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*   Ambiguous reflections are on :through relationships are no longer supported.
    For example, you need to change this:

      class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
        has_many :posts
        has_many :taggings, :through => :posts
      class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
        has_one :tagging
        has_many :taggings
      class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base

    To this:

      class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
        has_many :posts
        has_many :taggings, :through => :posts, :source => :tagging
      class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
        has_one :tagging
        has_many :taggings
      class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base

*   Remove column restrictions for `count`, let the database raise if the SQL is
    invalid. The previous behavior was untested and surprising for the user.
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
    Fixes #5554.

    Example:"name, username").count
        # Before => SELECT count(*) FROM users
        # After => ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid

        # you can still use `count(:all)` to perform a query unrelated to the
        # selected columns"name, username").count(:all) # => SELECT count(*) FROM users

    *Yves Senn*

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
*   Rails now automatically detects inverse associations. If you do not set the
    `:inverse_of` option on the association, then Active Record will guess the
    inverse association based on heuristics.

    Note that automatic inverse detection only works on `has_many`, `has_one`,
    and `belongs_to` associations. Extra options on the associations will
    also prevent the association's inverse from being found automatically.

    The automatic guessing of the inverse association uses a heuristic based
    on the name of the class, so it may not work for all associations,
    especially the ones with non-standard names.

    You can turn off the automatic detection of inverse associations by setting
    the `:inverse_of` option to `false` like so:

      class Taggable < ActiveRecord::Base
        belongs_to :tag, inverse_of: false

    *John Wang*

69 70 71 72
*   Fix `add_column` with `array` option when using PostgreSQL. Fixes #10432

    *Adam Anderson*

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
*   Usage of `implicit_readonly` is being removed`. Please use `readonly` method
    explicitly to mark records as `readonly.
    Fixes #10615.


        user = User.joins(:todos).select("users.*, todos.title as todos_title").readonly(true).first
        user.todos_title = 'clean pet'! # will raise error

    *Yves Senn*

85 86 87 88 89
*   Fix the `:primary_key` option for `has_many` associations.
    Fixes #10693.

    *Yves Senn*

*   Fix bug where tiny types are incorrectly coerced as boolean when the length is more than 1.
91 92 93 94 95

    Fixes #10620.

    *Aaron Peterson*

Prathamesh Sonpatki 已提交
*   Also support extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1. This feature has been supported since 9.1.
97 98 99


100 101 102 103 104
*   Deprecate `ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements#distinct`,
    as it is no longer used by internals.

    *Ben Woosley#

105 106
*   Fix pending migrations error when loading schema and `ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix`
    is not blank.

108 109 110 111 112 113 114
    Call `assume_migrated_upto_version` on connection to prevent it from first
    being picked up in `method_missing`.

    In the base class, `Migration`, `method_missing` expects the argument to be a
    table name, and calls `proper_table_name` on the arguments before sending to
    `connection`. If `table_name_prefix` or `table_name_suffix` is used, the schema
    version changes to `prefix_version_suffix`, breaking `rake test:prepare`.
115 116 117 118 119

    Fixes #10411.

    *Kyle Stevens*

*   Method `read_attribute_before_type_cast` should accept input as symbol.
121 122 123

    *Neeraj Singh*

124 125 126 127
*   Confirm a record has not already been destroyed before decrementing counter cache.

    *Ben Tucker*

128 129
*   Fixed a bug in `ActiveRecord#sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions` in which
    `self.class` is an argument to `PredicateBuilder#build_from_hash`
    causing `PredicateBuilder` to call non-existent method
132 133 134

    *Zach Ohlgren*

135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
*   While removing index if column option is missing then raise IrreversibleMigration exception.

    Following code should raise `IrreversibleMigration`. But the code was
    failing since options is an array and not a hash.

        def change
          change_table :users do |t|
            t.remove_index [:name, :email]

    Fix was to check if the options is a Hash before operating on it.

    Fixes #10419.

    *Neeraj Singh*

152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
*   Do not overwrite manually built records during one-to-one nested attribute assignment

    For one-to-one nested associations, if you build the new (in-memory)
    child object yourself before assignment, then the NestedAttributes
    module will not overwrite it, e.g.:

        class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_one :avatar
          accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar

          def avatar
            super || build_avatar(width: 200)

        member =
        member.avatar_attributes = {icon: 'sad'}
        member.avatar.width # => 200

    *Olek Janiszewski*

173 174 175 176 177 178 179
*   fixes bug introduced by #3329.  Now, when autosaving associations,
    deletions happen before inserts and saves.  This prevents a 'duplicate
    unique value' database error that would occur if a record being created had
    the same value on a unique indexed field as that of a record being destroyed.

    *Johnny Holton*

180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
*   Handle aliased attributes in ActiveRecord::Relation.

    When using symbol keys, ActiveRecord will now translate aliased attribute names to the actual column name used in the database:

    With the model

        class Topic
          alias_attribute :heading, :title

    The call

        Topic.where(heading: 'The First Topic')

    should yield the same result as

        Topic.where(title: 'The First Topic')

    This also applies to ActiveRecord::Relation::Calculations calls such as `Model.sum(:aliased)` and `Model.pluck(:aliased)`.

    This will not work with SQL fragment strings like `Model.sum('DISTINCT aliased')`.

    *Godfrey Chan*

204 205 206 207
*   Mute `psql` output when running rake db:schema:load.

    *Godfrey Chan*

208 209 210 211 212 213
*   Trigger a save on `has_one association=(associate)` when the associate contents have changed.

    Fix #8856.

    *Chris Thompson*

214 215 216
*   Abort a rake task when missing db/structure.sql like `db:schema:load` task.


*   rake:db:test:prepare falls back to original environment after execution.

    *Slava Markevich*

Please check [4-0-stable]( for previous changes.