decoder_size=512# hidden layer size of GRU in decoder
beam_size=3# expand width in beam search
max_length=250# a stop condition of sequence generation
2. Implement Encoder as follows:
- Input is a sequence of words represented by an integer word index sequence. So we define data layer of data type `integer_value_sequence`. The value range of each element in the sequence is `[0, source_dict_dim)`
- Use a non-linear transformation of the last hidden state of the backward GRU on the source language sentence as the initial state of the decoder RNN $c_0=h_T$
- Define the computation in each time step for the decoder RNN, i.e., according to the current context vector $c_i$, hidden state for the decoder $z_i$ and the $i$-th word $u_i$ in the target language to predict the probability $p_{i+1}$ for the $i+1$-th word.
decoder_size = 512 # hidden layer size of GRU in decoder
beam_size = 3 # expand width in beam search
max_length = 250 # a stop condition of sequence generation
2. Implement Encoder as follows:
- Input is a sequence of words represented by an integer word index sequence. So we define data layer of data type `integer_value_sequence`. The value range of each element in the sequence is `[0, source_dict_dim)`
- Use a non-linear transformation of the last hidden state of the backward GRU on the source language sentence as the initial state of the decoder RNN $c_0=h_T$
- Define the computation in each time step for the decoder RNN, i.e., according to the current context vector $c_i$, hidden state for the decoder $z_i$ and the $i$-th word $u_i$ in the target language to predict the probability $p_{i+1}$ for the $i+1$-th word.