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# 识别数字

本教程源代码目录在[book/recognize_digits](, 初次使用请参考PaddlePaddle[安装教程](

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# Recognize Digits

Source code of this chapter is under [book/recognize_digits](, For the first-time use, please refer to PaddlePaddle [installation instructions](
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## 背景介绍
当我们学习编程的时候,编写的第一个程序一般是实现打印"Hello World"。而机器学习(或深度学习)的入门教程,一般都是 [MNIST]( 数据库上的手写识别问题。原因是手写识别属于典型的图像分类问题,比较简单,同时MNIST数据集也很完备。MNIST数据集作为一个简单的计算机视觉数据集,包含一系列如图1所示的手写数字图片和对应的标签。图片是28x28的像素矩阵,标签则对应着0~9的10个数字。每张图片都经过了大小归一化和居中处理。

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## Background
When we study programming, the first program is usually printing “Hello World.” In Machine Learning, or Deep Learning, this is hand-written digit recognition with [MNIST]( dataset. Handwriting recognition is a typical image classification problem. The problem is relatively easy, and MNIST is a complete dataset. As a simple Computer Vision dataset, MNIST contains hand-written digits and corresponding labels (Fig. 1). An image is a 28x28 matrix, and a label corresponds to one of the 10 digits from 0 to 9. Each image is normalized in size and centered.

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<p align="center">
<img src="image/mnist_example_image.png" width="400"><br/>
图1. MNIST图片示例
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Fig. 1. MNIST image examples
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MNIST数据集是从 [NIST]( 的Special Database 3(SD-3)和Special Database 1(SD-1)构建而来。由于SD-3是由美国人口调查局的员工进行标注,SD-1是由美国高中生进行标注,因此SD-3比SD-1更干净也更容易识别。Yann LeCun等人从SD-1和SD-3中各取一半作为MNIST的训练集(60000条数据)和测试集(10000条数据),其中训练集来自250位不同的标注员,此外还保证了训练集和测试集的标注员是不完全相同的。

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MNIST dataset is made from [NIST]( Special Database 3 (SD-3) and Special Database 1 (SD-1). Since SD-3 is labeled by staffs in U.S. Census Bureau, while SD-1 is labeled by high school students in U.S., SD-3 is cleaner and easier to recognize than SD-1 is. Yann LeCun et al. extracted half of samples from each of SD-1 and SD-3 for MNIST training set (60,000 samples) and test set (10,000 samples), where training set was labeled by 250 different annotators, and it was guaranteed that annotators of training set and test set are not completely overlapped.

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Yann LeCun早先在手写字符识别上做了很多研究,并在研究过程中提出了卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network),大幅度地提高了手写字符的识别能力,也因此成为了深度学习领域的奠基人之一。如今的深度学习领域,卷积神经网络占据了至关重要的地位,从最早Yann LeCun提出的简单LeNet,到如今ImageNet大赛上的优胜模型VGGNet、GoogLeNet、ResNet等(请参见[图像分类]( 教程),人们在图像分类领域,利用卷积神经网络得到了一系列惊人的结果。

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Yann LeCun, one of the founders of Deep Learning, had large contribution on hand-written character recognition in early dates, and proposed CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), which drastically improved recognition capability for hand-written characters. CNN is now a critical key for Deep Learning. From Yann LeCun’s first proposal of LeNet, to those winning models in ImageNet, such as VGGNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet, etc. (Please refer to [Image Classification]( chapter) CNN achieved a series of astonishing results in Image Classification.
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有很多算法在MNIST上进行实验。1998年,LeCun分别用单层线性分类器、多层感知器(Multilayer Perceptron, MLP)和多层卷积神经网络LeNet进行实验,使得测试集上的误差不断下降(从12%下降到0.7%)\[[1](#参考文献)\]。此后,科学家们又基于K近邻(K-Nearest Neighbors)算法\[[2](#参考文献)\]、支持向量机(SVM)\[[3](#参考文献)\]、神经网络\[[4-7](#参考文献)\]和Boosting方法\[[8](#参考文献)\]等做了大量实验,并采用多种预处理方法(如去除歪曲、去噪、模糊等)来提高识别的准确率。

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Many algorithms are tested on MNIST. In 1998, LeCun experimented single layer linear classifier, MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) and Multilayer CNN LeNet, which continuously reduced test error from 12% to 0.7% \[[1](#References)\]. Since then, researchers worked on many algorithms such as k-NN (K-Nearest Neighbors) \[[2](#References)\], Support Vector Machine (SVM) \[[3](#References)\], Neural Networks \[[4-7](#References)\] and Boosting \[[8](#References)\], and applied various preprocessing methods, such as distortion removal, noise removal and blurring, to increase recognition accuracy.

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In this chapter, we start from simple Softmax regression model, and guide readers to introduction of hand-written character recognition, and gradual improvement of models.
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## 模型概览

- $X$是输入:MNIST图片是$28\times28$ 的二维图像,为了进行计算,我们将其转化为$784$维向量,即$X=\left ( x_0, x_1, \dots, x_{783} \right )$。
- $Y$是输出:分类器的输出是10类数字(0-9),即$Y=\left ( y_0, y_1, \dots, y_9 \right )$,每一维$y_i$代表图片分类为第$i$类数字的概率。
- $L$是图片的真实标签:$L=\left ( l_0, l_1, \dots, l_9 \right )$也是10维,但只有一维为1,其他都为0。

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## Model Overview

Before introducing the classification algorithms and training procedure, we provide some definitions:
- $X$ is input:MNIST image is $28\times28$ two dimensional matrix. It is reshaped to $784$ dimensional vector. $X=\left ( x_0, x_1, \dots, x_{783} \right )$。
- $Y$ is output:Output of classifier is 10 class digits from 0 to 9. $Y=\left ( y_0, y_1, \dots, y_9 \right )$,Each dimension $y_i$ represents a probability that the image belongs to $i$.
- $L$ is a image's ground truth label:$L=\left ( l_0, l_1, \dots, l_9 \right )$ It is also 10 dimensional, but only one dimension is 1 and others are all 0.

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### Softmax回归(Softmax Regression)

最简单的Softmax回归模型是先将输入层经过一个全连接层得到的特征,然后直接通过softmax 函数进行多分类\[[9](#参考文献)\]

输入层的数据$X$传到输出层,在激活操作之前,会乘以相应的权重 $W$ ,并加上偏置变量 $b$ ,具体如下:

$$ y_i = softmax(\sum_j W_{i,j}x_j + b_i) $$

其中 $ softmax(x_i) = \frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_j e^{x_j}} $

对于有 $N$ 个类别的多分类问题,指定 $N$ 个输出节点,$N$ 维输入特征经过softmax将归一化为 $N$ 个[0,1]范围内的实数值,分别表示该样本属于这 $N$ 个类别的概率。此处的 $y_i$ 即对应该图片为数字 $i$ 的预测概率。

在分类问题中,我们一般采用交叉熵代价损失函数(cross entropy),公式如下:

$$  crossentropy(label, y) = -\sum_i label_ilog(y_i) $$


<p align="center">
<img src="image/softmax_regression.png" width=400><br/>
图2. softmax回归网络结构图<br/>

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### Softmax Regression

The simplest softmax regression model is to feed input to fully connected layers, and directly use softmax for multi-class classification \[[9](#References)\].

Input $X$ is multiplied with weights $W$, added by bias $b$, and activated.

$$ y_i = softmax(\sum_j W_{i,j}x_j + b_i) $$

where $ softmax(x_i) = \frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_j e^{x_j}} $

For a $N$ class classification problem with $N$ output nodes, a $N$ dimensional input features is normalized to $N$ real values in [0, 1], each representing the probability of the sample to belong to the class. Here $y_i$ is the prediction probability that an image is digit $i$.

In classification problem, we usually use cross entropy loss function:

$$  crossentropy(label, y) = -\sum_i label_ilog(y_i) $$

Fig. 2 is softmax regression network, with weights in black, and bias in red. +1 indicates bias is 1.

<p align="center">
<img src="image/softmax_regression.png" width=400><br/>
Fig. 2. Softmax regression network architecture<br/>

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### 多层感知器(Multilayer Perceptron, MLP)


1.  经过第一个隐藏层,可以得到 $ H_1 = \phi(W_1X + b_1) $,其中$\phi$代表激活函数,常见的有sigmoid、tanh或ReLU等函数。
2.  经过第二个隐藏层,可以得到 $ H_2 = \phi(W_2H_1 + b_2) $。
3.  最后,再经过输出层,得到的$Y=softmax(W_3H_2 + b_3)$,即为最后的分类结果向量。


<p align="center">
<img src="image/mlp.png" width=500><br/>
图3. 多层感知器网络结构图<br/>

### Multilayer Perceptron
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Softmax regression model uses the simplest two layer neural network, i.e. it only contains input layer and output layer, so that it's regression ability is limited. To achieve better recognition effect, we consider adding several hidden layers \[[10](#References)\] between the input layer and the output layer.

1.  After the first hidden layer, we get $ H_1 = \phi(W_1X + b_1) $, where $\phi$ represents activation function. Some common ones are sigmoid, tanh and ReLU.
2.  After the second hidden layer, we get $ H_2 = \phi(W_2H_1 + b_2) $.
3.  Finally, after output layer, we get $Y=softmax(W_3H_2 + b_3)$, the last classification result vector.

Fig. 3. is multi-layer perceptron network, with weights in black, and bias in red. +1 indicates bias is 1.

<p align="center">
<img src="image/mlp.png" width=500><br/>
Fig. 3. Multi-layer perceptron network architecture<br/>

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### 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)

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### Convolutional Neural Network

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#### 卷积层

<p align="center">
<img src="image/conv_layer.png" width=500><br/>
图4. 卷积层图片<br/>

卷积层是卷积神经网络的核心基石。该层的参数由一组可学习的过滤器(也叫作卷积核)组成。在前向过程中,每个卷积核在输入层进行横向和纵向的扫描,与输入层对应扫描位置进行卷积,得到的结果加上偏置并用相应的激活函数进行激活,结果能够得到一个二维的激活图(activation map)。每个特定的卷积核都能得到特定的激活图(activation map),如有的卷积核可能对识别边角,有的可能识别圆圈,那这些卷积核可能对于对应的特征响应要强。

图4是卷积层的一个动态图。由于3D量难以表示,所有的3D量(输入的3D量(蓝色),权重3D量(红色),输出3D量(绿色))通过将深度在行上堆叠来表示。如图4,输入层是$W_1=5,H_1=5,D_1=3$,我们常见的彩色图片其实就是类似这样的输入层,彩色图片的宽和高对应这里的$W_1$和$H_1$,而彩色图片有RGB三个颜色通道,对应这里的$D_1$;卷积层的参数为$K=2,F=3,S=2,P=1$,这里的$K$是卷积核的数量,如图4中有$Filter W_0$和$Filter   W_1$两个卷积核,$F$对应卷积核的大小,图中$W0$和$W1$在每一层深度上都是$3\times3$的矩阵,$S$对应卷积核扫描的步长,从动态图中可以看到,方框每次左移或下移2个单位,$P$对应Padding扩展,是对输入层的扩展,图中输入层,原始数据为蓝色部分,可以看到灰色部分是进行了大小为1的扩展,用0来进行扩展;图4的动态可视化对输出层结果(绿色)进行迭代,显示每个输出元素是通过将突出显示的输入(蓝色)与滤波器(红色)进行元素相乘,将其相加,然后通过偏置抵消结果来计算的。

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#### Convolutional layer

<p align="center">
<img src="image/conv_layer.png" width=500><br/>
Fig. 4. Convolutional layer<br/>

Convolutional layer is the core of Convolutional Neural Networks. The parameters in this layer are composed of a set of filters, or kernels. In forward step, each kernel moves horizontally and vertically, and compute dot product of the kernel and input on corresponding positions, then add bias and apply activation function. The result is two dimensional activation map. For example, some kernel may recognize corners, and some may recognize circles. These convolution kernels may respond strongly to the corresponding features.

Fig. 4 is a dynamic graph for a convolutional layer, where depths are not shown for simplicity. Input is $W_1=5,H_1=5,D_1=3$. In fact, this is a common representation for colored images. The width and height of a colored image corresponds to $W_1$ and $H_1$, and the 3 color channels for RGB corresponds to $D_1$. The parameters of convolutional layers are $K=2,F=3,S=2,P=1$. $K$ is the number of kernels. Here, $Filter W_0$ and $Filter   W_1$ are two convolution kernels. $F$ is kernel size. $W0$ and $W1$ are both $3\times3$ matrix in all depths. $S$ is stride. Kernels moves leftwards or downwards by 2 units each time. $P$ is padding, which is the extension for the input.

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#### 池化层

<p align="center">
<img src="image/max_pooling.png" width="400px"><br/>
图5. 池化层图片<br/>


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#### Pooling layer

<p align="center">
<img src="image/max_pooling.png" width="400px"><br/>
Fig. 5 Pooling layer<br/>

Pooling layer is a sampling method. The main functionality is to reduce computation by reducing network parameters. It also prevents over-fitting to some extent. Usually, a pooling layer is added after a convolutional layer. Pooling layer includes max pooling, average pooling, etc. Max pooling uses rectangles to divide input layer into several parts, and compute maximum value in each part as output (Fig. 5.)

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#### LeNet-5网络 

<p align="center">
<img src="image/cnn.png"><br/>
图6. LeNet-5卷积神经网络结构<br/>


- 神经元的三维特性: 卷积层的神经元在宽度、高度和深度上进行了组织排列。每一层的神经元仅仅与前一层的一块小区域连接,这块小区域被称为感受野(receptive field)。
- 局部连接:CNN通过在相邻层的神经元之间实施局部连接模式来利用空间局部相关性。这样的结构保证了学习后的过滤器能够对于局部的输入特征有最强的响应。堆叠许多这样的层导致非线性“过滤器”变得越来越“全局”。这允许网络首先创建输入的小部分的良好表示,然后从它们组合较大区域的表示。
- 共享权重:在CNN中,每个滤波器在整个视野中重复扫描。 这些复制单元共享相同的参数化(权重向量和偏差)并形成特征图。 这意味着给定卷积层中的所有神经元检测完全相同的特征。 以这种方式的复制单元允许不管它们在视野中的位置都能检测到特征,从而构成平移不变性的性质。

更详细的关于卷积神经网络的具体知识可以参考[斯坦福大学公开课]( )[图像分类](教程。

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#### LeNet-5 Network 

<p align="center">
<img src="image/cnn.png"><br/>
Fig. 6. LeNet-5 Convolutional Neural Network architecture<br/>

[LeNet-5]( is one of the simplest Convolutional Neural Networks. Fig. 6. shows its architecture: 2 dimensional image input is fed into two sets of convolutional layer and pooling layer, then it is fed into fully connected layer and softmax classifier. The following three properties of convolution enable LeNet-5 to better recognize images than Multilayer fully-connected perceptrons:

- 3D properties of neurons: a convolutional layer is organized by width, height and depth. Neurons in each layer are connected to only a small region in previous layer. This region is called receptive field.
- Local connection: CNN utilizes local space correlation by connecting local neurons. This design guarantees learned filter has strong response to local input features. Stacking many such layers leads non-linear filter becomes more and more global. This allows the network to first obtain good representation for a small parts of input, then combine them to represent larger region.
- Sharing weights: In CNN, computation is iterated with shared parameters (weights and bias) to form afeature map. This means all neurons in the same depth of output respond to the same feature. This allows detecting a feature regardless of its position in the input, and enables a property of translation equivariance.

For more details of Convolutional Neural Network , please refer to [Stanford open course]( ) and [Image Classification]( chapter。

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### 常见激活函数介绍  
- sigmoid激活函数: $ f(x) = sigmoid(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} $

- tanh激活函数: $ f(x) = tanh(x) = \frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}} $

  实际上,tanh函数只是规模变化的sigmoid函数,将sigmoid函数值放大2倍之后再向下平移1个单位:tanh(x) = 2sigmoid(2x) - 1 。

- ReLU激活函数: $ f(x) = max(0, x) $


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### List of common activation functions  
- Sigmoid activation function: $ f(x) = sigmoid(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} $

- Tanh activation function: $ f(x) = tanh(x) = \frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}} $

  In fact, tang function is just a rescaled version of sigmoid function. It is obtained by magnifying the value of sigmoid function and moving it downwards by 1.

- ReLU activation function: $ f(x) = max(0, x) $

For more information, please refer to [Activation functions in Wikipedia](

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## 数据准备

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## Data Preparation

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### 数据介绍与下载



将下载下来的数据进行 `gzip` 解压,可以在文件夹 `data/raw_data` 中找到以下文件:

|    文件名称          |       说明              |
|train-images-idx3-ubyte|  训练数据图片,60,000条数据 |
|train-labels-idx1-ubyte|  训练数据标签,60,000条数据 |
|t10k-images-idx3-ubyte |  测试数据图片,10,000条数据 |
|t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte |  测试数据标签,10,000条数据 |



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### Data and Download

Execute the following command to download [MNIST]( dataset and unzip, then put paths of training set and test set to train.list and test.list respectively for PaddlePaddle to read.


`gzip` downloaded data. The following files can be found in `data/raw_data`:

|    File name          |       Description              |
|train-images-idx3-ubyte|  Training images, 60,000 |
|train-labels-idx1-ubyte|  Training labels, 60,000 |
|t10k-images-idx3-ubyte |  Evaluation images, 10,000 |
|t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte |  Evaluation labels,10,000 |

Users can randomly generate 10 images with the following script (Refer to Fig. 1.)


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### 提供数据给PaddlePaddle

我们使用python接口传递数据给系统,下面 ``针对MNIST数据给出了完整示例。

# Define a py data provider
    input_types={'pixel': dense_vector(28 * 28),
                 'label': integer_value(10)})
def process(settings, filename):  # settings is not used currently.
		# 打开图片文件
    with open( filename + "-images-idx3-ubyte", "rb") as f:             
		# 读取开头的四个参数,magic代表数据的格式,n代表数据的总量,rows和cols分别代表行数和列数
        magic, n, rows, cols = struct.upack(">IIII",        
		# 以无符号字节为单位一个一个的读取数据
        images = np.fromfile(                                           
            f, 'ubyte',
            count=n * rows * cols).reshape(n, rows, cols).astype('float32')
		# 将0~255的数据归一化到[-1,1]的区间
        images = images / 255.0 * 2.0 - 1.0                             

		# 打开标签文件
    with open( filename + "-labels-idx1-ubyte", "rb") as l:             
		# 读取开头的两个参数
        magic, n = struct.upack(">II",                       
		# 以无符号字节为单位一个一个的读取数据
        labels = np.fromfile(l, 'ubyte', count=n).astype("int")         

    for i in xrange(n):
        yield {"pixel": images[i, :], 'label': labels[i]}

## 模型配置说明

### 数据定义

在模型配置中,定义通过 `define_py_data_sources2` 函数从 `dataprovider` 中读入数据。如果该配置用于预测,则不需要数据定义部分。

 if not is_predict:
     data_dir = './data/'
         train_list=data_dir + 'train.list',
         test_list=data_dir + 'test.list',

### 算法配置


- batch_size: 表示神经网络每次训练使用的数据为128条。
- 训练速度(learning_rate): 迭代的速度,与网络的训练收敛速度有关系。
- 训练方法(learning_method): 代表训练过程在更新权重时采用动量优化器 `MomentumOptimizer` ,其中参数0.9代表动量优化每次保持前一次速度的0.9倍。
- 正则化(regularization): 是防止网络过拟合的一种手段,此处采用L2正则化。

    learning_rate=0.1 / 128.0,
    regularization=L2Regularization(0.0005 * 128))

### 模型结构

#### 整体结构


``` python
data_size = 1 * 28 * 28
label_size = 10
img = data_layer(name='pixel', size=data_size)

predict = softmax_regression(img) # Softmax回归
#predict = multilayer_perceptron(img) #多层感知器
#predict = convolutional_neural_network(img) #LeNet5卷积神经网络
if not is_predict:
    lbl = data_layer(name="label", size=label_size)
    inputs(img, lbl)
    outputs(classification_cost(input=predict, label=lbl))

#### Softmax回归


def softmax_regression(img):
    predict = fc_layer(input=img, size=10, act=SoftmaxActivation())
    return predict

#### 多层感知器


def multilayer_perceptron(img):
    # 第一个全连接层,激活函数为ReLU
    hidden1 = fc_layer(input=img, size=128, act=ReluActivation())
    # 第二个全连接层,激活函数为ReLU
    hidden2 = fc_layer(input=hidden1, size=64, act=ReluActivation())
    # 以softmax为激活函数的全连接输出层,输出层的大小必须为数字的个数10
    predict = fc_layer(input=hidden2, size=10, act=SoftmaxActivation())
    return predict

#### 卷积神经网络LeNet-5 


def convolutional_neural_network(img):
    # 第一个卷积-池化层
    conv_pool_1 = simple_img_conv_pool(
    # 第二个卷积-池化层
    conv_pool_2 = simple_img_conv_pool(
    # 全连接层
    fc1 = fc_layer(input=conv_pool_2, size=128, act=TanhActivation())
    # 以softmax为激活函数的全连接输出层,输出层的大小必须为数字的个数10
    predict = fc_layer(input=fc1, size=10, act=SoftmaxActivation())
    return predict

## 训练模型

### 训练命令及日志

1.通过配置训练脚本 `` 来执行训练过程:

```bash                   # 在mnist_model.py中可以选择网络

paddle train \
--config=$config \                      # 网络配置的脚本
--dot_period=10 \                       # 每训练 `dot_period` 个批次后打印一个 `.`
--log_period=100 \						# 每隔多少batch打印一次日志
--test_all_data_in_one_period=1 \		# 每次测试是否用所有的数据
--use_gpu=0 \							# 是否使用GPU
--trainer_count=1 \						# 使用CPU或GPU的个数
--num_passes=100 \						# 训练进行的轮数(每次训练使用完所有数据为1轮)
--save_dir=$output \					# 模型存储的位置
2>&1 | tee $log

python -m paddle.utils.plotcurve -i $log > plot.png

配置好参数之后,执行脚本 `./` 训练日志类似如下所示:

I0117 12:52:29.628617  4538 TrainerInternal.cpp:165]  Batch=100 samples=12800 AvgCost=2.63996 CurrentCost=2.63996 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.241172  CurrentEval: classification_error_evaluator=0.241172 
I0117 12:52:29.768741  4538 TrainerInternal.cpp:165]  Batch=200 samples=25600 AvgCost=1.74027 CurrentCost=0.840582 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.185234  CurrentEval: classification_error_evaluator=0.129297 
I0117 12:52:29.916970  4538 TrainerInternal.cpp:165]  Batch=300 samples=38400 AvgCost=1.42119 CurrentCost=0.783026 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.167786  CurrentEval: classification_error_evaluator=0.132891 
I0117 12:52:30.061213  4538 TrainerInternal.cpp:165]  Batch=400 samples=51200 AvgCost=1.23965 CurrentCost=0.695054 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.160039  CurrentEval: classification_error_evaluator=0.136797 
......I0117 12:52:30.223270  4538 TrainerInternal.cpp:181]  Pass=0 Batch=469 samples=60000 AvgCost=1.1628 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.156233 
I0117 12:52:30.366894  4538 Tester.cpp:109]  Test samples=10000 cost=0.50777 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.0978 

2.用脚本 `` 可以画出训练过程中的误差变化曲线:

python softmax_train.log            

3.用脚本 ` ` 可以选出最佳训练的模型:

python softmax_train.log

### softmax回归的训练结果

<p align="center">
<img src="image/softmax_train_log.png" width="400px"><br/>
图7. softmax回归的误差曲线图<br/>


Best pass is 00013, testing Avgcost is 0.484447
The classification accuracy is 90.01%


### 多层感知器的训练结果

<p align="center">
<img src="image/mlp_train_log.png" width="400px"><br/>
图8. 多层感知器的误差曲线图


Best pass is 00085, testing Avgcost is 0.164746
The classification accuracy is 94.95%


### 卷积神经网络的训练结果

<p align="center">
<img src="image/cnn_train_log.png" width="400px"><br/>
图9. 卷积神经网络的误差曲线图


Best pass is 00076, testing Avgcost is 0.0244684
The classification accuracy is 99.20%


## 应用模型

### 预测命令与结果
脚本  `` 可以对训练好的模型进行预测,例如softmax回归中:

python -c -d data/raw_data/ -m softmax_mnist_model/pass-00047

- -c 指定模型的结构
- -d 指定需要预测的数据源,这里用测试数据集进行预测
- -m 指定模型的参数,这里用之前训练效果最好的模型进行预测


Input image_id [0~9999]: 3
Predicted probability of each digit:
[[  1.00000000e+00   1.60381094e-28   1.60381094e-28   1.60381094e-28
    1.60381094e-28   1.60381094e-28   1.60381094e-28   1.60381094e-28
    1.60381094e-28   1.60381094e-28]]
Predict Number: 0 
Actual Number: 0


## 总结


Yuanpeng 已提交
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