未验证 提交 b9829cb2 编写于 作者: J jerrywgz 提交者: GitHub

Fix eval in Faster RCNN (#1498)

* fix eval for faster_rcnn

* fix im shape

* align eval to detectron

* refine README
上级 93756632
......@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ Evalutaion result is shown as below:
| Model | RoI function | Batch size | Max iteration | mAP |
| :--------------- | :--------: | :------------: | :------------------: |------: |
| [Fluid RoIPool minibatch padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_minibatch_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.314 |
| [Fluid RoIPool no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.316 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 180000 | 0.345 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding 2x](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding_2x.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 360000 | 0.364 |
| [Fluid RoIPool minibatch padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_minibatch_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.316 |
| [Fluid RoIPool no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.318 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 180000 | 0.348 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding 2x](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding_2x.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 360000 | 0.367 |
* Fluid RoIPool minibatch padding: Use RoIPool. Images in one batch padding to the same size. This method is same as detectron.
* Fluid RoIPool no padding: Images without padding.
......@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ Faster RCNN 目标检测模型
| 模型 | RoI处理方式 | 批量大小 | 迭代次数 | mAP |
| :--------------- | :--------: | :------------: | :------------------: |------: |
| [Fluid RoIPool minibatch padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_minibatch_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.314 |
| [Fluid RoIPool no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.316 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 180000 | 0.345 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding 2x](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding_2x.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 360000 | 0.364 |
| [Fluid RoIPool minibatch padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_minibatch_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.316 |
| [Fluid RoIPool no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_pool_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIPool | 8 | 180000 | 0.318 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 180000 | 0.348 |
| [Fluid RoIAlign no padding 2x](http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/faster_rcnn/model_align_no_padding_2x.tar.gz) | RoIAlign | 8 | 360000 | 0.367 |
......@@ -23,29 +23,43 @@ from PIL import ImageFont
from config import cfg
def box_decoder(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var):
proposals = np.zeros_like(target_box, dtype=np.float32)
prior_box_loc = np.zeros_like(prior_box, dtype=np.float32)
prior_box_loc[:, 0] = prior_box[:, 2] - prior_box[:, 0] + 1.
prior_box_loc[:, 1] = prior_box[:, 3] - prior_box[:, 1] + 1.
prior_box_loc[:, 2] = (prior_box[:, 2] + prior_box[:, 0]) / 2
prior_box_loc[:, 3] = (prior_box[:, 3] + prior_box[:, 1]) / 2
pred_bbox = np.zeros_like(target_box, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(prior_box.shape[0]):
dw = np.minimum(prior_box_var[2] * target_box[i, 2::4], cfg.bbox_clip)
dh = np.minimum(prior_box_var[3] * target_box[i, 3::4], cfg.bbox_clip)
pred_bbox[i, 0::4] = prior_box_var[0] * target_box[
i, 0::4] * prior_box_loc[i, 0] + prior_box_loc[i, 2]
pred_bbox[i, 1::4] = prior_box_var[1] * target_box[
i, 1::4] * prior_box_loc[i, 1] + prior_box_loc[i, 3]
pred_bbox[i, 2::4] = np.exp(dw) * prior_box_loc[i, 0]
pred_bbox[i, 3::4] = np.exp(dh) * prior_box_loc[i, 1]
proposals[:, 0::4] = pred_bbox[:, 0::4] - pred_bbox[:, 2::4] / 2
proposals[:, 1::4] = pred_bbox[:, 1::4] - pred_bbox[:, 3::4] / 2
proposals[:, 2::4] = pred_bbox[:, 0::4] + pred_bbox[:, 2::4] / 2 - 1
proposals[:, 3::4] = pred_bbox[:, 1::4] + pred_bbox[:, 3::4] / 2 - 1
return proposals
def box_decoder(deltas, boxes, weights):
if boxes.shape[0] == 0:
return np.zeros((0, deltas.shape[1]), dtype=deltas.dtype)
boxes = boxes.astype(deltas.dtype, copy=False)
widths = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0] + 1.0
heights = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1] + 1.0
ctr_x = boxes[:, 0] + 0.5 * widths
ctr_y = boxes[:, 1] + 0.5 * heights
wx, wy, ww, wh = weights
dx = deltas[:, 0::4] * wx
dy = deltas[:, 1::4] * wy
dw = deltas[:, 2::4] * ww
dh = deltas[:, 3::4] * wh
# Prevent sending too large values into np.exp()
dw = np.minimum(dw, cfg.bbox_clip)
dh = np.minimum(dh, cfg.bbox_clip)
pred_ctr_x = dx * widths[:, np.newaxis] + ctr_x[:, np.newaxis]
pred_ctr_y = dy * heights[:, np.newaxis] + ctr_y[:, np.newaxis]
pred_w = np.exp(dw) * widths[:, np.newaxis]
pred_h = np.exp(dh) * heights[:, np.newaxis]
pred_boxes = np.zeros(deltas.shape, dtype=deltas.dtype)
# x1
pred_boxes[:, 0::4] = pred_ctr_x - 0.5 * pred_w
# y1
pred_boxes[:, 1::4] = pred_ctr_y - 0.5 * pred_h
# x2 (note: "- 1" is correct; don't be fooled by the asymmetry)
pred_boxes[:, 2::4] = pred_ctr_x + 0.5 * pred_w - 1
# y2 (note: "- 1" is correct; don't be fooled by the asymmetry)
pred_boxes[:, 3::4] = pred_ctr_y + 0.5 * pred_h - 1
return pred_boxes
def clip_tiled_boxes(boxes, im_shape):
......@@ -73,7 +87,6 @@ def get_nmsed_box(rpn_rois, confs, locs, class_nums, im_info,
variance_v = np.array(cfg.bbox_reg_weights)
confs_v = np.array(confs)
locs_v = np.array(locs)
rois = box_decoder(locs_v, rpn_rois_v, variance_v)
im_results = [[] for _ in range(len(lod) - 1)]
new_lod = [0]
for i in range(len(lod) - 1):
......@@ -81,9 +94,11 @@ def get_nmsed_box(rpn_rois, confs, locs, class_nums, im_info,
end = lod[i + 1]
if start == end:
rois_n = rois[start:end, :]
locs_n = locs_v[start:end, :]
rois_n = rpn_rois_v[start:end, :]
rois_n = rois_n / im_info[i][2]
rois_n = clip_tiled_boxes(rois_n, im_info[i][:2])
rois_n = box_decoder(locs_n, rois_n, variance_v)
rois_n = clip_tiled_boxes(rois_n, im_info[i][:2] / im_info[i][2])
cls_boxes = [[] for _ in range(class_nums)]
scores_n = confs_v[start:end, :]
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