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## PaddleST (基于PaddlePaddle平台实现的时空大数据研究与应用)
## 项目已移至:https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Research/tree/master/ST_DM
In PaddleST, we will release all the frontier research and industrial projects based on large-scale spatial-temporal data.
### 前沿研究课题列表如下:
The full list of frontier research:
|MONOPOLY: Learning to Price Public Facilities for Revaluing Private Properties with Large-scale Urban Data|https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3357384.3357810|https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/PaddleST/Research/CIKM2019-MONOPOLY|
### 前沿应用项目列表如下:
The full list of frontier industrial projects:
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