ADD "+"
#define N_MINUS "-"
#define N_MUL "*"
#define N_DIV "/"
#define N_MOD "%"
#define N_AND "&&"
#define N_OR "||"
#define N_NOT "!"
#define N_POW "pow"
#define N_XOR "^"
#define N_ROWEQ "row_eq"
#define N_ROWLE "row_le"
#define N_ROWLT "row_lt"
#define N_ROWGE "row_ge"
#define N_ROWGT "row_gt"
#define N_ROWNEQ "row_neq"
#define N_IN "in"
#define N_NOT_IN "not_in"
#define N_INT_DIV "div"
#define N_REGEXP "regexp"
#define N_NOT_REGEXP "not_regexp"
#define N_REGEXP_SUBSTR "regexp_substr"
#define N_REGEXP_INSTR "regexp_instr"
#define N_REGEXP_REPLACE "regexp_replace"
#define N_REGEXP_COUNT "regexp_count"
#define N_REGEXP_LIKE "regexp_like"
#define N_LIKE "like"
#define N_NOT_LIKE "not_like"
#define N_SUBSTR "substr"
#define N_INITCAP "initcap"
#define N_MID "mid"
#define N_SUBSTRB "substrb"
#define N_STRCMP "strcmp"
#define N_INSERT "insert"
#define N_SUBSTRING_INDEX "substring_index"
#define N_MD5 "md5"
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#define N_CRC32 "crc32"
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#define N_HEX "hex"
#define N_UNHEX "unhex"
#define N_HEXTORAW "hextoraw"
#define N_RAWTOHEX "rawtohex"
#define N_UTL_RAW_CAST_TO_RAW "utl_raw_cast_to_raw"
#define N_UTL_RAW_CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 "utl_raw_cast_to_varchar2"
#define N_UTL_RAW_LENGTH "utl_raw_length"
#define N_UTL_RAW_BIT_AND "utl_raw_bit_and"
#define N_UTL_RAW_BIT_OR "utl_raw_bit_or"
#define N_UTL_RAW_BIT_XOR "utl_raw_bit_xor"
#define N_UTL_RAW_BIT_COMPLEMENT "utl_raw_bit_complement"
#define N_UTL_RAW_REVERSE "utl_raw_reverse"
#define N_UTL_RAW_COPIES "utl_raw_copies"
#define N_UTL_RAW_COMPARE "utl_raw_compare"
#define N_UTL_RAW_SUBSTR "utl_raw_substr"
#define N_UTL_RAW_CONCAT "utl_raw_concat"
#define N_UTL_I18N_STRING_TO_RAW "utl_i18n_string_to_raw"
#define N_UTL_I18N_RAW_TO_CHAR "utl_i18n_raw_to_char"
#define N_UTL_INADDR_GET_HOST_ADDR "utl_inaddr_get_host_address"
#define N_UTL_INADDR_GET_HOST_NAME "utl_inaddr_get_host_name"
#define N_DBMS_LOB_GETLENGTH "dbms_lob_getlength"
#define N_DBMS_LOB_APPEND "dbms_lob_append"
#define N_DBMS_LOB_READ "dbms_lob_read"
#define N_DBMS_LOB_CONVERTTOBLOB "dbms_lob_converttoblob"
#define N_DBMS_LOB_CAST_CLOB_TO_BLOB "dbms_lob_cast_clob_to_blob"
#define N_DBMS_LOB_CONVERT_CLOB_CHARSET "dbms_lob_convert_clob_charset"
#define N_IP2INT "ip2int"
#define N_INT2IP "int2ip"
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432 433 434 435 436 437 438
#define N_INETATON "inet_aton"
#define N_INET6ATON "inet6_aton"
#define N_INET6NTOA "inet6_ntoa"
#define N_IS_IPV4 "is_ipv4"
#define N_IS_IPV6 "is_ipv6"
#define N_IS_IPV4_MAPPED "is_ipv4_mapped"
#define N_IS_IPV4_COMPAT "is_ipv4_compat"
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#define N_UPPER "upper"
#define N_SIGN "sign"
#define N_LOWER "lower"
#define N_NLS_LOWER "nls_lower"
#define N_NLS_UPPER "nls_upper"
#define N_REPEAT "repeat"
#define N_REPLACE "replace"
#define N_TRANSLATE "translate"
#define N_CONCAT "concat"
#define N_EXPORT_SET "export_set"
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#define N_CONCAT_WS "concat_ws"
#define N_TO_OUTFILE_ROW "to_outfile_row"
#define N_INSTR "instr"
#define N_INSTRB "instrb"
#define N_CONV "conv"
#define N_SYS_VIEW_BIGINT_PARAM "sys_view_bigint_param"
#define N_SYS_PRIVILEGE_CHECK "sys_privilege_check"
#define N_WIDTH_BUCKET "width_bucket"
#define N_LOCATE "locate"
#define N_POSITION "position"
#define N_BIN "bin"
#define N_QUOTE "quote"
#define N_TRIM "trim"
#define N_INNER_TRIM "inner_trim"
#define N_PART_HASH_V1 "partition_hash"
#define N_PART_HASH_V2 "partition_hash_v2"
#define N_PART_KEY_V1 "partition_key"
#define N_PART_KEY_V2 "partition_key_v2"
#define N_PART_KEY_V3 "partition_key_v3"
#define N_ADDR_TO_PARTITION_ID "addr_to_partition_id"
#define N_CAST "cast"
#define N_REMAINDER "remainder"
#define N_TO_TYPE "to_type"
#define N_TO_NUMBER "to_number"
#define N_CHAR "char"
#define N_CONVERT "convert"
#define N_GREATEST "greatest"
#define N_LEAST "least"
#define N_COALESCE "coalesce"
#define N_NVL "nvl"
#define N_NVL2 "nvl2"
#define N_EXPR_TYPE "expr_type"
#define N_DIM "dimension"
#define N_CASE "case"
#define N_DECODE "decode"
#define N_ARG_CASE "arg_case"
#define N_SCAN_PLAN "scan_plan"
#define N_GET_PLAN "get_plan"
#define N_TABLE_TYPE "table_type"
#define N_REF_ID "ref_id"
#define N_REF_QUERY "ref_query"
#define N_OBJ_ACCESS "obj_access"
#define N_MULTISET "multiset"
#define N_LEFT_TABLE "left_table"
#define N_RIGHT_TABLE "right_table"
#define N_COLUMN_NAME "column_name"
#define N_WHEN "when"
#define N_WHERE "where"
#define N_MONTH "month"
#define N_MONTH_NAME "monthname"
#define N_DATE "date"
#define N_DATE_ADD "date_add"
#define N_DATE_SUB "date_sub"
#define N_DATE_DIFF "datediff"
#define N_TIME_STAMP_DIFF "timestampdiff"
#define N_TIME_DIFF "timediff"
#define N_PERIOD_DIFF "period_diff"
jg0 已提交
#define N_PERIOD_ADD "period_add"
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507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514
#define N_SYS_SLEEP "sleep"
#define N_UNIX_TIMESTAMP "unix_timestamp"
#define N_FROM_UNIX_TIME "from_unixtime"
#define N_EXTRACT "extract"
#define N_DATE_FORMAT "date_format"
#define N_STR_TO_DATE "str_to_date"
#define N_TO_DATE "to_date"
#define N_TO_CHAR "to_char"
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515 516 517
#define N_TIMESTAMP "timestamp"
#define N_MAKEDATE "makedate"
#define N_GET_FORMAT "get_format"
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518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526
#define N_FORMAT "format"
#define N_TO_CLOB "to_clob"
#define N_TO_BLOB "to_blob"
#define N_EMPTY_CLOB "empty_clob"
#define N_EMPTY_BLOB "empty_blob"
#define N_TO_TIMESTAMP "to_timestamp"
#define N_TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ "to_timestamp_tz"
#define N_TO_DAYS "to_days"
#define N_DAY_OF_MONTH "dayofmonth"
#define N_DAY "day"
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528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554
#define N_DAY_OF_WEEK "dayofweek"
#define N_DAY_OF_YEAR "dayofyear"
#define N_HOUR "hour"
#define N_SECOND "second"
#define N_MINUTE "minute"
#define N_MICROSECOND "microsecond"
#define N_TO_SECONDS "to_seconds"
#define N_TIME_TO_SEC "time_to_sec"
#define N_SEC_TO_TIME "sec_to_time"
#define N_SUB_TIME "subtime"
#define N_FROM_DAYS "from_days"
#define N_DATABASE "database"
#define N_TRACE_ID "trace_id"
#define N_LAST_TRACE_ID "last_trace_id"
#define N_ROW_COUNT "row_count"
#define N_FOUND_ROWS "found_rows"
#define N_LAST_INSERT_ID "last_insert_id"
#define N_LAST_INSERT_ID_TO_CLIENT "last_insert_id_to_client"
#define N_LAST_INSERT_ID_SESSION "last_insert_id_session"
#define N_SYSDATE "sysdate"
#define N_CUR_TIMESTAMP "current_timestamp"
#define N_LOCALTIMESTAMP "localtimestamp"
#define N_TIMESTAMP_NVL "timestamp_nvl"
#define N_CUR_TIME "curtime"
#define N_CUR_DATE "cur_date"
#define N_CURRENT_DATE "current_date"
#define N_UTC_TIMESTAMP "utc_timestamp"
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555 556
#define N_UTC_TIME "utc_time"
#define N_UTC_DATE "utc_date"
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557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655
#define N_SYSTIMESTAMP "systimestamp"
#define N_MAKETIME "maketime"
#define N_UPS_CUR_TIME "ups_cur_time"
#define N_REAL_UPS_TIME "real_ups_time"
#define N_MERGING_FROZEN_TIME "merging_frozen_time"
#define N_POS "pos"
#define N_SCHEMA_VERSION "schema_version"
#define N_QUERY_BEGIN_SCHEMA_VERSION "query_begin_schema_version"
#define N_PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM "progressive_merge_num"
#define N_TABLE_SCHEMA_VERSION "table_schema_version"
#define N_QUESTION_MARK "?"
#define N_FIRST "first"
#define N_SECOND "second"
#define N_ZONE "zone"
#define N_EXPR_INFO "expr_info"
#define N_REL_ID "rel_id"
#define N_BASE_COLUMN_ID "base_column_id"
#define N_ALIAS_COLUMN_ID "alias_column_id"
#define N_REF_HANDLE "ref_handle"
#define N_COMMENT "comment"
#define N_ID "id"
#define N_SCOPE "scope"
#define N_TYPE "type"
#define N_INT_VALUE "int_val"
#define N_STR_VALUE "str_val"
#define N_STR_VALUE_LEN "str_len"
#define N_CHILDREN "children"
#define N_SEPARATOR_PARAM_EXPR "separator_param_expr"
#define N_LINEAR_INTER_EXPR "linear_inter_expr"
#define N_TIME_TO_USEC "time_to_usec"
#define N_USEC_TO_TIME "usec_to_time"
#define N_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL "consistency_level"
#define N_REPLICA_NUM "replica_num"
#define N_TABLET_MAX_SIZE "tablet_max_size"
#define N_TABLET_BLOCK_SIZE "tablet_block_size"
#define N_INDEX_STATUS "index_status"
#define N_ALTER_TABLE_OPTION "alter_table_option"
#define N_ALTER_COLUMN_SCHEMA "alter_column_schema"
#define N_CHARSET_TYPE "charset_type"
#define N_COLLATION_TYPE "collation_type"
#define N_USE_BLOOM_FILTER "use_bloom_filter"
#define N_COMPRESS_METHOD "compress_method"
#define N_JOIN_INFO "join_info"
#define N_ID_SET "id_set"
#define N_EQUAL_SET "equal_set"
#define N_LEFT_ID "left_id"
#define N_RIGHT_ID "right_id"
#define N_LEFT_NAME "left_name"
#define N_RIGHT_NAME "right_name"
#define N_OUTER_ID "outer_id"
#define N_INNER_ID "inner_id"
#define N_OUTER "outer"
#define N_INNER "inner"
#define N_SESSION_KEY "session_key"
#define N_SESSION_IDX "session_idx"
#define N_SESSION_REUSE_COUNT "session_reuse_count"
#define N_FIRST_ROWKEY "first_rowkey"
#define N_KEEP_TRANS "keep_trans"
#define N_NEED_REFRESH_SNAPSHOT "need_refresh_snapshot"
#define N_TRANS_REQ "trans_req"
#define N_TRANS_DESC "trans_desc"
#define N_IS_UPDATE_ROWKEY "is_update_rowkey"
#define N_FLOW_PERCENT "flow_percent"
#define N_START_LSN "start_lsn"
#define N_BUFFER "buf"
#define N_LSN "lsn"
#define N_TS "ts"
#define N_PROPOSE_ID "propose_id"
#define N_CHECKSUM "checksum"
#define N_PARTITION_IDX "partition_idx"
#define N_PARTITION_CNT "partition_cnt"
#define N_OCT "oct"
#define N_RPAD "rpad"
#define N_ASSIGN "assign"
#define N_GET_USER_VAR "get_user_var"
#define N_GET_SYS_VAR "get_sys_var"
#define N_GET_PACKAGE_VAR "get_package_var"
#define N_GET_SUBPROGRAM_VAR "get_subprogram_var"
#define N_SHADOW_UK_PROJECTOR "shadow_uk_project"
// use capital as 'default now()' flag
#define N_UPS_ADDR "ups_addr"
#define N_ADD_ADDR_LIST "add_addr_list"
#define N_DELETE_ADDR_LIST "delete_addr_list"
#define N_UPS_COUNT_LIMIT "ups_count_limit"
#define N_HUSK_TABLET_BASE "husk_tablet_base"
#define N_DECIMAL_SCALE "decimal_scale"
#define N_READ_ONLY "read_only"
#define N_BLOCK_SIZE "block_size"
#define N_AFFECTED_ROWS "affected_rows"
#define N_ERR_CODE "err_code"
#define N_ERR_MSG "err_msg"
#define N_MEM_LIMIT "mem_limit"
#define N_ROW "row"
#define N_ROW_STORE "row_store"
#define N_PAYLOAD "payload"
#define N_CELLS "cells"
#define N_OB_EXECUTION_ID "ob_execution_id"
jg0 已提交
#define N_TIME_FORMAT "time_format"
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657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780
#define N_EXECUTION_TIME "execution_time"
#define N_OB_JOB_ID "ob_job_id"
#define N_OB_TASK_ID "ob_task_id"
#define N_OB_SLICE_ID "ob_slice_id"
#define N_EXECUTION_ID "execution_id"
#define N_TASK_TYPE "task_type"
#define N_LAST_EXECUTION_ID "last_execution_id"
#define N_JOB_ID "job_id"
#define N_TASK_ID "task_id"
#define N_OP_ID "op_id"
#define N_SLICE_ID "slice_id"
#define N_PARENT_EXEC_COND "parent_exec_cond"
#define N_JOB_ATTR "job_attr"
#define N_JOB_COUNT "job_count"
#define N_TASK_COUNT "task_count"
#define N_SLICE_COUNT "slice_count"
#define N_ROOT_JOB "root_job"
#define N_CHILD_JOB "child_job"
#define N_JOB "job"
#define N_JOB_TREE "job_tree"
#define N_TASK_INFO "task_info"
#define N_SERVER "server"
#define N_SERVER_ADDR "server_addr"
#define N_TASK_LOC "task_loc"
#define N_RANGE_LOC "range_loc"
#define N_TASK_STATE "task_state"
#define N_THEN "then"
#define N_PAD "pad"
#define N_COLUMN_CONV "column_conv"
#define N_DEFAULT "default"
#define N_ORA_DECODE "ora_decode"
#define N_ORA_TRUNC "ora_trunc"
#define N_TRUNC "trunc"
#define N_ROUND "round"
#define T_NANVL "NANVL"
#define N_RANGE_COLUMNS "range_columns"
#define N_START_KEY "startkey"
#define N_END_KEY "endkey"
#define N_BORDER "border"
#define N_FLAG "flag"
#define N_FLAGS "flags"
#define N_MAX_LENGTH "max_length"
#define N_CALC_TYPE "calc_type"
#define N_CALC_META "calc_meta"
#define N_AST "AST"
#define N_UPDATED_CID "updated_column_id"
#define N_REAL_PARAM_NUM "real_param_num"
#define N_PROJECTOR "projector"
#define N_CMD_TYPE "cmd_type"
#define N_JOIN_ORDER "join_order"
#define N_QUERY_HINT "hint"
#define N_SUBQUERY_EXPRS "subquery_exprs"
#define N_USER_VARS "user_variables"
#define N_QUERY_CTX "query_context"
#define N_UPPER_BASE_COLUMNS "upper_base_columns"
#define N_UPPER_ALIAS_COLUMNS "upper_alias_columns"
#define N_GROUP_COLUMN_REF_LEVELS "group_column_ref_levels"
#define N_NON_GROUP_COLUMN_REF_LEVELS "non_group_column_ref_levels"
#define N_CHILD_STMT "child_stmt"
#define N_PURE_TABLE_ID "pure_table_id"
#define N_TENANT_ID "tenant_id"
#define N_ON_DUPLICATE "on_duplicate"
#define N_CREATE_TABLE_ARG "create_table_arg"
#define N_DEFAULT_VALUE "default_value"
#define N_TENANT "tenant"
#define N_EFFECTIVE_TENANT "effective_tenant"
#define N_EFFECTIVE_TENANT_ID "effective_tenant_id"
#define N_CURRENT_USER "current_user"
#define N_USER "user"
#define N_HOST_IP "host_ip"
#define N_RPC_PORT "rpc_port"
#define N_MYSQL_PORT "mysql_port"
#define N_CHARSET "charset"
#define N_COLLATION "collation"
#define N_COERCIBILITY "coercibility"
#define N_SET_COLLATION "set_collation"
#define N_META "meta"
#define N_OBJ "obj"
#define N_ACCURACY "accuracy"
#define N_CHAR_LENGTH "char_length"
#define N_BIT_AND "&"
#define N_BIT_OR "|"
#define N_BIT_XOR "^"
#define N_BIT_NEG "~"
#define N_BIT_LEFT_SHIFT "<<"
#define N_BIT_RIGHT_SHIFT ">>"
#define N_IFNULL "ifnull"
#define N_ALIAS_REF "alias_ref"
#define N_INDEX_ARG "index_arg"
#define N_FOREIGN_KEY_ARG "foreign_key_arg"
#define N_FIELD "field"
#define N_ELT "elt"
#define N_NULLIF "nullif"
#define N_IS_TOTAL_QUANTITY_LOG "is_total_quantity_log"
#define N_ISNULL "isnull"
#define N_SQL_MODE "sql_mode"
#define N_IS_IGNORE "is_ignore"
#define N_USE_NL_HINT "USE_NL"

#define N_PRIMARY "primary"
#define N_PART_ID "part_id"
#define N_INNER_GET "inner_get"
#define N_MATCH_AGAINST "match_against"
#define N_WORD_SEGMENT "word_segment"
#define N_SELF_JOIN "self_join"
#define N_YEAR "year"
#define N_TIME "time"
#define N_UUID "uuid"
al0 已提交
#define N_UUID_SHORT "uuid_short"
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782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793
#define N_SYS_GUID "sys_guid"
#define N_SET_TO_STR "set_to_str"
#define N_ENUM_TO_STR "enum_to_str"
#define N_SET_TO_INNER_TYPE "set_to_inner_type"
#define N_ENUM_TO_INNER_TYPE "enum_to_inner_type"
#define N_ASCII "ascii"
#define N_ORD "ord"
#define N_LTRIM "ltrim"
#define N_RTRIM "rtrim"
#define N_LPAD "lpad"
#define N_SPACE "space"
#define N_TRUNCATE "truncate"
obdev 已提交
#define N_PI "pi"
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795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872
#define N_TIME_STAMP_ADD "timestampadd"
#define N_CONNECT_BY_ROOT "connect_by_root"
#define N_SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH "sys_connect_by_path"
#define N_PDB_ON "pdb_debug_on"
#define N_PDB_OFF "pdb_debug_off"
#define N_PDB_INITIALIZE "pdb_initialize"
#define N_PDB_ATTACHSESSION "pdb_attach_session"
#define N_PDB_DETACHSESSION "pdb_detach_session"
#define N_PDB_SETBREAKPOINT "pdb_set_breakpoint"
#define N_PDB_PRINTBACKTRACE "pdb_print_backtrace"
#define N_PDB_CONTINUE "pdb_continue"
#define N_PDB_SHOWBREAKPOINTS "pdb_show_breakpoints"
#define N_PDB_GETVALUE "pdb_get_value"
#define N_PDB_DELBREAKPOINT "pdb_delete_breakpoint"
#define N_PDB_ENABLE_BP "pdb_enable_breakpoint"
#define N_PDB_DISABLE_BP "pdb_disable_breakpoint"
#define N_PDB_SET_TIMEOUT "pdb_set_timeout"
#define N_PDB_SET_TIMEOUT_BEHAVIOUR "pdb_set_timeout_behaviour"
#define N_PDB_GET_TIMEOUT_BEHAVIOUR "pdb_get_timeout_behaviour"
#define N_PDB_GET_RUNTIME_INFO "pdb_get_runtime_info"
#define N_CHR "chr"
#define N_EXP "exp"
#define N_CALC_UROWID "calc_urowid"
// for dll udf
#define N_NORMAL_UDF "dll_normal_user_defined_function"
#define N_AGG_UDF "dll_agg_user_defined_function"

#define N_SQRT "sqrt"
#define N_LOG2 "log2"
#define N_LOG10 "log10"

#define N_WEEK_OF_YEAR "weekofyear"
#define N_WEEKDAY_OF_DATE "weekday"
#define N_YEARWEEK_OF_DATE "yearweek"
#define N_WEEK "week"
#define N_QUARTER "quarter"

//*********** for spm
#define N_SPM_LOAD_PLANS_FROM_PLAN_CACHE "spm_load_plans_from_plan_cache"
#define N_SPM_ALTER_BASELINE "spm_alter_baseline"
#define N_SPM_DROP_BASELINE "spm_drop_baseline"
//*********** for spm end
#define N_UID "uid"
#define N_PL_INTEGER_CHECKER "pl_integer_checker"
#define N_PL_GET_CURSOR_ATTR "pl_get_cursor_attr"
#define N_PL_ASSOCIATIVE_INDEX "pl_associative_index"
#define N_PL_GET_SQLCODE_SQLERRM "pl_get_sqlcode_sqlerrm"
#define N_PL_COLLECTION_CONSTRUCT "pl_collection_construct"
#define N_PL_OBJECT_CONSTRUCT "pl_object_construct"

#define N_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL "(+)"

#define N_VSIZE "vsize"
#define N_ORAHASH "ora_hash"

#define N_ADD_MONTHS "add_months"
#define N_LAST_DAY "last_day"
#define N_MONTHS_BETWEEN "months_between"
#define N_NEXT_DAY "next_day"
#define N_TO_DSINTERVAL "to_dsinterval"
#define N_TO_YMINTERVAL "to_yminterval"
#define N_NUMTODSINTERVAL "numtodsinterval"
#define N_NUMTOYMINTERVAL "numtoyminterval"

#define N_POWER "power"
#define N_LN "ln"
#define N_LOG "log"

#define N_PL_SEQ_NEXTVAL "pl_seq_nextval"
#define N_DUMP "dump"
#define N_BOOL "bool"
#define N_CALC_PARTITION_ID "calc_partition_id"
#define N_PDML_PARTITION_ID "pdml_partition_id"

#define N_TO_SINGLE_BYTE "to_single_byte"
#define N_TO_MULTI_BYTE "to_multi_byte"
#define N_WEIGHT_STRING "weight_string"
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874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886

#define N_TO_NCHAR "to_nchar"
#define N_LNNVL "lnnvl"
#define N_SET "set"
#define N_CARDINALITY "cardinality"
#define N_COLL_PRED "coll_pred"
#define N_USER_CAN_ACCESS_OBJ "user_can_access_obj"
#define N_IS_MULTI_TABLE_INSERT "is_multi_table_insert"
#define N_IS_MULTI_CONDITIONS_INSERT "is_multi_conditions_insert"
#define N_IS_MULTI_INSERT_FIRST "is_multi_insert_first"
#define N_MULTI_VALUES_DESC "multi_values_desc"
#define N_MULTI_VALUE_VECTORS "multi_value_vectors"
#define N_MULTI_INSERT_COL_CONV_FUNCS "multi_insert_col_conv_funcs"
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887 888
#define N_BENCHMARK "benchmark"

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