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## How to save a servable model of Paddle Serving?
- Currently, paddle serving provides a save_model interface for users to access, the interface is similar with `save_inference_model` of Paddle.
``` python
import as serving_io
serving_io.save_model("imdb_model", "imdb_client_conf",
                      {"words": data}, {"prediction": prediction},
`imdb_model` is the server side model with serving configurations. `imdb_client_conf` is the client rpc configurations. Serving has a 
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dictionary for `Feed` and `Fetch` variables for client to assign. In the example, `{"words": data}` is the feed dict that specify the input of saved inference model. `{"prediction": prediction}` is the fetch dic that specify the output of saved inference model. An alias name can be defined for feed and fetch variables. An example of how to use alias name
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 is as follows:
 ``` python
 from paddle_serving_client import Client
import sys

client = Client()

for line in sys.stdin:
    group = line.strip().split()
    words = [int(x) for x in group[1:int(group[0]) + 1]]
    label = [int(group[-1])]
    feed = {"words": words, "label": label}
    fetch = ["acc", "cost", "prediction"]
    fetch_map = client.predict(feed=feed, fetch=fetch)
    print("{} {}".format(fetch_map["prediction"][1], label[0]))