提交 0c5e2de9 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #11350 from takahirox/GLTF2Morph

glTF 2.0 morph animation support
......@@ -842,7 +842,8 @@ THREE.GLTF2Loader = ( function () {
scale: 'scale',
translation: 'position',
rotation: 'quaternion'
rotation: 'quaternion',
weights: 'morphTargetInfluences'
......@@ -2155,6 +2156,104 @@ THREE.GLTF2Loader = ( function () {
meshNode = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
meshNode.castShadow = true;
if ( primitive.targets !== undefined ) {
var targets = primitive.targets;
var morphAttributes = geometry.morphAttributes;
morphAttributes.position = [];
morphAttributes.normal = [];
material.morphTargets = true;
for ( var i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var target = targets[ i ];
var attributeName = 'morphTarget' + i;
var positionAttribute, normalAttribute;
if ( target.POSITION !== undefined ) {
// Three.js morph formula is
// position
// + weight0 * ( morphTarget0 - position )
// + weight1 * ( morphTarget1 - position )
// ...
// while the glTF one is
// position
// + weight0 * morphTarget0
// + weight1 * morphTarget1
// ...
// then adding position to morphTarget.
// So morphTarget value will depend on mesh's position, then cloning attribute
// for the case if attribute is shared among two or more meshes.
positionAttribute = dependencies.accessors[ target.POSITION ].clone();
var position = geometry.attributes.position;
for ( var j = 0, jl = positionAttribute.array.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
positionAttribute.array[ j ] += position.array[ j ];
} else {
// Copying the original position not to affect the final position.
// See the formula above.
positionAttribute = geometry.attributes.position.clone();
if ( target.NORMAL !== undefined ) {
material.morphNormals = true;
// see target.POSITION's comment
normalAttribute = dependencies.accessors[ target.NORMAL ].clone();
var normal = geometry.attributes.normal;
for ( var j = 0, jl = normalAttribute.array.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
normalAttribute.array[ j ] += normal.array[ j ];
} else {
normalAttribute = geometry.attributes.normal.clone();
// TODO: implement
if ( target.TANGENT !== undefined ) {
positionAttribute.name = attributeName;
normalAttribute.name = attributeName;
morphAttributes.position.push( positionAttribute );
morphAttributes.normal.push( normalAttribute );
if ( mesh.weights !== undefined ) {
for ( var i = 0, il = mesh.weights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
meshNode.morphTargetInfluences[ i ] = mesh.weights[ i ];
} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINES ) {
geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
......@@ -2330,22 +2429,70 @@ THREE.GLTF2Loader = ( function () {
node.matrixAutoUpdate = true;
var TypedKeyframeTrack = PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ] === PATH_PROPERTIES.rotation
? THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack
: THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack;
var TypedKeyframeTrack;
switch ( PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ] ) {
case PATH_PROPERTIES.weights:
TypedKeyframeTrack = THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack;
case PATH_PROPERTIES.rotation:
TypedKeyframeTrack = THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack;
case PATH_PROPERTIES.position:
TypedKeyframeTrack = THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack;
var targetName = node.name ? node.name : node.uuid;
var interpolation = sampler.interpolation !== undefined ? INTERPOLATION[ sampler.interpolation ] : THREE.InterpolateLinear;
var targetNames = [];
if ( PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ] === PATH_PROPERTIES.weights ) {
// node should be THREE.Group here but
// PATH_PROPERTIES.weights(morphTargetInfluences) should be
// the property of a mesh object under node.
// So finding targets here.
node.traverse( function ( object ) {
if ( object.isMesh === true && object.material.morphTargets === true ) {
targetNames.push( object.name ? object.name : object.uuid );
} );
} else {
targetNames.push( targetName );
// KeyframeTrack.optimize() will modify given 'times' and 'values'
// buffers before creating a truncated copy to keep. Because buffers may
// be reused by other tracks, make copies here.
tracks.push( new TypedKeyframeTrack(
targetName + '.' + PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ],
THREE.AnimationUtils.arraySlice( inputAccessor.array, 0 ),
THREE.AnimationUtils.arraySlice( outputAccessor.array, 0 ),
) );
for ( var i = 0, il = targetNames.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
tracks.push( new TypedKeyframeTrack(
targetNames[ i ] + '.' + PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ],
THREE.AnimationUtils.arraySlice( inputAccessor.array, 0 ),
THREE.AnimationUtils.arraySlice( outputAccessor.array, 0 ),
) );
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