1. 11 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  2. 23 11月, 2019 1 次提交
  3. 16 10月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Allow embedders to specify a render task runner description. (#13124) · bf81971f
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      Embedders may use this to specify a thread whose event loop is managed by them
      instead of the engine. In addition, specifying the same task runner for both
      the platform and render task runners allows embedders to effectively perform
      GPU rendering operations on the platform thread.
      To affect this change, the following non breaking changes to the API have been
      * The `FlutterCustomTaskRunners` struct now has a new field `render_task_runner`
        for the specification of a custom render task runner.
      * The `FlutterTaskRunnerDescription` has a new field `identifier`. Embedders
        must supply a unique identifier for each task runner they specify. In
        addition, when describing multiple task runners that run their tasks on the
        same thread, their identifiers must match.
      * The embedder may need to process tasks during `FlutterEngineRun` and
        `FlutterEngineShutdown`. However, the embedder doesn't have the Flutter engine
        handle before `FlutterEngineRun` and is supposed to relinquish handle right
        before `FlutterEngineShutdown`. Since the embedder needs the Flutter engine
        handle to service tasks on other threads while these calls are underway,
        there exist opportunities for deadlock. To work around this scenario, three
        new calls have been added that allow more deliberate management of the Flutter
        engine instance.
        * `FlutterEngineRun` can be replaced with `FlutterEngineInitialize` and
          `FlutterEngineRunInitialized`. The embedder can obtain a handle to the
          engine after the first call but the engine will not post any tasks to custom
          task runners specified by the embedder till the
          `FlutterEngineRunInitialized` call. Embedders can guard the Flutter engine
          handle behind a mutex for safe task runner interop.
        * `FlutterEngineShutdown` can be preceded by the `FlutterEngineDeinitialize`
          call. After this call the Flutter engine will no longer post tasks onto
          embedder managed task runners. It is still embedder responsibility to
          collect the Flutter engine handle via `FlutterEngineShutdown`.
      * To maintain backwards compatibility with the old APIs, `FlutterEngineRun` is
        now just a convenience for `FlutterEngineInitialize` and
        `FlutterEngineRunInitilaized`. `FlutterEngineShutdown` now implicitly calls
        `FlutterEngineDeinitialize` as well. This allows existing users who don't care
        are custom task runner interop to keep using the old APIs.
      * Adds complete test coverage for both old and new paths.
      Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/42460
      Prerequisite for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/17579
  4. 18 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Account for root surface transformation on the surfaces managed by the... · 1c7300ed
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      Account for root surface transformation on the surfaces managed by the external view embedder. (#11384)
      The earlier design speculated that embedders could affect the same
      transformations on the layers post engine compositor presentation but before
      final composition.
      However, the linked issue points out that this design is not suitable for use
      with hardware overlay planes. When rendering to the same, to affect the
      transformation before composition, embedders would have to render to an
      off-screen render target and then apply the transformation before presentation.
      This patch negates the need for that off-screen render pass.
      To be clear, the previous architecture is still fully viable. Embedders still
      have full control over layer transformations before composition. This is an
      optimization for the hardware overlay planes use-case.
      Fixes b/139758641
  5. 10 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  6. 24 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  7. 14 8月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Allow embedder controlled composition of Flutter layers. (#10195) · e8f95440
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      This patch allows embedders to split the Flutter layer tree into multiple
      chunks. These chunks are meant to be composed one on top of another. This gives
      embedders a chance to interleave their own contents between these chunks.
      The Flutter embedder API already provides hooks for the specification of
      textures for the Flutter engine to compose within its own hierarchy (for camera
      feeds, video, etc..). However, not all embedders can render the contents of such
      sources into textures the Flutter engine can accept. Moreover, this composition
      model may have overheads that are non-trivial for certain use cases. In such
      cases, the embedder may choose to specify multiple render target for Flutter to
      render into instead of just one.
      The use of this API allows embedders to perform composition very similar to the
      iOS embedder. This composition model is used on that platform for the embedding
      of UIKit view such and web view and map views within the Flutter hierarchy.
      However, do note that iOS also has threading configurations that are currently
      not available to custom embedders.
      The embedder API updates in this patch are ABI stable and existing embedders
      will continue to work are normal. For embedders that want to enable this
      composition mode, the API is designed to make it easy to opt into the same in an
      incremental manner.
      Rendering of contents into the “root” rendering surface remains unchanged.
      However, now the application can push “platform views” via a scene builder.
      These platform views need to handled by a FlutterCompositor specified in a new
      field at the end of the FlutterProjectArgs struct.
      When a new platform view in introduced within the layer tree, the compositor
      will ask the embedder to create a new render target for that platform view.
      Render targets can currently be OpenGL framebuffers, OpenGL textures or software
      buffers. The type of the render target returned by the embedder must be
      compatible with the root render surface. That is, if the root render surface is
      an OpenGL framebuffer, the render target for each platform view must either be a
      texture or a framebuffer in the same OpenGL context. New render target types as
      well as root renderers for newer APIs like Metal & Vulkan can and will be added
      in the future. The addition of these APIs will be done in an ABI & API stable
      As Flutter renders frames, it gives the embedder a callback with information
      about the position of the various platform views in the effective hierarchy.
      The embedder is then meant to put the contents of the render targets that it
      setup and had previously given to the engine onto the screen (of course
      interleaving the contents of the platform views).
      Unit-tests have been added that test not only the structure and properties of
      layer hierarchy given to the compositor, but also the contents of the texels
      rendered by a test compositor using both the OpenGL and software rendering
      Fixes b/132812775
      Fixes flutter/flutter#35410
  8. 09 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  9. 07 8月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Allow embedders to control Dart VM lifecycle on engine shutdown. (#10652) · b769353c
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      This exposes the `Settings::leak_vm` flag to custom embedders. All embedder
      unit-tests now shut down the VM on the shutdown of the last engine in the
      process. The mechanics of VM shutdown are already tested in the Shell unit-tests
      harness in the DartLifecycleUnittests set of of assertions. This just exposes
      that functionality to custom embedders. Since it is part of the public stable
      API, I also switched the name of the field to be something less snarky than the
      field in private shell settings.
  10. 18 6月, 2019 1 次提交
  11. 13 6月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Wire up Swiftshader based OpenGL ES unit-tests on hosts. (#9264) · 7bb5b9ae
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      Currently, all our host unit-tests that have rendering concerns use the software backend because of OpenGL ES availability and stability issues on the various platforms where we run host tests. Unfortunately, entire subsystems are disabled (and not tested) when rendering with the software backend. This patch pulls in SwiftShader and via pending patches in the buildroot, configures the host unit-tests to optionally use OpenGL ES in a stable manner without relying on the OpenGL drivers being present (and functional).
      I have wired up the embedder test fixture in this patch to use the SwiftShader based OpenGL ES driver. I will update the shell and runtime unittests in a subsequent patch as well. The on and offscreen surfaces are configured as 1x1 pbuffer surface because we should be able to write pixel tests using OpenGL directly wihout having to deal with surfaces.
  12. 10 4月, 2019 1 次提交
  13. 29 3月, 2019 1 次提交
  14. 28 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Allow embedders to specify their own task runner interfaces. (#8273) · cb8eb801
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      Currently, all Flutter threads are managed by the engine itself. This works for
      all threads except the platform thread. On this thread, the engine cannot see
      the underlying event multiplexing mechanism. Using the new task runner
      interfaces, the engine can relinquish the task of setting up the event
      multiplexing mechanism and instead have the embedder provide one for it during
      This scheme is only wired up for the platform thread. But, the eventual goal
      is to expose this message loop interoperability for all threads.
  15. 27 3月, 2019 1 次提交
  16. 26 3月, 2019 2 次提交
    • C
      Migrate existing embedder unit tests to use the fixture. (#8296) · 22ee8ee0
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      Also allows tests to specify their own embedder contexts.
    • C
      Make it easy to write embedder unit tests by creating a fixture and config builder. (#8276) · d6ead18f
      Chinmay Garde 提交于
      All embedder unit-tests have to setup the Flutter project arguments from scratch
      before launching the engine. The boilerplate and having to deal with the low
      level C API during each engine launch is a hinderance to writing tests.
      This patch introduces an EmbedderTest fixture that sets up all the embedder side snapshots before allowing the unit test to create a FlutterConfigBuilder` that
      the test can use to incrementally build and edit the Flutter project
      configuration. From the given state state of a configuration, multiple engines
      can be launched with their lifecylces managed by appropriate RAII wrappers.
      This allows the a fully configured Flutter engine to be launched using 4 lines
      of code in a fixture.
      EmbedderConfigBuilder builder;
      auto engine = builder.LaunchEngine();