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# Model Zoo

## 1. Image Classification
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### 1.1 Quantization
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| Model | Method | Top-1/Top-5 Acc | Model Size(MB) | TensorRT latency(V100, ms) | Download |
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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
|MobileNetV1|-|70.99%/89.68%| 17 | -| [model]( |
|MobileNetV1|quant_post|70.18%/89.25% (-0.81%/-0.43%)| 4.4 | - | [model]( |
|MobileNetV1|quant_aware|70.60%/89.57% (-0.39%/-0.11%)| 4.4 | -| [model]( |
| MobileNetV2 | - |72.15%/90.65%| 15 | - | [model]( |
| MobileNetV2 | quant_post | 71.15%/90.11% (-1%/-0.54%)| 4.0   | - | [model]( |
| MobileNetV2 | quant_aware |72.05%/90.63% (-0.1%/-0.02%)| 4.0 | - | [model]( |
|ResNet50|-|76.50%/93.00%| 99 | 2.71 | [model]( |
|ResNet50|quant_post|76.33%/93.02% (-0.17%/+0.02%)| 25.1| 1.19 | [model]( |
|ResNet50|quant_aware|    76.48%/93.11% (-0.02%/+0.11%)| 25.1 | 1.17 | [model]( |

PaddleLite latency(ms)

| Device    | Model    | Method      | armv7 Thread 1 | armv7 Thread 2 | armv7 Thread 4 | armv8 Thread 1 | armv8 Thread 2 | armv8 Thread 4 |
| ------- | ----------- | ------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| Qualcomm 835 | MobileNetV1 | FP32 baseline | 96.1942        | 53.2058        | 32.4468        | 88.4955        | 47.95          | 27.5189        |
| Qualcomm 835 | MobileNetV1 | quant_aware   | 60.8186        | 32.1931        | 16.4275        | 56.4311        | 29.5446        | 15.1053        |
| Qualcomm 835 | MobileNetV1 | quant_post    | 60.5615        | 32.4016        | 16.6596        | 56.5266        | 29.7178        | 15.1459        |
| Qualcomm 835 | MobileNetV2 | FP32 baseline | 65.715         | 38.1346        | 25.155         | 61.3593        | 36.2038        | 22.849         |
| Qualcomm 835 | MobileNetV2 | quant_aware   | 48.3655        | 30.2021        | 21.9303        | 46.1487        | 27.3146        | 18.3053        |
| Qualcomm 835 | MobileNetV2 | quant_post    | 48.3495        | 30.3069        | 22.1506        | 45.8715        | 27.4105        | 18.2223        |
| Qualcomm 835 | ResNet50    | FP32 baseline | 526.811        | 319.6486       | 205.8345       | 506.1138       | 335.1584       | 214.8936       |
| Qualcomm 835 | ResNet50    | quant_aware   | 475.4538       | 256.8672       | 139.699        | 461.7344       | 247.9506       | 145.9847       |
| Qualcomm 835 | ResNet50    | quant_post    | 476.0507       | 256.5963       | 139.7266       | 461.9176       | 248.3795       | 149.353        |
| Qualcomm 855 | MobileNetV1 | FP32 baseline | 33.5086        | 19.5773        | 11.7534        | 31.3474        | 18.5382        | 10.0811        |
| Qualcomm 855 | MobileNetV1 | quant_aware   | 36.7067        | 21.628         | 11.0372        | 14.0238        | 8.199          | 4.2588         |
| Qualcomm 855 | MobileNetV1 | quant_post    | 37.0498        | 21.7081        | 11.0779        | 14.0947        | 8.1926         | 4.2934         |
| Qualcomm 855 | MobileNetV2 | FP32 baseline | 25.0396        | 15.2862        | 9.6609         | 22.909         | 14.1797        | 8.8325         |
| Qualcomm 855 | MobileNetV2 | quant_aware   | 28.1583        | 18.3317        | 11.8103        | 16.9158        | 11.1606        | 7.4148         |
| Qualcomm 855 | MobileNetV2 | quant_post    | 28.1631        | 18.3917        | 11.8333        | 16.9399        | 11.1772        | 7.4176         |
| Qualcomm 855 | ResNet50    | FP32 baseline | 185.3705       | 113.0825       | 87.0741        | 177.7367       | 110.0433       | 74.4114        |
| Qualcomm 855 | ResNet50    | quant_aware   | 327.6883       | 202.4536       | 106.243        | 243.5621       | 150.0542       | 78.4205        |
| Qualcomm 855 | ResNet50    | quant_post    | 328.2683       | 201.9937       | 106.744        | 242.6397       | 150.0338       | 79.8659        |
| Kirin 970 | MobileNetV1 | FP32 baseline | 101.2455       | 56.4053        | 35.6484        | 94.8985        | 51.7251        | 31.9511        |
| Kirin 970 | MobileNetV1 | quant_aware   | 62.5012        | 32.1863        | 16.6018        | 57.7477        | 29.2116        | 15.0703        |
| Kirin 970 | MobileNetV1 | quant_post    | 62.4412        | 32.2585        | 16.6215        | 57.825         | 29.2573        | 15.1206        |
| Kirin 970 | MobileNetV2 | FP32 baseline | 70.4176        | 42.0795        | 25.1939        | 68.9597        | 39.2145        | 22.6617        |
| Kirin 970 | MobileNetV2 | quant_aware   | 52.9961        | 31.5323        | 22.1447        | 49.4858        | 28.0856        | 18.7287        |
| Kirin 970 | MobileNetV2 | quant_post    | 53.0961        | 31.7987        | 21.8334        | 49.383         | 28.2358        | 18.3642        |
| Kirin 970 | ResNet50    | FP32 baseline | 586.8943       | 344.0858       | 228.2293       | 573.3344       | 351.4332       | 225.8006       |
| Kirin 970 | ResNet50    | quant_aware   | 488.361        | 260.1697       | 142.416        | 479.5668       | 249.8485       | 138.1742       |
| Kirin 970 | ResNet50    | quant_post    | 489.6188       | 258.3279       | 142.6063       | 480.0064       | 249.5339       | 138.5284       |

### 1.2 Pruning


env: Qualcomm SnapDragon 845 + armv8

criterion: time cost in Thread1/Thread2/Thread4

PaddleLite version: v2.3

|Model | Method | Top-1/Top-5 Acc | ModelSize(MB) | GFLOPs |PaddleLite cost(ms)|TensorRT speed(FPS)| download |
| MobileNetV1 |    Baseline    |         70.99%/89.68%         |       17       |  1.11  |66.052\35.8014\19.5762|-| [download]( |
| MobileNetV1 |  uniform -50%  | 69.4%/88.66% (-1.59%/-1.02%)  |       9        |  0.56  | 33.5636\18.6834\10.5076|-|[download]( |
| MobileNetV1 | sensitive -30% |  70.4%/89.3% (-0.59%/-0.38%)  |       12       |  0.74  | 46.5958\25.3098\13.6982|-|[download]( |
| MobileNetV1 | sensitive -50% | 69.8% / 88.9% (-1.19%/-0.78%) |       9        |  0.56  |37.9892\20.7882\11.3144|-| [download]( |
| MobileNetV2 |       -        |         72.15%/90.65%         |       15       |  0.59  |41.7874\23.375\13.3998|-| [download]( |
| MobileNetV2 |  uniform -50%  | 65.79%/86.11% (-6.35%/-4.47%) |       11       | 0.296  |23.8842\13.8698\8.5572|-| [download]( |
|  ResNet34   |       -        |         72.15%/90.65%         |       84       |  7.36  |217.808\139.943\96.7504|342.32| [download]( |
|  ResNet34   |  uniform -50%  | 70.99%/89.95% (-1.36%/-0.87%) |       41       |  3.67  |114.787\75.0332\51.8438|452.41| [download]( |
|  ResNet34   |  auto -55.05%  | 70.24%/89.63% (-2.04%/-1.06%) |       33       |  3.31  |105.924\69.3222\48.0246|457.25| [download]( |

### 1.3 Distillation

| Model | Method | Top-1/Top-5 Acc | Model Size(MB) | Download |
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80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
| MobileNetV1 |                     student                     |  70.99%/89.68%  |       17       | [model]( |
|ResNet50_vd|teacher|79.12%/94.44%| 99 | [model]( |
|MobileNetV1|ResNet50_vd<sup>[1](#trans1)</sup> distill|72.77%/90.68% (+1.78%/+1.00%)| 17 | [model]( |
| MobileNetV2 |                     student                     |  72.15%/90.65%  |       15       | [model]( |
| MobileNetV2 |            ResNet50_vd distill             |  74.28%/91.53% (+2.13%/+0.88%)  |       15       | [model]( |
|  ResNet50   |                     student                     |  76.50%/93.00%  |       99       | [model]( |
|ResNet101|teacher|77.56%/93.64%| 173 | [model]( |
|  ResNet50   |             ResNet101 distill              |  77.29%/93.65% (+0.79%/+0.65%)  |       99       | [model]( |
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Note: The `_vd` suffix indicates that the pre-trained model uses Mixup. Please refer to the detailed introduction: [mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization](
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92 93 94 95
### 1.4 NAS

| Model | Method | Top-1/Top-5 Acc | Volume(MB) | GFLOPs | Download |
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96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104
|   MobileNetV2   |       -        |            72.15%/90.65%           |     15      |  0.59  | [model]( |
| MobileNetV2_NAS |     SANAS      |  71.518%/90.208% (-0.632%/-0.442%) |     14      | 0.295  | [model]( |

Dataset: Cifar10
| Model | Method |  Acc  |  Params(MB) | Download |
|           Darts           |   -   |     97.135%         |        3.767         |  -  |
| Darts_SA(Based on Darts)  | SANAS |  97.276%(+0.141%)   |    3.344(-11.2%)     |  -  |

Note: The token of MobileNetV2_NAS is [4, 4, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 6, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 4, 5, 5, 1, 4, 8, 0, 0]. The token of Darts_SA is [5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 10, 7, 7, 5, 7, 7, 11, 10, 12, 10, 0, 5, 3, 10, 8].
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106 107

## 2. Object Detection
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### 2.1 Quantization
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Dataset: COCO 2017
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114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
|              Model              |  Method  | Dataset | Image/GPU | Input 608 Box AP | Input 416 Box AP | Input 320 Box AP | Model Size(MB) | TensorRT latency(V100, ms) |  Download  |
| :----------------------------: | :---------: | :----: | :-------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :----------: |:----------: |
|      MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3       |      -      |  COCO  |     8     |      29.3      |      29.3      |      27.1      |       95       |  - | [model]( |
|      MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3       | quant_post  |  COCO  |     8     |     27.9 (-1.4)|    28.0 (-1.3)      |    26.0 (-1.0) |       25       | -  | [model]( |
|      MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3       | quant_aware |  COCO  |     8     |     28.1 (-1.2)|  28.2 (-1.1)      |    25.8 (-1.2) |       26.3     | -  | [model]( |
|      R34-YOLOv3                |      -      |  COCO  |     8     |      36.2      |      34.3      |      31.4      |       162       |  - | [model]( |
|      R34-YOLOv3                | quant_post  |  COCO  |     8     | 35.7 (-0.5)    |      -         |      -         |       42.7      |  - | [model]( |
|      R34-YOLOv3                | quant_aware |  COCO  |     8     |  35.2 (-1.0)   | 33.3 (-1.0)    |     30.3 (-1.1)|       44       |  - | [model]( |
| R50-dcn-YOLOv3 obj365_pretrain |      -      |  COCO  |     8     |      41.4      |       -      |       -       |       177       | 18.56  |[model]( |
| R50-dcn-YOLOv3 obj365_pretrain | quant_aware |  COCO  |     8     |   40.6 (-0.8)  |       37.5   |       34.1    |       66       |  14.64 | [model]( |
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124 125 126

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128 129 130

131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
|     Model      |   Method    | Image/GPU | Input Size |        Easy/Medium/Hard         | Model Size(MB) |                           Download                           |
| :------------: | :---------: | :-------: | :--------: | :-----------------------------: | :--------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
|   BlazeFace    |      -      |     8     |    640     |         91.5/89.2/79.7          |       815        | [model]( |
|   BlazeFace    | quant_post  |     8     |    640     | 87.8/85.1/74.9 (-3.7/-4.1/-4.8) |       228        | [model]( |
|   BlazeFace    | quant_aware |     8     |    640     | 90.5/87.9/77.6 (-1.0/-1.3/-2.1) |       228        | [model]( |
| BlazeFace-Lite |      -      |     8     |    640     |         90.9/88.5/78.1          |       711        | [model]( |
| BlazeFace-Lite | quant_post  |     8     |    640     | 89.4/86.7/75.7 (-1.5/-1.8/-2.4) |       211        | [model](( |
| BlazeFace-Lite | quant_aware |     8     |    640     | 89.7/87.3/77.0 (-1.2/-1.2/-1.1) |       211        | [model]( |
| BlazeFace-NAS  |      -      |     8     |    640     |         83.7/80.7/65.8          |       244        | [model]( |
| BlazeFace-NAS  | quant_post  |     8     |    640     | 81.6/78.3/63.6 (-2.1/-2.4/-2.2) |        71        | [model]( |
| BlazeFace-NAS  | quant_aware |     8     |    640     | 83.1/79.7/64.2 (-0.6/-1.0/-1.6) |        71        | [model]( |
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### 2.2 Pruning
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Dataset:Pasacl VOC & COCO 2017
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147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
|             Model              |      Method       |  Dataset   | Image/GPU | Input 608 Box AP | Input 416 Box AP | Input 320 Box AP | Model Size(MB) | GFLOPs (608*608) |                           Download                           |
| :----------------------------: | :---------------: | :--------: | :-------: | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------------: | :------------: | :--------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
|      MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3       |     Baseline      | Pascal VOC |     8     |       76.2       |       76.7       |       75.3       |       94       |      40.49       | [model]( |
|      MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3       | sensitive -52.88% | Pascal VOC |     8     |   77.6 (+1.4)    |    77.7 (1.0)    |   75.5 (+0.2)    |       31       |      19.08       | [model]( |
|      MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3       |         -         |    COCO    |     8     |       29.3       |       29.3       |       27.0       |       95       |      41.35       | [model]( |
|      MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3       | sensitive -51.77% |    COCO    |     8     |   26.0 (-3.3)    |   25.1 (-4.2)    |   22.6 (-4.4)    |       32       |      19.94       | [model]( |
|         R50-dcn-YOLOv3         |         -         |    COCO    |     8     |       39.1       |        -         |        -         |      177       |      89.60       | [model]( |
|         R50-dcn-YOLOv3         | sensitive -9.37%  |    COCO    |     8     |   39.3 (+0.2)    |        -         |        -         |      150       |      81.20       | [model]( |
|         R50-dcn-YOLOv3         | sensitive -24.68% |    COCO    |     8     |   37.3 (-1.8)    |        -         |        -         |      113       |      67.48       | [model]( |
| R50-dcn-YOLOv3 obj365_pretrain |         -         |    COCO    |     8     |       41.4       |        -         |        -         |      177       |      89.60       | [model]( |
| R50-dcn-YOLOv3 obj365_pretrain | sensitive -9.37%  |    COCO    |     8     |   40.5 (-0.9)    |        -         |        -         |      150       |      81.20       | [model]( |
| R50-dcn-YOLOv3 obj365_pretrain | sensitive -24.68% |    COCO    |     8     |   37.8 (-3.3)    |        -         |        -         |      113       |      67.48       | [model]( |
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### 2.3 Distillation
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Dataset:Pasacl VOC & COCO 2017
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163 164

165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
|        Model        |         Method          |  Dataset   | Image/GPU | Input 608 Box AP | Input 416 Box AP | Input 320 Box AP | Model Size(MB) |                           Download                           |
| :-----------------: | :---------------------: | :--------: | :-------: | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3 |            -            | Pascal VOC |     8     |       76.2       |       76.7       |       75.3       |        94        | [model]( |
|   ResNet34-YOLOv3   |            -            | Pascal VOC |     8     |       82.6       |       81.9       |       80.1       |       162        | [model]( |
| MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3 | ResNet34-YOLOv3 distill | Pascal VOC |     8     |   79.0 (+2.8)    |   78.2 (+1.5)    |   75.5 (+0.2)    |        94        | [model]( |
| MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3 |            -            |    COCO    |     8     |       29.3       |       29.3       |       27.0       |        95        | [model]( |
|   ResNet34-YOLOv3   |            -            |    COCO    |     8     |       36.2       |       34.3       |       31.4       |       163        | [model]( |
| MobileNet-V1-YOLOv3 | ResNet34-YOLOv3 distill |    COCO    |     8     |   31.4 (+2.1)    |   30.0 (+0.7)    |   27.1 (+0.1)    |        95        | [model]( |
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173 174

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175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
### 2.4 NAS


|      Model      |  Method   | Image/GPU | Input size |        Easy/Medium/Hard         |  volume(KB) |    latency(ms)|                         Download                             |
| :------------: | :---------: | :-------: | :------: | :-----------------------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
|   BlazeFace    |      -      |     8     |   640    |         91.5/89.2/79.7          |      815       |       71.862     | [model]( |
| BlazeFace-NAS  |      -      |     8     |   640    |         83.7/80.7/65.8          |      244       |       21.117     |[model]( |
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| BlazeFace-NASV2 |    SANAS    |     8     |   640    |         87.0/83.7/68.5          |      389       |       22.558     | [model]( |
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Note: latency is based on latency_855.txt, the file is test on 855 by PaddleLite。The config of BlazeFace-NASV2 is in [there](
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187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
## 3. Image Segmentation

### 3.1 Quantization

|         Model          |   Method    |     mIoU      | Model Size(MB) |                           Download                           |
| :--------------------: | :---------: | :-----------: | :--------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| DeepLabv3+/MobileNetv1 |      -      |     63.26     |       6.6        | [model]( ) |
| DeepLabv3+/MobileNetv1 | quant_post  | 58.63 (-4.63) |       1.8        | [model]( |
| DeepLabv3+/MobileNetv1 | quant_aware | 62.03 (-1.23) |       1.8        | [model]( |
| DeepLabv3+/MobileNetv2 |      -      |     69.81     |       7.4        | [model]( |
| DeepLabv3+/MobileNetv2 | quant_post  | 67.59 (-2.22) |       2.1        | [model]( |
| DeepLabv3+/MobileNetv2 | quant_aware | 68.33 (-1.48) |       2.1        | [model]( |

Image segmentation model PaddleLite latency (ms), input size 769x769

| Device       | Model                  | Method        | armv7 Thread 1 | armv7 Thread 2 | armv7 Thread 4 | armv8 Thread 1 | armv8 Thread 2 | armv8 Thread 4 |
| ------------ | ---------------------- | ------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| Qualcomm 835 | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | FP32 baseline | 1227.9894      | 734.1922       | 527.9592       | 1109.96        | 699.3818       | 479.0818       |
| Qualcomm 835 | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | quant_aware   | 848.6544       | 512.785        | 382.9915       | 752.3573       | 455.0901       | 307.8808       |
| Qualcomm 835 | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | quant_post    | 840.2323       | 510.103        | 371.9315       | 748.9401       | 452.1745       | 309.2084       |
| Qualcomm 835 | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | FP32 baseline | 1282.8126      | 793.2064       | 653.6538       | 1193.9908      | 737.1827       | 593.4522       |
| Qualcomm 835 | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | quant_aware   | 976.0495       | 659.0541       | 513.4279       | 892.1468       | 582.9847       | 484.7512       |
| Qualcomm 835 | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | quant_post    | 981.44         | 658.4969       | 538.6166       | 885.3273       | 586.1284       | 484.0018       |
| Qualcomm 855 | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | FP32 baseline | 568.8748       | 339.8578       | 278.6316       | 420.6031       | 281.3197       | 217.5222       |
| Qualcomm 855 | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | quant_aware   | 608.7578       | 347.2087       | 260.653        | 241.2394       | 177.3456       | 143.9178       |
| Qualcomm 855 | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | quant_post    | 609.0142       | 347.3784       | 259.9825       | 239.4103       | 180.1894       | 139.9178       |
| Qualcomm 855 | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | FP32 baseline | 639.4425       | 390.1851       | 322.7014       | 477.7667       | 339.7411       | 262.2847       |
| Qualcomm 855 | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | quant_aware   | 703.7275       | 497.689        | 417.1296       | 394.3586       | 300.2503       | 239.9204       |
| Qualcomm 855 | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | quant_post    | 705.7589       | 474.4076       | 427.2951       | 394.8352       | 297.4035       | 264.6724       |
| Kirin 970    | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | FP32 baseline | 1682.1792      | 1437.9774      | 1181.0246      | 1261.6739      | 1068.6537      | 690.8225       |
| Kirin 970    | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | quant_aware   | 1062.3394      | 1248.1014      | 878.3157       | 774.6356       | 710.6277       | 528.5376       |
| Kirin 970    | Deeplabv3- MobileNetV1 | quant_post    | 1109.1917      | 1339.6218      | 866.3587       | 771.5164       | 716.5255       | 500.6497       |
| Kirin 970    | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | FP32 baseline | 1771.1301      | 1746.0569      | 1222.4805      | 1448.9739      | 1192.4491      | 760.606        |
| Kirin 970    | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | quant_aware   | 1320.2905      | 921.4522       | 676.0732       | 1145.8801      | 821.5685       | 590.1713       |
| Kirin 970    | Deeplabv3-MobileNetV2  | quant_post    | 1320.386       | 918.5328       | 672.2481       | 1020.753       | 820.094        | 591.4114       |

### 3.2 Pruning

|   Model   |      Method       |     mIoU      | Model Size(MB) | GFLOPs |                           Download                           |
| :-------: | :---------------: | :-----------: | :--------------: | :----: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| fast-scnn |     baseline      |     69.64     |        11        | 14.41  | [model]( |
| fast-scnn | uniform  -17.07%  | 69.58 (-0.06) |       8.5        | 11.95  | [model]( |
| fast-scnn | sensitive -47.60% | 66.68 (-2.96) |       5.7        |  7.55  | [model]( |