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fix yolov3 readme (#3213)

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......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ YOLOv3检测原理
### 模型结构
YOLOv3将输入图像分成S\*S个格子,每个格子预测B个bounding box,每个bounding box预测内容包括: Location(x, y, w, h)、Confidence Score和C个类别的概率,因此YOLOv3输出层的channel数为S\*S\*B\*(5 + C)。YOLOv3的loss函数也有三部分组成:Location误差,Confidence误差和分类误差。
YOLOv3将输入图像分成S\*S个格子,每个格子预测B个bounding box,每个bounding box预测内容包括: Location(x, y, w, h)、Confidence Score和C个类别的概率,因此YOLOv3输出层的channel数为B\*(5 + C)。YOLOv3的loss函数也有三部分组成:Location误差,Confidence误差和分类误差。
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......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ YOLOv3 detection principle
### Model structure
YOLOv3 divides the input image in to S\*S grids and predict B bounding boxes in each grid, predictions of boxes include Location(x, y, w, h), Confidence Score and probabilities of C classes, therefore YOLOv3 output layer has S\*S\*B\*(5 + C) channels. YOLOv3 loss consists of three parts: location loss, confidence loss and classification loss.
YOLOv3 divides the input image in to S\*S grids and predict B bounding boxes in each grid, predictions of boxes include Location(x, y, w, h), Confidence Score and probabilities of C classes, therefore YOLOv3 output layer has B\*(5 + C) channels. YOLOv3 loss consists of three parts: location loss, confidence loss and classification loss.
The bone network of YOLOv3 is darknet53, the structure of YOLOv3 is as follow:
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<img src="image/YOLOv3_structure.jpg" height=400 width=400 hspace='10'/> <br />
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