提交 2ce02d44 编写于 作者: Y Yancey1989

add some logs

上级 2bb4e4a6
......@@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ def parse_args():
add_arg('fp16', bool, False, "Enable half precision training with fp16." )
add_arg('scale_loss', float, 1.0, "Scale loss for fp16." )
# for distributed
add_arg('start_test_pass', int, 0, "Start test after x passes.")
add_arg('num_threads', int, 8, "Use num_threads to run the fluid program.")
add_arg('reduce_strategy', str, "allreduce", "Choose from reduce or allreduce.")
add_arg('log_period', int, 30, "Print period, defualt is 5.")
add_arg('memory_optimize', bool, True, "Whether to enable memory optimize.")
add_arg('start_test_pass', int, 0, "Start test after x passes.")
add_arg('num_threads', int, 8, "Use num_threads to run the fluid program.")
add_arg('reduce_strategy', str, "allreduce", "Choose from reduce or allreduce.")
add_arg('log_period', int, 30, "Print period, defualt is 5.")
add_arg('memory_optimize', bool, True, "Whether to enable memory optimize.")
add_arg('best_acc5', float, 0.93, "The best acc5, default is 93%.")
# yapf: enable
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
......@@ -300,8 +301,12 @@ def train_parallel(args):
feed_list = [test_prog.global_block().var(varname) for varname in ("image", "label")]
test_feeder = fluid.DataFeeder(feed_list=feed_list, place=fluid.CUDAPlace(0))
test_ret = test_parallel(test_exe, test_args, args, test_prog, test_feeder, val_bs)
test_acc1, test_acc5 = [np.mean(np.array(v)) for v in test_ret]
print("Epoch: %d, Test Accuracy: %s, Spend %.2f hours\n" %
(epoch_id, [np.mean(np.array(v)) for v in test_ret], (time.time() - over_all_start) / 3600))
(epoch_id, [test_acc1, test_acc5], (time.time() - over_all_start) / 3600))
if np.mean(np.array(test_ret[1])) > args.best_acc5:
print("Achieve the best top-1 acc %f, top-5 acc: %f" % (test_acc1, test_acc5))
print("total train time: ", time.time() - over_all_start)
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