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Yibing Liu 已提交
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# Pantheon: Paddle large-scale scalable knowledge distillation framework

Pantheon is a universal solution for knowledge distillation in Paddle Fluid. Its design takes account of many possible behaviors of teacher models. Every teacher and student model in Pantheon works in different processes and they communicate with each other via local files or TCP/IP ports. The knowledge can be easily transferred to the student model from a single teacher model or the ensemble of multiple teacher models, in which each teacher model can work in online or offline mode independently. And Pantheon also provides a highly optimized interface for the large-scale prediction of teacher models. Beneficial from the low coupling of teachers and the student, users can allocate computation resources for different roles dependent on their computation complexity, and build a large-scale and practical knowledge distillation learning system on Pantheon.  

The illustration below shows an application of Pantheon, where the sudent model is trained with knowledge from multiple online teachers. These teachers may work on the same node but different devices, or different nodes with the student model, as long as they can communicate with each other via the Internet. The student model can send queries to teachers, and the latter take these queries as input and generate streaming knowledge data for the former. Or in a simpler way, the student model can read the training data in the **same order** with the teachers, avoiding the procedure of sending queryies.  

<div align="center">
  <img src="images/pantheon_arch.png" width=600 /> <br>
  The architecture for one online knowledge distillation system based on Pantheon

## Prerequisites

- Python 2.7.x or 3.x
- PaddlePaddle >= 1.7.0
Yibing Liu 已提交
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## APIs

Pantheon defines two classes **Teacher** and **Student** for the communication and knowledge transfer between teacher and student.

- **Teacher**: used by the teacher model. Can receive queries from student and write out the knowledge from teacher model via TCP/IP port (online mode) or into a local file (offline mode).
- **Student**: used by the student model. Can receive and merge the knowledge from teachers, and feed the student model along with local data for training.

Usually, the public methods of these two classes work in the pairwise way. Their mapping relations and suitable working modes are listed in the following table.

    <th rowspan="2">Teacher</th>
    <th rowspan="2">Student</th>
    <th colspan="2">Supported Graph</th>
    <th colspan="2">Mode</th>
    <th rowspan="2">remarks</th>
    <td><strong>__init__</strong>(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;out_path=None,          <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;out_port=None)</td>
    <td><strong>send</strong>(data, <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <td rowspan="3"><strong>start_knowledge_service</strong>(
    <td rowspan="3">[7]</td>


  - [1] Decalre the teacher object for teacher model with **out\_path** or **out\_port**, and the student for student model with **merge\_strategy** for knowledge from different teachers.
  - [2] Register a teacher, and allocate an id for it which starts from zero in the order of registration. **register\_teacher()** can be called many times for multiple-teacher mode.
  - [3] Estabish TCP/IP link between teachers and the student, and synchronize all of them.
  - [4] Send one data from teacher to student.
  - [5] Send one data from student to teacher.
  - [6] Dump one batch knowledge data into the output file.
  - [7] Highly optimized high-level interfaces to build service for knowledge transfer:
     -  **start\_knowledge\_service()** can perform large-scale prediction of teacher model on multiple devices;
     - Support auto merging of knowledge from different teachers;
     - Support auto reconnection of student and teachers.

### About the data format

- **Knowledge**: A dictionary with the keys specified by users and the values that are numpy ndarray tensors predicted by teacher models. The first dimension of tensors should be batch size and LoDTensor is not supported yet. One can call **get\_knowledge\_desc()** to get the description of knowledge, which is also a dictionary, including the shape, data type and LoD level about knowledge data.
- **Offline knowledge file**: The first line is knowledge description, and the following lines are knowledge data, one line for one batch samples, all dumped by cPickle.

### Usage

If separately runnable teacher models and the student model
have been ready, basically one can build the trainable system with knowledge
distillation by following two simple steps.

1) Instantiate a **Teacher** object for the teacher model, and launch knowledge serving


from paddleslim.pantheon import Teacher

teacher = Teacher(out_path=args.out_path, out_port=args.out_port)

    schema={"x": inp_x,
            "y": y},
    reader_config={"batch_generator": batch_generator},

2) Instantiate a **Student** object, specify the way to merge knowledge, register teachers,
   and get knowledge description and data generator for the student model

from paddleslim.pantheon import Student

student = Student(merge_strategy={"result": "sum"})

        in_address=args.in_address0, in_path=args.in_path0)
        in_address=args.in_address1, in_path=args.in_path1)

knowledge_desc = student.get_knowledge_desc()
data_generator = student.get_knowledge_generator(
    batch_size=32, drop_last=False)

### Example

Here provide a toy example to show how the knowledge data is transferred from teachers to the student model and merged.

In the directory [demo/pantheon/](../../demo/pantheon/), there implement two teacher models (not trainable, just for demo): teacher1 takes an integer **x** as input and predicts value **2x-1**, see in [](../../demo/pantheon/; teacher2 also takes **x** as input and predicts **2x+1**, see in [](../../demo/pantheon/ They two share a data reader to read a sequence of increasing natural numbers from zero to some positive inter **max_n** as input and generate different knowledge. And the schema keys for  knowledge in teacher1 is [**"x", "2x-1", "result"**], and [**"2x+1", "result"**] for knowledge in teacher2, in which **"result"** is the common schema and the copy of two  predictions respectively. On instantiating the **Student** object, the merging strategy for the common schema **"result"** should be specified, and the schema keys for the merged knowledge will be [**"x", "2x-1", "2x+1", "result"**], with the merged **"result"** equal to **"2x"** when the merging strategy is **"mean"** and **"4x"** when merging strategy is **"sum"**. The student model gets merged knowledge from teachers and prints them out, see in [](../../demo/pantheon/

The toy "knowledge distillation" system can be launched in three different modes, i.e., offline, online and their hybrid. All three modes should have the same outputs, and the correctness of results can be verified by checking the order and values of outputs.

1) **Offline**

 The two teachers work in offline mode, and start them with given local file paths.

nohup python -u --use_cuda true --out_path teacher1_offline.dat > teacher1_offline.log 2>&1&
nohup python -u --use_cuda true --out_path teacher2_offline.dat > teacher2_offline.log 2>&1&
 After the two executions both finished, start the student model with the two generated knowledge files.

 python -u \
        --in_path0 teacher1_offline.dat \
        --in_path1 teacher2_offline.dat

2) **Online**

The two teachers work in online mode, and start them with given TCP/IP ports. Please make sure that the ICP/IP ports are available.

nohup python -u --use_cuda true --out_port 8080  > teacher1_online.log 2>&1&
nohup python -u --use_cuda true --out_port 8081  > teacher2_online.log 2>&1&
Start the student model with the IP addresses that can reach the ports of the two teacher models, e.g., in the same node

python -u \
         --in_address0 \
         --in_address1 \
**Note:** in online mode, the starting order of teachers and the sudent doesn't matter, and they will wait for each other to establish connection.

3) **Hybrid of offline and online**

One teacher works in offline mode and another one works in online mode. This time, start the offline teacher first. After the offline knowledge file gets well prepared, start the online teacher and the student at the same time.