1. 30 11月, 2010 2 次提交
    • A
      Moved binary files load progress reporting to Loader.js. Added load progress... · d502ccef
      alteredq 提交于
      Moved binary files load progress reporting to Loader.js. Added load progress reporting to demos with larger meshes.
      To be used like this:
          var loader = new THREE.Loader( true );
          container.appendChild( loader.statusDomElement );
          loader.loadBinary( url, function( geometry ) { createScene( geometry ) }, path );
          function createScene( geometry ) {
              loader.statusDomElement.style.display = "none";
    • A
      Added MeshShaderMaterial (and Fresnel shader as its first example). · 45b3ceb7
      alteredq 提交于
      MeshShaderMaterial is still work in progress, expect changes.
      Nice side effect of WebGLRenderer refactoring: optimized one significant bottleneck (with noticeable effect on framerate in some demos), typed arrays corresponding to matrix uniforms are now set (instead of being created anew in each frame).
      Also created fully full build, with all extras included. This helps with deployment, especially when multiple versions of Three have to coexist in the same folder structure (got burned on this few times already).
  2. 27 11月, 2010 2 次提交
  3. 26 11月, 2010 4 次提交
  4. 25 11月, 2010 2 次提交
    • A
      Fixed bug in SceneUtils. · 06e64013
      alteredq 提交于
    • A
      Added load progress callback to binary loader. · e5ddb133
      alteredq 提交于
      Turns out it is working better over the real web than on localhost (where it seems loading is too fast for Chrome to pick up UI changes, so it queues them and shows them all just after loading is already finished).
      Still not working properly - getting length of full content, this seems to be unreliable across browser / server combination.
      Instead passing to callback JSON object with both total and loaded bytes, so this can be handled in the application layer:
      { total: bytes_total, loaded: bytes_loaded }
      To be used e.g. like this:
      loader.loadBinary( url, function( geometry ) { createScene( geometry ) }, path, updateProgress );
      function updateProgress( progress ) {
          var message = "Loaded ";
          if ( progress.total ) {
              message += ( 100 * progress.loaded / progress.total ).toFixed(0) + "%";
          } else {
              message += ( progress.loaded / 1000 ).toFixed(2) + " KB";
          $( "status" ).innerHTML = message;
  5. 24 11月, 2010 5 次提交
  6. 23 11月, 2010 5 次提交
  7. 22 11月, 2010 7 次提交
  8. 21 11月, 2010 4 次提交
  9. 20 11月, 2010 3 次提交
    • A
      And refraction /reflection cube mapping is fixed. Also added two new examples for refraction. · 946cc6a2
      alteredq 提交于
      Fix is a bit dirty, but at least it's short ;)
    • M
      Merging alteredq's branch · 4901440e
      Mr.doob 提交于
    • A
      Added refractive mapping and mixing combination mode for the environment map... · fbd12838
      alteredq 提交于
      Added refractive mapping and mixing combination mode for the environment map and the underlying material.
      This commit has handful of things going on:
      - had to sacrifice one light to please ANGLE, making it again up to 4 instead of up to 5 total lights :(
      - Basic / Lambert / Phong materials now have new parameters:
          "combine": THREE.Mix | THREE.Multiply [default]
            - tells how to combine environment map with the original material:
               - "Multiply" creates chrome-like metallic look (it's what was already there),
                 color of the underlying material is multiplied with the environment map,
                 this creates different colored metals
               - "Mix" creates shiny plastic look
                  color of the underlying material is lerped with the environment map,
                  amount of the contribution from the environment map is controlled
                  by another new parameter "reflectivity"
          "reflectivity": <float> [from <0.0, 1.0>]
             - controls mixing of underlying material and environment map for "Mix" combine mode
                0: pure underlying material, zero contribution from environment map (Basic/Lambert/Phong)
                1: pure environment map, zero contribution from underlying material (uncolored chrome look)
          "refraction_ratio": <float>
            - controls refractive mapping, ratio of the index of refraction in the medium containing the incident ray
              to that of the medium being entered
            - sensible values seem to be from ~0.6 - 1.0
              (in theory, e.g. air/glass should be 0.75, but this looks weird, values between 0.9 - 1.0 give the most interesting results,
               though maybe there is bug somewhere in my code)
            - for use refraction mapping, just add parameter to TextureCube like this (default is reflection mapping)
                "new THREE.TextureCube( images, THREE.RefractionMap )"
  10. 19 11月, 2010 4 次提交
    • M
      Started GeometryUtils class. · d961ee52
      Mr.doob 提交于
      MeshUtils.merge( object1, object2 [ geometry | mesh ] ): Merges object2 into object1. Implemented in materials_cubemap_sky.
    • M
      Fixed skybox effect on cubemap demos · 2be2673d
      Mr.doob 提交于
      CanvasRenderer code clean up
    • M
      Cleaned up the escher cubemap code a bit. Also, I think it looks much nicer... · d21c2979
      Mr.doob 提交于
      Cleaned up the escher cubemap code a bit. Also, I think it looks much nicer without illumination... ?
      At first I though the cube around the sphere was x-inverted (unless the in tention is to simulate refraction...) I've tried changing that but the effect is still weird. I guess those textures work mainly for the sphere and not for the panorama.
      I reused the code and did another example using the skymap. More to come ;)
      I can see some lines at the edges of the planes though. I guess that's antialiasing kicking in. Should be fixed with a proper cube mesh I guess.
      CanvasRenderer has a property called `autoClear` which is true by default. By making it false you have control of when the renderer cleans the screen (by calling renderer.clear()). I wonder if something like that can be added to the WebGLRenderer? That way we can render the cube outside the spheres from a diferent camera (centered in the middle of the screen) than the spheres floating.
      Also, added `shading` parameter to `MeshBasicMaterial` (environment mapping was being rendered faceted when using `MeshBasicMaterial` because `shading` was missing (and thus Faceted)).
    • M
  11. 18 11月, 2010 2 次提交